Author Topic: Second Night Reflections  (Read 2552 times)

Offline dedalos

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2008, 04:24:38 PM »
Like Spixteens, Nikis and P-51s? :rolleyes:

No, like fights
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2008, 04:27:30 PM »
No, like fights

Someone has to start them.  If everyone has the mindset that they will only play once a fight is already going, then it's impossible.
334th FS

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2008, 04:29:29 PM »
Someone has to start them.  If everyone has the mindset that they will only play once a fight is already going, then it's impossible.

 :rofl New here? Put it back the way it was before this war BS and maybe the people that were kicked out in favor of the milk runners will come back? 
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2008, 04:39:24 PM »
The arena, before the war (and when the war is not running) never has had more than 10-15 people in it, if anyone at all, except on rare occasions... I'm sure it was fun for those 10-15 people to have their own personal arena, but the war does actually appeal to a larger player base.
This of course is based on the year and a half I've been around... if 5 years ago the AvA was packed with the old kind of set up, that's great, but quite honestly it's wholly irrelevant.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 04:45:18 PM by Motherland »

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2008, 04:52:47 PM »
:rofl New here? Put it back the way it was before this war BS and maybe the people that were kicked out in favor of the milk runners will come back? 

<uses his willpower not to post a reply> :aok
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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2008, 05:35:23 PM »
The arena, before the war (and when the war is not running) never has had more than 10-15 people in it, if anyone at all, except on rare occasions... I'm sure it was fun for those 10-15 people to have their own personal arena, but the war does actually appeal to a larger player base.
This of course is based on the year and a half I've been around... if 5 years ago the AvA was packed with the old kind of set up, that's great, but quite honestly it's wholly irrelevant.


The AvA is not a dueling arena.
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Offline crockett

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2008, 07:47:46 PM »
The arena, before the war (and when the war is not running) never has had more than 10-15 people in it, if anyone at all, except on rare occasions... I'm sure it was fun for those 10-15 people to have their own personal arena, but the war does actually appeal to a larger player base.
This of course is based on the year and a half I've been around... if 5 years ago the AvA was packed with the old kind of set up, that's great, but quite honestly it's wholly irrelevant.

ok this is a long one...

Yea but lets not forget what happened the last time the land grab set up was put in place, which was very similar to this. The first week or so it was pretty good fighting, then some of the MA squads ended up having squad nights in the AvA. Unfortunately those squads tended to be big on the milk running rather than fighting for bases.

The natural balance between milk running and fighting was lost and the arena quickly turned into milk running bases for the capture points. I remember one night the Axis ran a crap load of JU88's up the coast line followed up by goons and captured about 5 Allies bases. The Allies turned right around and recaptured every single one of the bases, one of them was within 5 mins because the Axis didn't defend them at all.

Reason? They got points for new captured bases and if they lost the base 5 mins later it didn't really matter, because as long as the had that captured base screen shot it was all good. The arena slowly started moving to that kind of milking along with NOE raids and that's about the time I stopped showing up. AvA slowly died again after that, because the balance between fighters and milk run hoarders was lost.

Now, I'm not saying this set up will lead to the same thing, but IMO the focus of this game should be about fighting. Winning the war and capturing bases should be used to help shape the fight and the war, however it shouldn't over take the fighting as the primary focus. If it does it will then it will turn into typical MA milk hoards and NOE missions. In short the land grabbers will find what ever way they can, to fight as little as possible because it's all about "winning the war" and the arena will end up dieing once again because of a loss of ballence.

This doesn't mean there can't be room for both groups, but we need to find a way balance out the need for both groups. With that said, there is a natural tension between both groups of players when the focus is about capturing bases. The furballers get a good fight going and they will get ticked off in some milk runner comes in and drops the FH's. On the flip side, the Win the war guys always get ticked off at the furballers because they drop the FH's and wonder why the furballers won't shoot town buildings.

So these two totally different types of players end up getting forced to play one or the others game play at various time and it always ended us making one group or the other not happy. The thing we need to do is figure out a way to make each group useful but not force one group into some sort of game play they don't want to do. The problem is, with what we have to work with, it's a tall order and a very hard task.

With that said the original poster does have some valid points. and I'll add base capturing tends to lead to a lot of the dweebism that goes on in the MA's. The bigger side always pushes the smaller side back to the point the fights tends to turn into what we had last night. A big hoard of aircraft hovering close to a base praying on easy kills in the typical pulling the wings off flies because they can type MA flying. The focus on fighting turns into "lets see how many easy kills I can get" rather than hey I'd love to fight a great fight.

This ends up killing the fight because the team with no chance stops upping, the fighter guys don't give a crap about the base capture, so the win the war guys get pissed off at that as well. With this map the bases are so far away in many situations, that the guys getting hoarded don't bother to fly from another base and just end up logging off.

