Author Topic: Why...  (Read 3004 times)

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: Why...
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2008, 01:11:33 PM »
There are some of the Jokers who like to bad mouth other squads, even friendly squads.  Lack of respect breeds a lack of respect.

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Re: Why...
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2008, 01:50:16 PM »
What you anti JJ's need to do is form a non-Bish skwad called "Joker Smokers".  Keep your ears opened for the guy screaming "voolch voolch".  :D

Offline uberslet

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Re: Why...
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2008, 01:51:27 PM »
What you anti JJ's need to do is form a non-Bish skwad called "Joker Smokers".  Keep your ears opened for the guy screaming "voolch voolch".  :D
idk if this is supposed to be an insult...but damn!  :rofl
MasonZ - In-game ID
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Re: Why...
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2008, 01:58:27 PM »
Fair enough question so from my perspective I'll answere.  Feel free to draw my opinion to the whole of your squad being as you asked the question. 

The good part first so the ego is assaged.  The squad is fairly organised and can muster numbers for a mission.  They can put up a good show from time to time.  The squad is a base taking squad not just a furballer rinse and repeat squad.  Some of the Jokers Jokers are fair to decent sticks. <not to be confused with cherry picking runners>  Some are average and others...well!

Now to the point that interests you.  It's not unknown for this squad to recruit from the  of aces high.  This shows either a poor lack of judgement or total disregard to squad members as a whole for the sake of what? .... squad over all score?  Think about it.....why would a squad even contemplate recruiting players of a dubious charactor?  It's not your ego getting bolstered is it.

Game play can be a little eastern block.  Throw everything in even if their unarmed <skilless> and rinse and repeat.  A what ever it takes attitude.  Granted... not every mission is like that but when it is one can only assume someone is cracking the wipe for these suiciders.

Now the main point or lack of.  This is the single most destructive force for your squads err... calibre.  Is it through poor judgement or immature reasoning I'm not sure.  It could be one in the same but it's not big, it's not clever.  I'm talking about spying and your squads keenness to use the information and act upon it.  A poor lack of judgement that bleaches everyone of you.  Like I told young ZooZoo.... watch who you rub shoulders with because the smell won't wash of.

You doth protest?  Come on man!  Next time the call goes out "NOE inb to xyz"  or our "captured CV is parked at blah blah" yourself a favour and ask how they know.  Also ask yourself Uberslet how many enemy missions your squad personally has busted these last few months.  Is it a higher percentage than the Bishopes as a whole?  This game ain't rocket science.  Double accounts, side switching tell tale rat squeakers and private messages.  If every squad used these underhanded methods the game would go to S^%t.

As a <blows trumpet> prominent player I get PM'ed about 10 times a year by side switcher spies.  You know what I do?  I PM them back telling them not to do that again and if they do I'll put their name out there and tell a friendly Bishop who's spying on them.  What do I do with the information.......absolutely NOTHING....... it's called FAIR PLAY

To summarise Uberslet some squads or individuals should be  of their actions.  Your wondering why your being tared with the same brush?  Birds of a feather flock together mate.  Combine underhanded game play, immaturity, dubious squad charactors, poor leadership morality and what do you have ?  Take ya rose tinted glasses of for a moment and ask yourself....What impacts you personally here in Aces high and will it wash off?

Well put! :salute sir

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Why...
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2008, 02:07:26 PM »
Uber, while I was on your vox the other night I heard you going "Knights dont ever fight us back they just drop all the hangars and then take the base." Joker who I do have respect for, I just wished he would stay and fight because it is a fun fight when he does, quickly told you to shut it because he knows you do the same exact thing. If you guys cant get a vulch going due to too many uppers you drop all the hangars,every side does this. Another event that happened that made me and about 30 knights who were in my mission hate you was half your sqaud on 200 ranting on about spying my mission, this just shows that half of you are arrogant. Finally this is the big one, I get back from a great weekend of canoeing with alot of my friends and family and the first thing I see when i come in here is a threatening private message from Bosco saying if I dont stop he is gunna post something to embarrass me on the boards. First you cant embarrass me its just a game, second Ill just have fun milking my post score. I want to finish by saying that I do like some of the Jokers better then the others, Lucky is a squeeker but is more mature then most of you. Atti11a has been nothing but a good sport and nice when ever i kill or get killed by him. Joker has some attitude problems but I have DAed him and he did try to help me out a bit which just shows good personality. Kdweeb is hilarious and acouple of the other jokers I dont know well enough to like or dislike them. Im ranting but im just saying there is alot of reasons for people to hate you and this is just a few of them.

btw Bosco Im waiting for that post  :noid
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Re: Why...
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2008, 02:13:39 PM »
Uber, while I was on your vox the other night I heard you going "Knights dont ever fight us back they just drop all the hangars and then take the base." Joker who I do have respect for, I just wished he would stay and fight because it is a fun fight when he does, quickly told you to shut it because he knows you do the same exact thing. If you guys cant get a vulch going due to too many uppers you drop all the hangars,every side does this. Another event that happened that made me and about 30 knights who were in my mission hate you was half your sqaud on 200 ranting on about spying my mission, this just shows that half of you are arrogant. Finally this is the big one, I get back from a great weekend of canoeing with alot of my friends and family and the first thing I see when i come in here is a threatening private message from Bosco saying if I dont stop he is gunna post something to embarrass me on the boards. First you cant embarrass me its just a game, second Ill just have fun milking my post score. I want to finish by saying that I do like some of the Jokers better then the others, Lucky is a squeeker but is more mature then most of you. Atti11a has been nothing but a good sport and nice when ever i kill or get killed by him. Joker has some attitude problems but I have DAed him and he did try to help me out a bit which just shows good personality. Kdweeb is hilarious and acouple of the other jokers I dont know well enough to like or dislike them. Im ranting but im just saying there is alot of reasons for people to hate you and this is just a few of them.

