Author Topic: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge  (Read 4166 times)

Offline Baitman

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2008, 12:09:57 AM »
Lets face it. The price of fuel will NEVER go back down to where it was 10 years ago. We are nearing Peak oil production. We need to be looking at increasing the alternatives NOT drilling more. (Damn that sounds weird coming from a driller :rofl)

We have had the technology since Rudolf Diesel invented the Diesel motor to burn Coal. Lets convert to burning coal in our industrial machines. Go to a near 80%+ ethanol in our passenger cars. (Brazil can do it why can't we)
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2008, 12:16:39 AM »
I'm beginning to think most of you would drill in our national parks if they found oil in them. :noid
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2008, 12:40:42 AM »
I'm beginning to think most of you would drill in our national parks if they found oil in them. :noid

Clinton took a very rich coal mine and made it a national park and putting a lot of people out of work. I think they found a lizard or something and it had some unique trait and an environmental wack job gave it a special name but the same species is all over the southwest. Clinton just wanted to make a name for himself trading with the Chinese. I think Hangtime can probably tell you what that name is...
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Offline Pooh21

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2008, 12:53:43 AM »
By the way, drilling now won't help oil prices for quite a while IIRC.

Dont save for retirement then as well hippy
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Offline Elfie

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2008, 01:03:01 AM »
Lets face it. The price of fuel will NEVER go back down to where it was 10 years ago. We are nearing Peak oil production. We need to be looking at increasing the alternatives NOT drilling more.

A lot of us are saying do both, drill and go after alternatives. I don't know of an alternative that is ready NOW do you? Synthetic fuel from coal isn't ready now, we need new refineries just for that.

There is a huge oil field that stretches across the Dakotas, Montana and southern Saskatchewan. I say we drill that bad boy also.
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Offline lyric1

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2008, 01:12:21 AM »
Part of the issue is that oil rigs only have to produce a certain number of barrels a day here to considered a producer. I forget the minimum number that is needed so they meet this government requirement. They have the ability to produce many times more a day but they don't why? To keep demand high as well as prices. The oil is here & now but they have a lot of wells capped & only produce enough to get the Government perks. Corporate welfare at it's best.

Offline Mr No Name

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2008, 02:05:26 AM »
<Rant On><intensity="cat5">

We all know that drilling ALONE will not do the trick BUT let's remember that it IS a time-tested and proven trick.

I remember when in the '80s Reagan started some government synthetic fuels production program and gave enormous incentives for oil production - the result?  In 1981 when Reagan took office Oil was about $70/Barrel He got all of these incentives into play and by 1982 Oil had fallen below $50/Barrel and by 1985, the price had fallen to about $20/Barrel. Oil remained low and plummeted to $12/Barrel in 1998 under Clinton.

Why did this happen?  Because we looked and acted like we were serious about solving our problems ourselves, so OPEC flooded the market, forcing prices down and Our synthetics operation which can produce oil from coal at $40/Barrel was deemed a waste of money.

Our cars and trucks run off of OIL products right now... We cannot wait for synthetic/alternative energy, we must ease the financial burden on our People, Trucking Companies and Airlines right the hell NOW.  We damn sure better pursue those alternatives (Except Food-Based Ethanol) like it was a Moon-Shot type vision.  Those too caught up in the touchy-feely limpwristed environmentalism need to realize that communist china and russia are rapidly staking their claims to all of the oil and natural gas and coal they can.  Where are their records on environmental damage compared to ours??? 

We cannot touch oil right off our east coast BUT the damned communist chinese and cubans have partnered to slant drill oil wells (Slanted toward US BTW) just 54 miles off our own coast.  The Destin Dome, just off of Pensacola,FL, was leased by Chevron some time back.  They found little oil BUT they did find 2.6 TRILLION cubic feet (That's 2,600,000,000,000 cubic feet) of clean burning natural gas.  The government told Chevron that yeah... sure... you can drill there but, we are not giving you permission to bring the product ashore.  So, Chevrons exploration money went down the tubes and we all had to pay higher and higher NG bills.  This is not the only instance of the government not allowing petroleum to be brought in where a lease was purchased but it certainly is a glaring example.  This was thanks to the idiot, GHWB.  HE is the one who stopped the leases on the east coast.

ANWR is a barren wasteland.  Or should I say the 2,000 acres that is slated for development is a barren wasteland... 2,000 acres is less than 2/3 the size of my uncles place!  We need this oil, we need it now.  We should cut all of the red tape and streamline every hurdle to allow drilling everywhere there is a proven reserve.  Montana is sitting on a gigantic oil-shale reserve that we have not began to fathom its' scope yet.  We are the "Saudi-Arabia" of coal.  We were pioneers in nuclear technology.  In our worst nuclear disaster, nobody died.

