Author Topic: Clearer Communication in the MA  (Read 15860 times)

Offline stephen waldron

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Clearer Communication in the MA
« on: June 23, 2008, 12:57:18 PM »
  This request is directed to the players in Aces High and not Hitech.  Because Hitech can not address the problem.  Or maybe they can by posting it in their MA etiquette rules for all players.
  Often while playing in the Main Arena I try to make contact by voice and text with other players and I get no responce.  Just dead air and empty text.  I know these players are actively engaged in the game, because I can see their blips flying around on the screen.  Yet they refuse to communicate or can't be bothered with it.
  This lack of respect for proper communication etiquette is extremely frustrating and adversely effects the game play of the flier needing to communicate.  I'll give you an example.
  You're flying airfield supplies into a base where the radar is down and you're trying to find out what kind of opposition you are facing.  You can see half a dozen of your countrymen flying directly over the base and getting ZERO responce.  The next thing you know, you got an nme Typhoon shooting down your C-47 while your heretofore silent and too busy to be bothered countrymen holler "CHECK 6" ! "CHECK 6" !
  Lemme tell all of you something.  If you're too #*^#ing busy to warn me about the nme Typhoon at 5K over the base, I sure as heck don't need to hear your stupid #*^#ing "CHECK 6" warning either.  I can tell from the flames and the sound of the bullets hitting my C-47 I've got an nme plane shooting at me.  But I suppose some people can't pass up the chance to get in some sarcastic humor.
  This hasn't happened once or twice.  It happens repeatedly in the MA and it happens no matter what country you fly for.  This behavior is boorish, childish and completely below the standard of professionalism expected of a combat pilot (even in a game). 

Offline Ghastly

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 01:15:27 PM »
This behavior is boorish, childish and completely below the standard of professionalism expected of a combat pilot (even in a game).

Oh, the irony.... the irony!

"Curse your sudden (but inevitable!) betrayal!"

Offline hammer

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 01:48:59 PM »
Your lack of situational awareness is nobody's fault but your own. Here are a few of many possible factors which may have led to the scenario you described.

1) The "Check 6" may well have been sent before the Typhie got there but, due to lag, you didn't receive it until after you were shot up.

2) If you were between your countrymen and the typhie, there is a good chance the typhie was not within icon range until it was almost on you. If it wasn't within icon range and there are enemy planes within icon range of them, there is a good chance they didn't notice the dot approaching you.

3) If the friendlies were engaged, there is a good chance they did not notice the typhie approaching you at all.

4) If you had already become a nuisance on vox, there is a good chance people were already ignoring you and decided not to give you a "check 6".

The bottom line is that warnings and "check 6s" are nice to have but it is your job to know what is going on around you.



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Offline hubsonfire

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 02:22:49 PM »
    Lemme tell all of you something.  If you're too #*^#ing busy to warn me about the nme Typhoon at 5K over the base, I sure as heck don't need to hear your stupid #*^#ing "CHECK 6" warning either.  I can tell from the flames and the sound of the bullets hitting my C-47 I've got an nme plane shooting at me.  But I suppose some people can't pass up the chance to get in some sarcastic humor.
  This hasn't happened once or twice.  It happens repeatedly in the MA and it happens no matter what country you fly for.  This behavior is boorish, childish and completely below the standard of professionalism expected of a combat pilot (even in a game). 

Consider this, for a moment. Most of the MA population right now is just as clueless as you are (although at least some of them have the capacity for learning and rational thought, traits you obviously lack), and relying on them to babysit you is going to (hopefully) result in your being bitterly disappointed every single time you log in.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 02:36:43 PM »
  This request is directed to the players in Aces High and not Hitech.  Because Hitech can not address the problem.  Or maybe they can by posting it in their MA etiquette rules for all players.
  Often while playing in the Main Arena I try to make contact by voice and text with other players and I get no responce.  Just dead air and empty text.  I know these players are actively engaged in the game, because I can see their blips flying around on the screen.  Yet they refuse to communicate or can't be bothered with it.
  This lack of respect for proper communication etiquette is extremely frustrating and adversely effects the game play of the flier needing to communicate.  I'll give you an example.
  You're flying airfield supplies into a base where the radar is down and you're trying to find out what kind of opposition you are facing.  You can see half a dozen of your countrymen flying directly over the base and getting ZERO responce.  The next thing you know, you got an nme Typhoon shooting down your C-47 while your heretofore silent and too busy to be bothered countrymen holler "CHECK 6" ! "CHECK 6" !
  Lemme tell all of you something.  If you're too #*^#ing busy to warn me about the nme Typhoon at 5K over the base, I sure as heck don't need to hear your stupid #*^#ing "CHECK 6" warning either.  I can tell from the flames and the sound of the bullets hitting my C-47 I've got an nme plane shooting at me.  But I suppose some people can't pass up the chance to get in some sarcastic humor.
  This hasn't happened once or twice.  It happens repeatedly in the MA and it happens no matter what country you fly for.  This behavior is boorish, childish and completely below the standard of professionalism expected of a combat pilot (even in a game). 

