Author Topic: You want change...?  (Read 3071 times)

Offline Yossarian

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You want change...?
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:24:54 PM »
I don't need to tell you that John McCain will just bring us another four years of the same. You can't change America when you supported George Bush's policies 95% of the time.

Also, for all your anti-Obama BS (usually BS), here's something:

BS: Barack Obama does not display a flag on his campaign plane

RUMOUR:  Since Barack Obama renovated his campaign plane in July 2008, there has been a false rumor that the new exterior did not include an American flag on the outside of the plane.

TRUTH:  Barack Obama’s campaign plane does, in fact, display the American flag on the outside fuselage of the plane.


BS: John McCain is attacking Barack Obama for not visiting wounded troops

RUMOUR:  John McCain, his spokesmen, and his TV ads have all been politicizing our heroes overseas by making the false claim that Barack Obama snubbed wounded troops by not visiting them on his foreign trip.

TRUTH:  Barack Obama’s campaign canceled an originally private visit (no media) to wounded troops in Germany to avoid politicizing our soldiers during his campaign-funded trip in Germany.

BS: Barack Obama didn't take time for the troops.

RUMOUR: Conservative blogs, referencing an inaccurate email from abroad, have been spreading the rumor that Barack Obama gave troops the cold shoulder on his foreign trip.

TRUTH:  Barack Obama spent time throughout his foreign trip visiting with and thanking our troops.


BS: Michelle Obama isn't proud of her country.

TRUTH:  Michelle Obama's comments about her pride in her country have been taken out of context, again, by both the Tennessee and Washington State Republican parties in paid advertisements attacking Michelle.

Michelle Obama loves the United States and the opportunities it has given her. Even Laura Bush has defended her comments – watch the video.

BS: An email claims that Barack Obama wants to tax your home, IRA, & even your water.

RUMOUR:  A rapidly spreading email is tricking thousands—if not millions—of Americans with outrageous lies and misrepresentations about Barack Obama's tax policies.

TRUTH:  The independent group,, concludes that the smear email about Barack Obama and taxes is “a pack of lies.”


BS: Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape

TRUTH:  Michelle Obama is a successful attorney, a loving mother, and a respectful person. But Rush Limbaugh and his fellow right-wing attack-dogs have been spreading baseless rumors about a non-existent video tape showing Michelle Obama using a racial epithet.

The tape that Rush and others are spreading rumors about doesn't exist.

BS/RUMOUR:  Barack Obama can't produce his birth certificate

TRUTH:  Barack Obama was born in America, and his story could only happen here. But some smear-mongers claim he can't produce his birth certificate and that he is not a natural-born citizen.

Barack Obama has made his birth certificate public and it can be seen here.

BS:  Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim

TRUTH:  Barack is a committed Christian who was sworn into the Senate on his family bible, but unscrupulous right-wing operatives are repeating the lie that he was raised a Muslim. These assertions are completely false and designed to play into the worst kind of stereotypes.

Senator Obama is a committed Christian. He has never been Muslim, and was not raised in that faith.

BS:  Obama's Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks

TRUTH:  Barack believes in racial reconciliation based on our mutual responsibility to ourselves and each other. But a recent email forward quotes alterations, deliberate manipulations, and an outright fabrication of Obama's words on race and religion as fact.

Recent viral emails quote Barack Obama's books out of context

BS: Barack Obama Won't Say the Pledge of Allegiance & He Won't Put His Hand Over His Heart

TRUTH:  Barack Obama's grandfather, a WWII veteran, taught him the Pledge of Allegiance and inspired his strong love of this country. There's even video of Barack honoring the flag, but people who want to tear him down claim he refuses to put his hand over his heart or say the Pledge.

Barack Obama loves his flag and his country. Watch a video of Barack leading The Pledge of Allegiance in the United States Senate, with his hand over his heart.
Spread the Truth
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
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Offline Toad

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 06:27:07 PM »

McC or Obamessiah is more of the same toejam we've had for the last 20 years.

If you truly want change and you truly want freedom, vote Libertarian.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 06:35:46 PM »

McC or Obamessiah is more of the same poop we've had for the last 20 years.

If you truly want change and you truly want freedom, vote Libertarian.

He ain't voting AT ALL. Look at his location, then ask him his age and voting status.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline RedTop

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 06:38:42 PM »


Good to know....if your country ever gets a chance to VOTE here....we'll know where your at...until then.....

Swing and a misssssss!!!!!!.....JUSTTTTT a bit outside.
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Offline john9001

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 06:39:05 PM »
biden has been a senator for 36 years, he will bring reaL change. :rolleyes:

Offline Toad

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 06:45:28 PM »
For anyone who still believes the bullpoop about change, I suggest taking a few minutes and reading this editorial on the power of the Presidency.

McC or Obamessiah you're getting more of the same.

Joe Biden and the political establishment's overriding goal

Writing in a New York Times blog yesterday, Clinton pollster Mark Penn hails the selection of Joe Biden as "a smart and successful choice" and says this:

From Al Gore on, the role of the vice president seems to have fundamentally changed. It used to be where the winner parked the loser or some other figure that he wanted to neutralize. Now, with the centralization of government power in the White House, the vice president has become essentially a Cabinet head. Indeed, the last two vice presidents have had real portfolios and responsibilities, second only to the president.
That we live in a country characterized by "the centralization of government power in the White House" -- exactly what the Constitution was designed to prevent -- is now so self-evident that it's not even debated or contested any longer...