btw Bosco Im waiting for that post  :noid
you know junky, your sketchy, you hate us sooo much, but yet wen you wer in the 361 those couple times, you came on our vox...skechty for someone who hates us so much. all of us may knock out bases entirely, however, nits do it without trying to fight at times, us bish do it too, but we at least try and fight for the base. rooks rarely do it so they cant really have a finger pointed at them for this, however nits seem to do it out of laziness at times. wat fun is taking a base with out fighting for it some? and that spying thing, i wasnt on, but who cares if people spy on your mission, its a game, its not a perfect little junkyII world, chiit happens, live with it, im not saying this was right, if we are even guilty of it, still have seen no proof, but i am saying if 200 is going to be such a fuss for you, why have it tuned??
MasonZ - In-game ID
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Offline Bosco123

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Re: Why...
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2008, 02:41:56 PM »
Thank you all for your post, most of you were respectful, and mostly, nice.
We make a mission the other night about 5 or 6 sectors away from the base, just so that we had ords and such. We get over the ocean and go 3 sectors across; the base that we are planning to take has a full Dar already set, and is heading to our sector, 3 sectors away, seems kind of odd? That mission gets busted and most of our bish are pizzed because our mission got spied on. We get a PM from an unknown charecter (don't know his name anyways) telling us that there was going to be a mission inbnd to such and such place. Out of revenge, we took our planes up and slowed the huge mission inbound. They still take the base but they still are all pizzed that they got a mission busted, same way that we felt.
I'm sure that Junky wouldn't have said anything about that, just so that he won't get disrespected on the boards.
LYNX, I would like you to guess again about "Double accounts" if we even got hint of someone in our squad with a double account, no longer would he be in the squad.
They only time I ever look on 200, is when I'm ganged crazy, or a score *hore killed me/killed him. anything about HOing, I PM the person, just becasue thats gonna cause a big one on 200. From there, I don't know wheather my squaddies or not, whine on 200.
We enjoy taking bases, who wouldn't? of course we do it more than others, thats how our squad is, and there is nothing thats gonna change that. Most people make "sterotypes" about how our squad acts.
I think the only reason why people don't like us, is becasue we got so many people that play constantly, such as myself. I think we have on average at least 11 people that are on during the night.
I just sent you one Junky.
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline whels

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Re: Why...
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2008, 03:22:24 PM »

your mission out of 59 was blown by 2 things.  1st and biggest, your own CO Joker2 pm someone on
Knit side by mistake and said in message noe mission upping from 59.

we watched 59, i saw some dar bars appear/vanish so we knew it had launched.
then 2nd booboo was your Goon passing 2k from our CV.

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Re: Why...
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2008, 03:24:13 PM »
uuhhh you take the effort to PM abt a HO?

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline uberslet

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Re: Why...
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2008, 03:25:07 PM »
1st and biggest, your own CO Joker2 pm someone on
Knit side by mistake and said in message noe mission upping from 59.
never known joker to say wat base the mission is upping from....
MasonZ - In-game ID
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Re: Why...
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2008, 03:25:53 PM »

Offline whels

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Re: Why...
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2008, 03:29:08 PM »
never known joker to say wat base the mission is upping from....

wilddog1 (think was player) said on knit channel Joker2 must have PMed wrong name as he said he got
PM from him about the mission.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Why...
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2008, 03:35:08 PM »
anything about HOing, I PM the person

And you wonder why you're such a joke (no pun intended).

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Offline pluck

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Re: Why...
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2008, 03:43:09 PM »

I think the only reason why people don't like us, is becasue we got so many people that play constantly, such as myself. I think we have on average at least 11 people that are on during the night.

I personally, don't really care about the jokers, though they don't really like to stay and fight, some (not all) of the characters I just dislike, for many reasons already stated.  Haven't really given it much thought, but if people don't like you, I'm sure it's not because you and others play alot.  It probably has more to do with how you play and how you conduct yourselves as a group.....

somehow I feel this thread is less about the reasons why, but a chance to dispute those reasons, which leads to a wonderful place called nowhere.  You can ask a question, but make sure you're ready for the's just something you can't change someone's mind about by telling have to show them
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 03:47:45 PM by pluck »
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Re: Why...
« Reply #44 on: September 01, 2008, 03:52:47 PM »

Now to the point that interests you.  It's not unknown for this squad to recruit from the  of aces high.    Think about it.....why would a squad even contemplate recruiting players of a dubious charactor? 

Now the main point or lack of. 

 I'm talking about spying and your squads keenness to use the information and act upon it.  A poor lack of judgement that bleaches everyone of you.  Like I told young ZooZoo.... watch who you rub shoulders with because the smell won't wash of.

To summarise Uberslet some squads or individuals should be  of their actions.  Your wondering why your being tared with the same brush?  Birds of a feather flock together mate

Combine underhanded game play, immaturity, dubious squad charactors, poor leadership morality and what do you have ? 

Wrote this to some people who wanted to join a similar squad.

When looking for a squad it's important to fly with whoever they are for awhile before joining. If you like how they operate and can get along with their idea of how to have fun, go for it. After joining, if you see something you don't like or disagree with, don't waste your time trying to change it. Whatever the problem might be, it's not only something that only occurs in the game but a lifestyle.

I found a squad out there that knows how to warp on command. Some call it cable jerking I call it disrespectful and dishonorable. Other things I've filmed with distaste are bomber and fighter bailer's, spying and dubious behavior but it's their 15 bucks and you'll find quite a few of them out there.

As in every part of life, young to old, you will be judged by the people you surround yourself with since they are who you inspire to be like.