Author Topic: Clearer Communication in the MA  (Read 15865 times)

Offline Lusche

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2008, 05:07:52 PM »
Why would he ?

He is relying on everyone else around him to be his eyes and ears with no responsibility on his part ... his failings is our fault.

Just like he demanded CV should be locked when someone takes off ("taking off from turning CV is a stunt"), or external views enabled for figthers for "increased realism"

Each time he fails, it's the game's fault...
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Offline stephen waldron

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2008, 11:00:26 PM »
  Oh ! How silly of me.  I didn't realize you had to be a "SUCK-UP" to get everyone else in the game to talk to you.  I thought that was in YOUR interest, not mine.  Unless you are such a premodonna you think ONLY YOU have anything to contribute to winning the game.
  And daring to criticize anyone will get you alienated ?  How old are you guys ?  ten years old ?  That stuff hasn't been in since grade school.  You can stick both fingers in your ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP YOUR FEET and hold your breath until you pass out for all I care. 
   I never got any useful information from one of you guys in the past in the MA, what's supposed to make me think it's gonna happen in the future if I "SUCK-UP" and tell you how friggin brilliant you are ?  What's my motivation ?  I mean since you brought it up.

Offline RAIDER14

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2008, 11:05:33 PM »
just give up all your going to get out of this is a PNG

Offline hubsonfire

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2008, 11:26:04 PM »
nm, I'm kind of enjoying this...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:56:46 PM by hubsonfire »
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Offline moot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2008, 11:26:57 PM »
  Oh ! How silly of me. The only way I could ever get anyone in the game to talk to me is to "SUCK-UP" .  Because all I know is MY interest, not anyone else's.  I am such a premodonna that I think ONLY ME could have anything to contribute to winning the game.
  Anyone daring to criticize what I say makes me feel alienated!  How old is my mental age?  ten years old ?  That stuff hasn't been in since grade school.  I can and so far always do stick both fingers in my ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP my FEET and hold my breath until I pass out for all anyone cares. 
   I never got any useful information from one of you guys in the past in the MA, and nothing could make me think it's gonna happen in the future since the only alternative to "SUCKING UP" I can imagine [cue Freud] is to stick both fingers in my ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP my FEET and hold my breath until I pass out "SUCKING-UP" and telling you how friggin brilliant you are.  What's my motivation ?  Playing out the same retarded nonsense as in every other thread I've started so far.
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Widewing

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #65 on: June 24, 2008, 11:38:27 PM »
  a premodonna

LOLOLOL  Prima donna would be the correct term....

Listen Stephen, the sucking up noise I hear is that vacuum between your ears attempting to equalize to ambient. You are the most disagreeable curmudgeon we've had on this BBS in many years. You've had experts offer good advice, to which you turn up your nose. Clearly, you have the survival instinct of a blind squirrel crossing an interstate. Your bent towards self-destruction, however, is quite amusing.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Rollins

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2008, 11:50:10 PM »
  Oh ! How silly of me.  I didn't realize you had to be a "SUCK-UP" to get everyone else in the game to talk to you.  I thought that was in YOUR interest, not mine.  Unless you are such a premodonna you think ONLY YOU have anything to contribute to winning the game.
  And daring to criticize anyone will get you alienated ?  How old are you guys ?  ten years old ?  That stuff hasn't been in since grade school.  You can stick both fingers in your ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP YOUR FEET and hold your breath until you pass out for all I care. 
   I never got any useful information from one of you guys in the past in the MA, what's supposed to make me think it's gonna happen in the future if I "SUCK-UP" and tell you how friggin brilliant you are ?  What's my motivation ?  I mean since you brought it up.

While I agree that you must be a troll, I'll play along and go with 'you're not'.  That point made, take 30 seconds and actually read what you posted. I mean really read it.  Are you hardly surprised that you are getting the reception you are?
You're coming to dinner, complaining about the food, then when it's explained to you how it's made and how you can enjoy it...ya take a dump on the table and burst into tears.  Really, c'mon.

