Author Topic: Clearer Communication in the MA  (Read 15866 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #45 on: June 24, 2008, 08:31:35 AM »
Like Widewing has said, if you're a banana in-game no one will check 6 you. I know that there are a few guys that I will not check 6 for any reason, regardless of how much trouble they're in. Their behaviour has led me to think so poorly of them that I will not lift a finger (literally) to enhance their leisure time.

Translation:  No one wants to clear the 6 of an a@@ spewing poo.
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Offline SlapShot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2008, 09:01:34 AM »
 I tell you what. Let's try an experiment instead. You claim someone can practice situational awareness in a situation they haven't arrived at yet.  O.K.  So you give me the names of five shoppers who will be a WalMart in Slidell, Louisiana at 11:00 PM tonight.  Right now.  I'll go there at exactly 11:00 PM and page them on the intercom and ask them to come to the customer service desk.  You already know how many of them are going to show up...  ZERO.  But we'll give it a shot since you're so sure you're right.
  Next I'll give you all day and all night Tuesday to "practice" you're situational awareness skills.  And we'll have another go at it 11:00 PM tommorrow night. And we'll see just how long you're going to continue with this INSANE argument.    
  There's no way a pilot enroute to a base with the radar down can know before he gets there what opposition he will encounter, without using a radio to call someone else who's already there.  I don't care how much you practice.  That's why they put radios in airplanes.  Now that IS on topic.

Let's see if you can absorb this ...

I roll a C-47.

I look at the map and the sector that my target base is in.

The red darbar is at max.

The green darbar is half the size of the red darbar.

I see that there are 4 green dots in that sector.

I can now assume that the enemy population in that sector, with good certainty, is probably twice the amount of friendlies.

I can figure all that out ... before my wheels have left the ground ... and it would more than likely be very accurate.

Your total lack of gameplay mechanics knowledge is not something new to us, for a newcomer, but it's your arrogance and insistence that you really do know the gameplay mechanics is what is blowing our minds.

In the 6+ years that I have been in this game and on this BBS, I have seen some real "winners", but you, by far, have moved to the top of the "winners" list.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline angelsandair

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2008, 10:55:35 AM »

In the 6+ years that I have been in this game and on this BBS, I have seen some real "winners", but you, by far, have moved to the top of the "winners" list.

What about Valdals and CMustard?  :O  :noid
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Offline stephen waldron

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2008, 02:24:08 PM »
  Good communication is THE single most important factor in a successful engagement.  Too much is made in the AH community about minute details like comparing armor thickness and the difference between the trajectory of a 30mm cannon round compared to a 20mm.  Much is also made about the need for pilots to practice their skills.  But neither practice nor a good knowledge of minutia is going to save your plane if you dive on a deacked airbase and there's an nme Flak Panzer sitting down there you don't know about, because none of your countrymen bothered to warn you about it. 
   Poor communication results in unnecessary casualties and missed opportunities to strike at the enemy.  The net result is a blown mission, an enemy who escapes and lots of friendly casualties.  Naturally these premadonnas are incapable of accepting responsibility for the failure of a mission or the untimely demise of their countrymen.  Instead, they're going to blame it on your lack of skill, general knowledge and situational awareness. 
   "Situational" awareness is not just the product of one individuals skill to correctly assess a situation.  It is the cooperation and input of many individuals that leads to a complete picture of the battlefield.  So ironically, the excuse most used to explain failure is relevant, but not in the sense it is most commonly applied.

Offline APDrone

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2008, 02:34:25 PM »
  Good communication is THE single most important factor in a successful engagement.  Too much is made in the AH community about minute details like comparing armor thickness and the difference between the trajectory of a 30mm cannon round compared to a 20mm.  Much is also made about the need for pilots to practice their skills.  But neither practice nor a good knowledge of minutia is going to save your plane if you dive on a deacked airbase and there's an nme Flak Panzer sitting down there you don't know about, because none of your countrymen bothered to warn you about it. 
   Poor communication results in unnecessary casualties and missed opportunities to strike at the enemy.  The net result is a blown mission, an enemy who escapes and lots of friendly casualties.  Naturally these premadonnas are incapable of accepting responsibility for the failure of a mission or the untimely demise of their countrymen.  Instead, they're going to blame it on your lack of skill, general knowledge and situational awareness. 
   "Situational" awareness is not just the product of one individuals skill to correctly assess a situation.  It is the cooperation and input of many individuals that leads to a complete picture of the battlefield.  So ironically, the excuse most used to explain failure is relevant, but not in the sense it is most commonly applied.

Mr. Waldron,

The biggest misconception you seem to have is that everybody who is playing at any given time has the same priorities and objectives .. or SHOULD have as you do.

Once you get over this misconception, you will find AH Karma and enlightenment.

At any given time, hundreds of people are involved with their own priorities and agendas for what they wish to accomplish in the game.  Some it's field capture, others it's furballing, other it's toolshedding, others it's radar-busting, other it's field gunning..etc ad nausem.

Each of these people are playing for themselves for their enjoyment. 

Occasionally, the stars will align and a 'zone' of cooperation happens and teamwork ensues.  This can be a wonderful time, for sure.. but it cannot be enforced, mandated, nor otherwise created by the mere desires of a handful.

Relish the times when it happens. 

Tolerate the times when it doesn't.

Once you have mastered that, you can pursue the sound of one hand clapping.