...Since Pelosi and Reid took over Congress, the Congress has funded the Iraq war without even a symbolic condition. It has rejected every proposal to limit war spending. It has enacted one right-wing proposal after the next, from warrantless surveillance and telecom immunity to declaring parts of the Iranian Government a "terrorist organization." It passed a housing bill and "stimulus" package approved by the administration. It has done nothing to reverse the radical executive power theories and has done much to institutionalize them. If there is one predominant trait of the Congress over the past several years, it has been a willingness to grant every item on the the President's wish list regardless of whether Democrats or Republicans are in control....

...Whether rightly or wrongly, Biden is approved of and deemed to have Seriousness credentials by the political establishment because they perceive that he affirms those central precepts and they see his selection as a sign that Obama will, too. And there is much to suggest that that perception -- at least as it applies to Biden -- is correct. In an October, 2001 New Republic article, Michael Crowley recounted that Biden was continuously boasting that the terrorism bill sent to Congress by John Ashcroft (soon to be called The Patriot Act) was a replica of legislation that Biden had long advocated -- ever since the Oklahoma City courthouse bombing:...

...What is most significant here is that for all the talk about how radical and horrible the Bush presidency has been, for all the hand-wringing over how deeply dissatisfied the citizenry is with our political institutions and direction of the country, what establishment figures like David Ignatius, Fred Hiatt and David Brooks crave most is to ensure that nothing really change. To them, what is most vital is that everything continue more or less as is, and that in particular, we continue to be a country ruled by "the centralization of government power in the White House," in which even the meekest and most ineffectual of Congressional leaders -- Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi -- are attacked for being too "partisan," disruptive and belligerent.

Congress was, in theory, the instrument for the citizenry to exert influence over the Government -- to enable citizens to decide when and if we went to war, how we conducted ourselves in the world, what power political leaders would have over citizens, what limits would constrain them. That's why the political establishment wants to reduce and neuter Congressional power as much as possible.

What the David Ignatiuses and Fred Hiatts of the world fear most is any meaningful influence on the part of the citizenry over the levers of Government (as the Post's Shailagh Murray said in explaining why the Government should ignore public opposition to the Iraq War: "Would you want a department store manager or orthodontist running the Pentagon? I don't think so"). Preserving "the centralization of government power in the White House" is the best and most effective means devised thus far for allowing the political elite to run the country without interference from the dirty, stupid masses, and though the establishment generally believes (accurately) that Republicans serve those ends more effectively, what they care about most is obtaining a bipartisan commitment to continuing that state of affairs. They're fine with rhetoric bashing the Bush administration -- now that it's almost over. What they oppose most vociferously is any effort to change the framework that enabled it...


« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 06:47:31 PM by Toad »
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline bj229r

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 07:20:51 PM »
Liberals have done so well for the UK :aok
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline Meatwad

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2008, 08:47:53 PM »
See Rule 19- Do not place sausage on pizza.
I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
Das Funkillah - I kill hangers, therefore I am a funkiller. Coming to a vulchfest near you.
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Offline Yossarian

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2008, 09:04:22 PM »
Virgil and RedTops, I'm pleased to tell you that although I may be below voting age, I (and my parents) have dual nationalities, and they'll both be voting for Obama.  :D

Also, bj229r, I'm not so sure about the 'liberal' part of that statement, but yes, the government has done very well for the UK.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
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Offline Elfie

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2008, 09:31:50 PM »
Cracks me up when people from other countries try to influence our opinions on how we should vote.  :lol
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2008, 09:48:08 PM »
Why is it that every time a Democrat says something stupid and un-American its called, "taking it out of context"? We have Politicians now that exhorted armed rebellion back in the '60s?......"taken out of context". John Kerry at Winter Soldier?."taken out of context". Al Gore inventing the Internet and having been in combat reporting for Stars and Stripes?..."taken out of context". That she/male Hillary bragging how she braved war in Serbia?..."taken out of context".

I can go back to LBJ myself, "I wont send American boys 1/2 way across the world to fight a war that Asian boys should be fighting for themselves".

Ready?          ..........ready?......"Taken out of context". :rofl
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Yossarian

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2008, 10:17:03 PM »
Why is it that every time a Democrat says something stupid and un-American its called, "taking it out of context"? We have Politicians now that exhorted armed rebellion back in the '60s?......"taken out of context". John Kerry at Winter Soldier?."taken out of context". Al Gore inventing the Internet and having been in combat reporting for Stars and Stripes?..."taken out of context". That she/male Hillary bragging how she braved war in Serbia?..."taken out of context".

I can go back to LBJ myself, "I wont send American boys 1/2 way across the world to fight a war that Asian boys should be fighting for themselves".

Ready?          ..........ready?......"Taken out of context". :rofl

I'm sure the same thing has been said about Republicans.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline Hangtime

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2008, 10:52:47 PM »



I mean, really, really, truly?

« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 11:55:44 PM by Hangtime »
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline eagl

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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2008, 10:56:14 PM »
Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.


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Re: You want change...?
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2008, 10:57:46 PM »
The Euro's are really into Obamalama ding dong.  

I respect that you have something you believe in and are willing to stand behind what you say.  

It is really amazing that someone in the UK (Even if your parents are US citizens) has anything to say about our politics after all the one sided BS that is in the UK & the rest of the Euro media.  The US media is just as screwed up. Freaking news readers.

I am not for Obama.


Hangtime, has the cheese slid off your cracker???
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 11:00:34 PM by RATTFINK »
Hitting trees since tour 78