There is nothing that says I have to reply to every idiot in the game, which is explains why I never reply to you in game.  Also, as others have pointed out, SA is your own responsibility.  It's not my job to warn you there is a enemy plane flying in the vicinity or one is diving on your six.

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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2008, 03:43:02 PM »
  This request is directed to the players in Aces High and not Hitech.  Because Hitech can not address the problem.  Or maybe they can by posting it in their MA etiquette rules for all players.
  Often while playing in the Main Arena I try to make contact by voice and text with other players and I get no responce.  Just dead air and empty text.  I know these players are actively engaged in the game, because I can see their blips flying around on the screen.  Yet they refuse to communicate or can't be bothered with it.
  This lack of respect for proper communication etiquette is extremely frustrating and adversely effects the game play of the flier needing to communicate.  I'll give you an example.
  You're flying airfield supplies into a base where the radar is down and you're trying to find out what kind of opposition you are facing.  You can see half a dozen of your countrymen flying directly over the base and getting ZERO responce.  The next thing you know, you got an nme Typhoon shooting down your C-47 while your heretofore silent and too busy to be bothered countrymen holler "CHECK 6" ! "CHECK 6" !
  Lemme tell all of you something.  If you're too #*^#ing busy to warn me about the nme Typhoon at 5K over the base, I sure as heck don't need to hear your stupid #*^#ing "CHECK 6" warning either.  I can tell from the flames and the sound of the bullets hitting my C-47 I've got an nme plane shooting at me.  But I suppose some people can't pass up the chance to get in some sarcastic humor.
  This hasn't happened once or twice.  It happens repeatedly in the MA and it happens no matter what country you fly for.  This behavior is boorish, childish and completely below the standard of professionalism expected of a combat pilot (even in a game). 

What is your in game name, I'll write you down on my "pay no mind" list.   You are on Probation in this Forum, but yet "wish to inform the masses".    Unfortunately, a few idjits will actually read your drivel and use it.   

I think you should either leave the game or take a break.   Obviously your SA sucks and you wish to take it out on the one's nearest you as you float down or end up in the tower.   

Ironically enough, the only child is yourself.   
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2008, 04:09:21 PM »


 :rofl about boorish and you bother to read the tripe you type here??
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Bronk

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2008, 04:10:41 PM »
Just a thought.
Probably your BBS persona has followed you to the MA. People are now squelching you as soon as they log in.
See Rule #4

Offline stephen waldron

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2008, 04:18:34 PM »
  Don't try to apologize or rationalize away uncooperative and rude radio etiquette to me with "make believe" excuses.  If they didn't know I was inbound with a C-47 the first time, they darn sure should'a responded differently the second time I was shot down trying to reach the same base.  Guess what. A repeat of the first incident.  
  Only on the third attempt did I manage to deliver the supplies, and the ONLY reason I succeeded was because the two nme planes had expended all their bullets on the bananas hiding under their own flak and we're outbound back to their base to rearm.  I got ZERO communication support from anyone during the entire episode.
   Here's the ONLY irony in the situation..  Once the Ord was restored the bananas were able to take the fight to the nme, knock out two factory complexes and capture the enemy air base consolidating the island.  Which was the reason why the supply drop was so urgently needed in the first place.
   The whole situational awareness routine is getting old.  By the time a C-47 SEES an LA-7 he's DEADMEAT..  and you bananas darn sure know it.  The only way a C-47 can EVADE an LA-7 is if it gets a warning and can turn away before the LA-7 identifies him.
   Sure you can be childish and refuse to communicate.   I could be childish too and just fly somewhere else.  Or else sit in a Flak gun on the field WITHOUT shooting at the nme planes and enjoy watching you bananas die, because you have no ordinance to fight back with.  The whole time, I could be sitting on the ground throwing "CHECK" SIX up at you and work on your situational awareness for a while.  That sounds like something you would do.  I don't play like that though, because it RUINS the game for everybody.  