Scenario "Battle of Britain" KG53

Offline hubsonfire

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2008, 02:53:54 PM »
He has to be a troll, as no one could be this stupid without applying themselves to the task. Such a person as he pretends to be could not have survived his first unsupervised bath.

Situational awareness is defined as being told what is happening around you by others, while stubbornly refusing to directly observe these events yourself?

That's not even good bait and he got us.
++Blue Knights++

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Offline Ghastly

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #51 on: June 24, 2008, 03:05:05 PM »
But neither practice nor a good knowledge of minutia is going to save your plane if you dive on a deacked airbase and there's an nme Flak Panzer sitting down there you don't know about, because none of your countrymen bothered to warn you about it.

What part of it's not someone else's job to tell you about the Flak Panzer do you still not get?

Hubs, I suspect that he's just one of those individuals that can't let a few little things like facts disrupt his version of reality. I believe that they have a word for that condition ...
"Curse your sudden (but inevitable!) betrayal!"

Offline stephen waldron

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #52 on: June 24, 2008, 03:08:15 PM »
  Another most commonly used excuse for poor communication is game lag.  This one really tickles me, because lag appears to occur most frequently in conjunction with the absence of a timely warning.  LOL.  Ever notice that ?  
  Since I've been playing AH I've seen nme planes warp all over the screen maybe a dozen times.  I certainly don't expect "lag" to be a major factor every time I take a plane up, or, I'd have to find another game to play.  Yet lag is constantly being used to excuse a lack of communication.
  Nobody gives you the range to target an nme CV with your 8 inch gun.. it's lag.  Nobody bothers to mention the nme panzer sitting on the beach when you launch an LVT..  it's lag.  Nobody mentions the nme CV was sunk five minutes ago and you end up flying into the CAP it left behind..  Guess what ?  Of course it's LAG.
  When this excuse is used so frequently in the same situations, you insult the intelligence of the other players.  Believe me.  We know the difference between lag and withholding of information.  You're not fooling anyone and you are ruining the game for everyone.
  Let's try to be a little more professional out there and expand our "situational" awareness to include the other guy.  And lose the "lag" excuse.  

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2008, 03:35:19 PM »
It's "waldren", by the way, should you happen to encounter him during the 7 or 8 hours a day that he plays.

Duly noted, thanks Hub.   He's on "my list".    <<S>> bud.
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2008, 03:42:48 PM »
He has to be a troll, as no one could be this stupid without applying themselves to the task. Such a person as he pretends to be could not have survived his first unsupervised bath.

Situational awareness is defined as being told what is happening around you by others, while stubbornly refusing to directly observe these events yourself?

That's not even good bait and he got us.


Call me sentimental...but, I do believe this guy is that dumb.  :D
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Nisky

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2008, 03:44:45 PM »
Btw what alt were you at from the ground?
just talk about random stuff but please stay on topic

Pastafarian for life

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #56 on: June 24, 2008, 04:28:11 PM »
What about Valdals and CMustard?  :O  :noid

They have been pushed down to 2nd on the list (they are tied) ...  ;)
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #57 on: June 24, 2008, 04:40:36 PM »
 Another most commonly used excuse for poor communication is game lag.  This one really tickles me, because lag appears to occur most frequently in conjunction with the absence of a timely warning.  LOL.  Ever notice that ?  
  Since I've been playing AH I've seen nme planes warp all over the screen maybe a dozen times.  I certainly don't expect "lag" to be a major factor every time I take a plane up, or, I'd have to find another game to play.  Yet lag is constantly being used to excuse a lack of communication.
  Nobody gives you the range to target an nme CV with your 8 inch gun.. it's lag.  Nobody bothers to mention the nme panzer sitting on the beach when you launch an LVT..  it's lag.  Nobody mentions the nme CV was sunk five minutes ago and you end up flying into the CAP it left behind..  Guess what ?  Of course it's LAG.
  When this excuse is used so frequently in the same situations, you insult the intelligence of the other players.  Believe me.  We know the difference between lag and withholding of information.  You're not fooling anyone and you are ruining the game for everyone.
  Let's try to be a little more professional out there and expand our "situational" awareness to include the other guy.  And lose the "lag" excuse.  

I can get a "situation report" anytime I ask over any field, and I can also get distance to CV targets when in the 8 inch guns, if someone has already hit it ... probably because I don't piss people off and treat them with respect.

Let me see if maybe this may clear things up for you.

If the arrogance that you display on the BBS is an indication of what you may display while in the game, then the lack of communication, by them, with you, is probably directly attributed to your arrogant attitude ... it has nothing to do with lag. People probably just don't like you, and with that, they just don't care to "communicate" with you ... I know that I won't be "communicating" with you anytime soon in the MAs if I am in the same area as you ... and believe me, I won't be relying on yours, as I don't rely on others either ... I am solely responsible for myself.

Keep pissin' people off.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #58 on: June 24, 2008, 04:46:28 PM »
But neither practice nor a good knowledge of minutia is going to save your plane if you dive on a deacked airbase and there's an nme Flak Panzer sitting down there you don't know about, because none of your countrymen bothered to warn you about it. 

Ummm... might be stating the obvious here but did you consider looking down before you dove in?  BTW, down is v way.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline SlapShot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2008, 04:53:12 PM »
Ummm... might be stating the obvious here but did you consider looking down before you dove in?  BTW, down is v way.

Why would he ?

He is relying on everyone else around him to be his eyes and ears with no responsibility on his part ... his failings is our fault.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."