A '44-45 western front Campaign Series, that still offered a base capture but placed a value on Axis strats solely might be the way to go. The strat hardness could be increased greatly to limit it so that the only effective way to attack it would be with the heavies. The Allies would get points or increase Axis downtimes by hitting the strats, Axis would get the same for defending them. Would most likely have to do some calculating on the max damage a squadron sized Heavy raid could do to generate a victory point level.
I am also thinking that maybe a perk still system to limit the planeset might be they way to go with this one. It would be great to include planes like the 262 and 163 but if limited to a base the Allies could still see a unrealistic amount upping if they attack in the base's area. By incorporating some type of a perk system, the occasional rocket fighter upping to intercept will add excitement to both sides.
Just kinda thinking out loud, there has to be a way to make a historical arena that still is "fun". Need to keep thinking and be prepared( and OPEN) to makechanges mid-setup to tweak these new ideas coming on. Also should be prepared to pull the plug on something that is evidently not working. The health of the arena now that it has finally got a pulse again, should be a concern for all of us not just the staff.