The other side of the coin, is the base capture system always ends up leading to capture the base any way we can with as little fighting as possible. It always ends up the very thing meant to spur the fight, ends up killing the fight. This leads to the Whack a mole syndrome that we saw in the last AvA land grab set up and what we often see in the MA's.

I don't really know the answer to solve the problem, If I did there would be a hell of a lot of happy players for about 5 days before they figured out some way to game the game.  :lol

I do know this.. historically fighters and bombers were not used to capture bases they were used to hit strategic targets or defend things. So why do we focus on capturing bases to win a war? This is just some random thoughts off the top of my head, but maybe it's something to work with.

Why not harden base ack and FH's so they can't be killed. Take the focus away from actually capturing a base but still leave the ability to target things like fuel, troops & ords. We then make all the strat targets like troop factories and ammo factories the main objectives for winning the war. The front lines could then be moved around by damage done to strat targets or another option would be to move the front lines by a historical timeline.

You would have to harden the strats up and make them tough to kill, so a lone guy couldn't go around easily porking all the bases or strats by him self, the key would be figuring out a set up that encouraged team play for he win the war guys, while letting the furballers do their thing and not be affected too much by the win the war types. A set up like this could allow each group of players to have fun but also not affect each other too much.

Now the cons to a system like this, is it would take much more time for the CM's if winning the war was calculated by damage points so that is a major draw back. Another problem is if the win the war guys are just off bombing and attacking strat targets, there wouldn't be a lot of players who would be willing to defend against them.

Like I said those ideas are just off the top of my head, but I do know there are problems with them. On the flip side I always know the focusing of winning the war based off capturing bases allways leads to head butting between the furballers and landgrabbers, besides that as I said about the base captures always tend to cause a lot of dweebery. The solution has to be somewhere in that mix around the base captures IMHO.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 07:56:47 PM by crockett »

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2008, 08:03:07 PM »
Welcom Back Arlo lol JK
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2008, 08:08:36 PM »
Strafing, that is a very good analysis of the AvA's dynamics and what is needed to make it fun for everyone.  The closest we came to your idea was BoA, where strategic targets mattered a lot and base capture was disabled (I think).  The problem then was that bombing strats decreased the amount of money the targeted side had to purchase aircraft for the next round, and hence the allies had c-hogs and tempests by the end while the axis had G-14s, D9's, etc.  I think a similar idea would be very worthwhile to test in the future, but without the purchasing of aircraft...more like your idea where bombing strats simply equals points or gains bases for the next round.
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Offline crockett

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2008, 09:34:29 PM »
Strafing, that is a very good analysis of the AvA's dynamics and what is needed to make it fun for everyone.  The closest we came to your idea was BoA, where strategic targets mattered a lot and base capture was disabled (I think).  The problem then was that bombing strats decreased the amount of money the targeted side had to purchase aircraft for the next round, and hence the allies had c-hogs and tempests by the end while the axis had G-14s, D9's, etc.  I think a similar idea would be very worthwhile to test in the future, but without the purchasing of aircraft...more like your idea where bombing strats simply equals points or gains bases for the next round.

Yea that's why I'm really not a fan of plane set limitations in that fashion, because it just compounds the advantage one side has over the other. I've played games since Pong so I've played a lot of games over the years and played a lot of multi-player games and played on countless servers. The one key thing I've noticed is that both with games and servers for specific games, they are only popular if it's evenly matched.

Look at Battlefield 2. The Iraqi tanks wouldn't hold a match to a US tank in real life but in the game they are both equally matched. With a good game server, they are never popular if one team is always stacked and better than the other, the players just move on to another server.

This game isn't like BF2, because each aircraft is different and the Allies for the most part on average have much better aircraft and are much easier to fly. We can't change that and keep things somewhat realistic. Yet this unballence will naturally tend to push more players to fly the easier aircraft because they know it will be easier to get more kills. Going into this we already have a unbalanced plane set so the deck is already stacked against us on making things fair for both teams.

Luckily we have guys that are willing to take up the challenge of flying harder aircraft but even those players get tired of it if it's just too unbalanced. The problem is you definitely can't keep giving one side better aircraft because they are doing better in the war, that will totally make things lopsided and will never allow a player base to be built up.

This is IMHO the only thing that is going to draw more players into AvA is a bigger plane set. I know the entire idea you guys are trying to do is to make things as historically accurate as possible, but history isn't really that much fun specially when wars are involved because the sides are never even. To be perfectly honest I hate the two 109's we have on Axis and I don't like C202's. Only reason I'm willing to fly them is because I'd like to see an arena that puts the focus on fighting so I'm willing give it a try and fly them at a total disadvantage for that reason alone.

