Lusche: don't be so literal. I meant the arena, the server, I was using the same meaning as you.
He didn't say "unperk it because it sucks" which is subjective opinion, he pulled out numbers, and tried to say "I have conclusively quantified that the spit14 is a far inferior plane than the spit16 because of these numbers, this number is less than that number, therefore the plane itself is less, and should be unperked" and in doing so has fabricated certain assumptions but not bothered to explain them.
Karnak: You have taken the most braod brush available and tried to imply the finest level of detail. You have to go into detail to explain how you are taking into account use of the plane for each sortie the impact of the perk price itself, the type of pilots that fly the 14 (those that are more skilled, die less, etc) and the other aspects of gameplay that will affect use and effectiveness of the kill/death ratio as an indication of its worth as a plane ranking number.
Instead you simply list the kills/deaths, totals, and assume by very very broad margins that these numbers imply a difference in QUALITY of the plane itself.
You do not go into any detail about any of the other aspects that can and do affect these numbers, but instead assume a number is a number, and that your first interpretation must be perfect.
I have second hand experience with quantitative analysis, and I can tell you any number of variables can and will skew your analysis and conclusions at the end, and those that do quantitative analysis (based on polling, raw numbers, etc) must take into respect MANY extraneous variables.
None of which you've even scratched the surface with.
You might as well use numerology, it will be as accurate in reflecting what you want as the way you've done it.