I heard it was a fight over $15 which was owed to the rooks, by the bishs within in 2 weeks. 2 weeks passed, and negotiations soon fell apart after a bish diplomat was HO'd by Rook. A lone nit, passing by, realized what was going on, and wanted a piece of the pie, and picked said rook. At first, the bish thought that they had found an allie to launch a coordinated attack against the bish, which caused the bish to cry foul.
Soon there were agents, and double agents, suspected everywhere. Eventually, the nits grew tired of the bish trying to tell them where to go and what to do all the time, so they temporarily joined the rook cause, which only lasted, (interestingly enough) 2 weeks, as the rooks where in negotiations to join the bish cause to rid the MA of nits.
Eventaully, tired of all of this, a new group was formed. Though only connected by an idea they could not be counted on as they were continually moving around causing generals of all countries much grief and strife. What is worse, is that they never followed any orders when they were flying for a certain country and appeared to be doing crazy things with their aircraft, completely against regulation. The rest as they say is history, the war continues.