Edit: Whoops missed that one.
By the way, it's "prima donna", not "pre-madonna", you stupid bastard.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:52:20 PM by Rollins »    Here kitty kitty...

Offline Delirium

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2008, 11:56:00 PM »
All I ask is he cut down to one post a week, otherwise the comical nature of it gets over-played.

Think about it, we can call it 'Wednesdays With Waldron' and he can entertain us with his whimsical posts.

How about this Wednesday (today) we have the first 'Wednesdays With Waldron' (called WWW in the future) be centered around;

 "Why do the enemy planes move when I get a gun solution on them? They shouldn't be allowed to do that!"
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #68 on: June 25, 2008, 12:59:24 AM »
Clearly, you have the survival instinct of a blind squirrel crossing an interstate.

If you keep this up you're going to take over Hubs as my favorite poster to read.

 :rofl :rofl :rofl
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Nisky

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #69 on: June 25, 2008, 02:06:34 AM »
All I ask is he cut down to one post a week, otherwise the comical nature of it gets over-played.

Think about it, we can call it 'Wednesdays With Waldron' and he can entertain us with his whimsical posts.

How about this Wednesday (today) we have the first 'Wednesdays With Waldron' (called WWW in the future) be centered around;

 "Why do the enemy planes move when I get a gun solution on them? They shouldn't be allowed to do that!"

I fell outta my chair laughing at this
just talk about random stuff but please stay on topic

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Offline Cajunn

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #70 on: June 25, 2008, 02:37:22 AM »

I just knew this was going to get ugly....Even a noob knows not to post a thread like this....and let me look to see if i have any donut left because I think I just mine chewed!!!
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Offline moot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2008, 03:31:27 AM »
You guys obviously like to pick on the newcomers!
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Noir

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #72 on: June 25, 2008, 04:03:20 AM »
check 6 ! a typhoon will be killing you in 10 seconds ! you're dead with a check 6, does that change anything ?

If you were going to a friendly field, why didn't you check the target area from the tower before rolling ?

Ok I took the bait, but I'm starting to enjoy this thread  :D
now posting as SirNuke

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2008, 07:39:51 AM »
How old are you guys ?  ten years old ?  That stuff hasn't been in since grade school.  You can stick both fingers in your ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP YOUR FEET and hold your breath until you pass out for all I care. 

Don't you get it? What you typed above is precisely what you have been doing in this thread since you started it. Why do you think people believe you are a squeaker or a troll?? It's because you are acting like one.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline SlapShot

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Re: Clearer Communication in the MA
« Reply #74 on: June 25, 2008, 08:49:42 AM »
  Oh ! How silly of me.  I didn't realize you had to be a "SUCK-UP" to get everyone else in the game to talk to you.  I thought that was in YOUR interest, not mine.  Unless you are such a premodonna you think ONLY YOU have anything to contribute to winning the game.
  And daring to criticize anyone will get you alienated ?  How old are you guys ?  ten years old ?  That stuff hasn't been in since grade school.  You can stick both fingers in your ears and scream.. NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NAH ! NANNY ! NAH ! and STAMP YOUR FEET and hold your breath until you pass out for all I care. 
   I never got any useful information from one of you guys in the past in the MA, what's supposed to make me think it's gonna happen in the future if I "SUCK-UP" and tell you how friggin brilliant you are ?  What's my motivation ?  I mean since you brought it up.

"SUCKING UP" is no where near ... treating people with "RESPECT".

I am not the least surprised that you don't know the difference. Your arrogance would never allow you to see people as an equal and treat them with any semblance of "respect". Until you lose your feeling of superior self importance, your ability to communicate with people (in this game), and their ability to communicate with you, will suffer terribly.


Ar"ro*gance\, n. [F., fr. L. arrogantia, fr. arrogans. See Arrogant.] The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness; haughtiness; self-assumption; presumption.
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