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2008, 04:29:35 PM »
 Don't try to apologize or rationalize away uncooperative and rude radio etiquette to me with "make believe" excuses.  If they didn't know I was inbound with a C-47 the first time, they darn sure should'a responded differently the second time I was shot down trying to reach the same base.  Guess what. A repeat of the first incident.  
  Only on the third attempt did I manage to deliver the supplies, and the ONLY reason I succeeded was because the two nme planes had expended all their bullets on the bananas hiding under their own flak and we're outbound back to their base to rearm.  I got ZERO communication support from anyone during the entire episode.
   Here's the ONLY irony in the situation..  Once the Ord was restored the bananas were able to take the fight to the nme, knock out two factory complexes and capture the enemy air base consolidating the island.  Which was the reason why the supply drop was so urgently needed in the first place.
   The whole situational awareness routine is getting old.  By the time a C-47 SEES an LA-7 he's DEADMEAT..  and you bananas darn sure know it.  The only way a C-47 can EVADE an LA-7 is if it gets a warning and can turn away before the LA-7 identifies him.
   Sure you can be childish and refuse to communicate.   I could be childish too and just fly somewhere else.  Or else sit in a Flak gun on the field WITHOUT shooting at the nme planes and enjoy watching you bananas die, because you have no ordinance to fight back with.  The whole time, I could be sitting on the ground throwing "CHECK" SIX up at you and work on your situational awareness for a while.  That sounds like something you would do.  I don't play like that though, because it RUINS the game for everybody.  

Ask Phantomz how a C-47 can land two 262 kills, capture a base and land it.    I was in the C-47.

Again, what is your in game name?   
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2008, 04:32:59 PM »
Anyone gotta clue rake to spare??? I think Stephen is in dire need!!! :D
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline BillyD

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2008, 04:48:52 PM »
I think that Typhoon was me   :aok
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Offline hammer

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2008, 05:22:13 PM »
 Don't try to apologize or rationalize away uncooperative and rude radio etiquette to me with "make believe" excuses.  If they didn't know I was inbound with a C-47 the first time, they darn sure should'a responded differently the second time I was shot down trying to reach the same base.  Guess what. A repeat of the first incident.  
  Only on the third attempt did I manage to deliver the supplies, and the ONLY reason I succeeded was because the two nme planes had expended all their bullets on the bananas hiding under their own flak and we're outbound back to their base to rearm.  I got ZERO communication support from anyone during the entire episode.
   Here's the ONLY irony in the situation..  Once the Ord was restored the bananas were able to take the fight to the nme, knock out two factory complexes and capture the enemy air base consolidating the island.  Which was the reason why the supply drop was so urgently needed in the first place.
   The whole situational awareness routine is getting old.  By the time a C-47 SEES an LA-7 he's DEADMEAT..  and you bananas darn sure know it.  The only way a C-47 can EVADE an LA-7 is if it gets a warning and can turn away before the LA-7 identifies him.
   Sure you can be childish and refuse to communicate.   I could be childish too and just fly somewhere else.  Or else sit in a Flak gun on the field WITHOUT shooting at the nme planes and enjoy watching you bananas die, because you have no ordinance to fight back with.  The whole time, I could be sitting on the ground throwing "CHECK" SIX up at you and work on your situational awareness for a while.  That sounds like something you would do.  I don't play like that though, because it RUINS the game for everybody.  
Wow. Reading your reply made me think of a reply Widewing once posted. I searched for it to use it and guess what? It was posted in response to you.

Quote from: widewing
I can fix many things, but stupid isn't one of them.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 05:24:34 PM by hammer »

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Offline Rino

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2008, 05:39:11 PM »
     As I have grown, I have come to the realization that the world does not
revolve around me. 
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Offline Ponyace

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2008, 05:49:18 PM »
Your lack of situational awareness is nobody's fault but your own.

Couldnt have put it any better myself, hammer. :aok  you were going to a base that you KNEW was under attack. And yet you blame the guys around you for not "protecting" you. Have you thought that perhaps its because of the bad reputation you have for blaming others for your problems that they didnt help you
Formerly "Ponyace"