This is my personal opinion on what I think would make for better game play.. To put it simply I think we need to open up the plane sets from early to late war, because it's the only way to really balance things out. If it were me, I'd set it up like this..

Small Abases should be restricted to early war aircraft and limited GV's.

Medium Abases should be limited to early and mid war aircraft.

Large Abases should not be limited on aircraft other than Allied bombers.. Lets face it Axis just can't compete with the allies bombers so we gotta even them out. (would likely need to perk some rides if too many LW aircraft were getting used)

This set up would require the maps get changed and that's the downfall of the idea.. I think a good ratio would be for every 5 small Abases you would have 2 Medium and 1 Large A base added in. The problem is you would have to straightly set up the maps ahead of time to fit this kind of game style. The deal is that's something that could be done in the AvA because we don't use the MA maps here.

Overall I love the idea behind being historically accurate and I'd like to see that work out, but reality tells me that looking at the plane sets we have, things will always be unbalanced for the Axis because in the real war the aircraft for each side was designed to do very different things.

A set up like this might not make the history buffs as happy, but it would at least allow for a more open plane set that could help balance out the game play and likely draw in a larger player base. Overall it doesn't matter what restrictions you put on things, if the game play isn't balanced the arena will never be popular and that's something that will be hard to do given the diffrences in Allied and Axis aircraft.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 09:37:07 PM by crockett »

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2008, 09:53:08 PM »
I heard something about people need to switch countries to balance sides . Total BS
  CALLSIGN: Slider26     49th FG  7th FS.  S.A.P.P P-38 flyer

Offline Shifty

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2008, 10:13:52 PM »
Going into this we already have a unbalanced plane set so the deck is already stacked against us on making things fair for both teams.  
Unbalanced??? :huh Grab a P-40 fly against JG-11, or teh tard whackers in any 109 and then come tell us how stacked the deck is.

Overall I love the idea behind being historically accurate and I'd like to see that work out, but reality tells me that looking at the plane sets we have, things will always be unbalanced for the Axis because in the real war the aircraft for each side was designed to do very different things.

You've been flying steady in here for what one week?

The P-40E, and HurriI are sure not uber. The difference this setup has over other recent ones with these same aircraft is the exclusion of the FW-190A5.
When it's in this planeset it rules, so saying the Axis will always be at a disadvantage is rubbish. What you're asking for is all planes enabled making this another MA? If that's what you want why are you flying in here?

Give it more than a week, see what happens when other planes are introduced. As far as the SpitV being a unbalancing factor... It never has before, however usually the 190 is in here at the same time, and people can pick and run. They can't do that now, so they have to adapt. I guess it's easier to whine. I saw guys landing way more kills in P-40s tonight than anything else. Next week the whole situation could be reversed. Personally when you're at a disadvantage for a few weeks, yes then it's time to say something. Being challenged for a few days and demanding change when change is scheduled in a few days anyway... That's a whine.

A set up like this might not make the history buffs as happy, but it would at least allow for a more open plane set that could help balance out the game play and likely draw in a larger player base. Overall it doesn't matter what restrictions you put on things, if the game play isn't balanced the arena will never be popular and that's something that will be hard to do given the diffrences in Allied and Axis aircraft.

Again if you don't want Axis vs Allied setups, there are four other arenas were you can fly mixed. Heck 5 others if you count the DA. I'm not saying don't fly here at all Crockett. I am saying this is the only Axis vs Allied arena we have and has been since way back when it was CT. Why come in here and suggest turning it into anything else when what you're looking for is in five other arenas? Don't give me that elitest crap  "I'm looking for a fight." If somebody shoots at you it's damn fight. If you cannot find a fight in all these arenas, you're not looking very hard for one.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 10:16:45 PM by Shifty »

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Offline dedalos

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2008, 10:34:52 PM »
Hmmm, so if it is better now, what is the problem?  Enjoy it.  It should have 100s of people in it in no time
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2008, 10:53:31 PM »
Going into this we already have a unbalanced plane set so the deck is already stacked against us on making things fair for both teams.  
Unbalanced??? :huh Grab a P-40 fly against JG-11, or teh tard whackers in any 109 and then come tell us how stacked the deck is.

P40E is a awesome little aircraft.. I'll fly it against anything in the game in a actual dog fight. Granted it's not going to do much vs a BnZ aircraft but Axis don't really have any good BnZ aircraft right now. (I've flown many sorties in the P40E) Not trying to brag, but I was the only guy to get 5 kills in the first frame of Rangoon.. I did it in a P40E and they weren't all bomber kills. That aircraft is one of my favorite early war planes to fly and I know exactly what it's capable of doing.

