Can't figure out why some people want to give away their (special) public or private land to corporations. 
Don't these people look ahead to the future and what they are leaving their children. 
Example from my family - Some relatives of mine had a gas station and curio shop alongside a key state highway. The state comes by with a big bagful of money from the feds, asking to buy a bunch of land to widen the highway into a new interstate. My relatives were like "yea sure" so they sold, but a few neighbors held out and did not sell.
The state gave the holdouts the finger and built the highway 10 miles away, leaving my relatives with half the property and a gas station that nobody ever stopped at. The whole town died in less than 5 years when the railroad also quit stopping there because there was no longer any way to transfer stuff from the rail to the interstate.
The whole dang area would have been much better off if everyone had coughed up the land needed for the interstate, but the holdouts forced the highway to be punched through far enough away that the whole town died. THAT is why sometimes it's a good idea to sell to the govt or private interests... Sometimes it's the only way to survive and prosper. But it still has to be measured on a case by case basis, and IMHO forcing people to sell their property to make way for a new mall is not justifiable because a community isn't going to die just because they don't have a wal-mart across the street.