Overall I love the idea behind being historically accurate and I'd like to see that work out, but reality tells me that looking at the plane sets we have, things will always be unbalanced for the Axis because in the real war the aircraft for each side was designed to do very different things.

You've been flying steady in here for what one week?

The P-40E, and HurriI are sure not uber. The difference this setup has over other recent ones with these same aircraft is the exclusion of the FW-190A5.
When it's in this planeset it rules, so saying the Axis will always be at a disadvantage is rubbish. What you're asking for is all planes enabled making this another MA? If that's what you want why are you flying in here?

I've also put many hours into flying the Huri 1.. IMO it's one of the best aircraft in the game once you know how to fly it. I'll fly the Huri 1 against any plane in the game in a dog fight. The Huri 1 is the best turning aircraft in the game and can easily out fight even the Huri 2. Not to mention the fact you guys have Huri 2 's as well.

Both of those aircraft can out turn anything and are very tough aircraft to boot. Axis don't really have anything that can compete with either of those aircraft in a actual dog fight. Only option Axis aircraft have is to BnZ those two planes. Yet we have nothing that can get a easy one shot kill on them such as a tatter plane. The single 20mm  requires several hits to kill either of the Huri's. That requires you either get real lucky or you have to straddle up to try and get the kill, which is the exact fight the Huri wants.

The P40E is the only semi-hard to fly aircraft the Allies have and in reality, the P40e is only hard to fly if you get it slow, simply because it will quickly stall and fall out from under you if you are not careful. If it's kept fast it's a awesome fighter and very capable fighter.

Give it more than a week, see what happens when other planes are introduced. As far as the SpitV being a unbalancing factor... It never has before, however usually the 190 is in here at the same time, and people can pick and run. They can't do that now, so they have to adapt. I guess it's easier to whine. I saw guys landing way more kills in P-40s tonight than anything else. Next week the whole situation could be reversed. Personally when you're at a disadvantage for a few weeks, yes then it's time to say something. Being challenged for a few days and demanding change when change is scheduled in a few days anyway... That's a whine.

A set up like this might not make the history buffs as happy, but it would at least allow for a more open plane set that could help balance out the game play and likely draw in a larger player base. Overall it doesn't matter what restrictions you put on things, if the game play isn't balanced the arena will never be popular and that's something that will be hard to do given the diffrences in Allied and Axis aircraft.

Again if you don't want Axis vs Allied setups, there are four other arenas were you can fly mixed. Heck 5 others if you count the DA. I'm not saying don't fly here at all Crockett. I am saying this is the only Axis vs Allied arena we have and has been since way back when it was CT. Why come in here and suggest turning it into anything else when what you're looking for is in five other arenas? Don't give me that elitest crap  "I'm looking for a fight." If somebody shoots at you it's damn fight. If you cannot find a fight in all these arenas, you're not looking very hard for one.

So in other words trying to trying to balance out the plane set is a whine? Why don't you do the same thing you suggested to me? Why don't you come over to Axis side and try to fight against the so called evenly balanced aircraft. BTW I flew Allies the last time AvA was set up for the win the war deal, and I saw the same so called "whines" about spits then. The Axis had some of the better 109's & even 190's then, but it was still far too easy to fly the Spit9  against the Axis aircraft. Their aircraft didn't have much chance in a 1 on 1 unless it was a really good pilot which is the same deal here with the Spit 5's.

Honestly though in a 1 on 1 I actually rather fight against the spit 5 than either of the Hurricanes.. Too bad there is never a chance of that happening with out 3 other cons jumping in. End the end, if you think the plane set are even remotely balanced you then you must never step out side those Allies aircraft. I've flown the Huri 1 & P40E a lot and I know for a fact what they are capable of.  
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:01:44 PM by crockett »

Offline Shifty

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Re: Second Night Reflections
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2008, 11:06:55 PM »
If you think the plane set are even remotely balanced you then you must never step out side those Allies aircraft. I've flown the Huri 1 & P40E a lot and I know for a fact what they are capable of

I flew Axis the first war, and I flew Luftwaffe exclusively for many years I was one of the founders of JG-3, JG-54 and the old 27th Sentai. In fact I probably still have more Axis time than Allied time. I do go and fly Axis  on non squad nights.  I know what a 109E and F are capable of so what's your point? It is Axis and Allied in this arena and it will never be 100% balanced unless you make it something else. In fact part of the lure for most is the fact that they will fight against the odds at times. My biggest question is why do you come to the only Axis vs Allied arena and lobby to make it like all the others?

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

"Haji may have blown my legs off but I'm still a stud"~ SPC Thomas Vandeventer Delta1/5 1st CAV