ANWR has between 6 to 16 BILLION barrels of oil and an estimated 34 TRILLION (34,000,000,000,000) cubic feet of natural gas!  Lets go get it!!!  The Bakken Oil Fields holds an INCREDIBLE estimated 100 to 400 BILLION barrels of oil.  The Saudis only have 260 Billion Barrels. (I don't believe him but Leigh Price, an oil scientist had estimated Bakken to contain as much as 900 BILLION barrels.)

WHY aren't we ALL beating our congressman's doors down over this?  My congressman and both senators hear from me regularly about what ever I am ticked about paying for unnecessarily whether it's the tax bill or the high cost of energy that we must use to work.  The cost had risen so much that I no longer work for myself but took a job with a local publisher.  I had 2 employees -they're still looking.

To those who compare ANWR with Yellowstone -Get a life -AND a CLUE. It would be like some idiots we have here calling a local swamp a "sensitive wetlands eco-system" that they want to 'protect' from hunters.

Boiling it all down, Our enemies, The arabs, the communist chinese, the russians and the cubans are all in a massive oil and energy production race.  Europe did not listen when Ronald Reagan warned Europe against the russian oil pipeline, now Germany and other countries are being leveraged by the damned (boy i would get a PNG for using the expletive I wanna use) russians and were, this week threatened with an energy shut-off.  Are you awake yet folks?  The globalistmoronidealists (Like Bush 1&2, Clinton, McCain, Osamabama) believe that economic inter-dependence between countries can only foster peace - very very foolish.  Individual independence is the only thing that can protect a nation from tyranny and extortion.  We must get out of the way of our industry and let it do what it does best - WORK.  I don't care much for Calvin Coolidge but he said one thing I read as a child that has stuck with me: "After all, the chief business of the American people is business." (Commonly shortened to "The business of America is business.")

Let's bring on the Hydrogen and fuel cell technology, synthetic fuels, non-food ethanol, nuclear power, coal, hydroelectric, solar, wind and all of the other forms of energy that we have not even thought of yet - AND the vehicles and equipment designed to most efficiently use all of them - BUT let's go get that oil NOW, my car, your car, the police car, the ambulance, the planes, the helicopters, the tanks, the ships, every item we produce that uses plastics DEPEND on oil.  We must have it now, we must have it cheap and if it takes 10 years to get it, which I do not believe, especially if we wisely put in an express lane to do this, at least we started TODAY because we will need the energy no matter when it finally arrives on the market.  Do these things aggressively and the 60% speculation bloat now in the price of oil will be GONE.

</end rant>

Thank you and have a nice day!  :D

« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 03:29:57 AM by Mr No Name »
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Offline lyric1

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2008, 02:13:47 AM »
Think you will find Carter started it Regan ended it.

Offline caldera

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2008, 09:28:59 AM »
Mr. No Name, you are dead on.  :salute
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 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
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Offline Kaw1000

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #69 on: September 06, 2008, 09:35:17 AM »
Being in the car bizz, I've been to many government auctions.
these cars are older and retired from service.
 You would not believe the amount of cars the government uses that are run on natural gas.
there are two tanks in the car,a regular gas tank and a tank in the trunk that holds
natural gas.
 we already have the technology for natural gas cars...hope we expand on it!!
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Offline bongaroo

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #70 on: September 06, 2008, 10:09:18 AM »
Oh, thank you for reminding me not to vote Republican.

Yeah, this thread is a great reminder.  Differ in opinion and watch them tell you your dumb and only they are right.  Yowzers.
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Offline lazs2

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2008, 10:09:38 AM »
anyone notice that now old t boone is pushing cng more than wind?  it seems only weeks ago that wind was gonna save us now it is cng.

We need to do all those things..  Drilllllll... Nukes..  wind.. solar.. alchemy.. cng.. coal.. oil shale..

we need some breathing room but we have all the makings for all the raw energy to run our entire country cheaply right here.. right on our own land..

Some of it we haven't figured out how to use.. or to use safely but.. we will.. it will take some time tho.

Drill for the crude and the cng big time... we need them right now...  the rest will follow.

The arabs turn down the pumps?   already they are realizing that most countries can't afford their new prices.  They will have to lower prices not cut production..  we are the country most able to afford to buy anything.. including oil.. if we can't afford it then struggling countries will go tits up or.. at least.. cut down to nothing on their oil use.

That may sound good to some extremist algor-ites but the world runs on energy.. cheap energy cuts down on the missery factor.   no cheap energy means death and missery for millions.  slow death by starvation and disease.


Offline Holden McGroin

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #72 on: September 06, 2008, 10:14:30 AM »
anyone notice that now old t boone is pushing cng more than wind?  it seems only weeks ago that wind was gonna save us now it is cng.

The cng he is pushing is freed up from producing grid energy by producing the grid energy with wind.

Wind is step 1, cng for auto fuel is step 2.

We should do this, plus FT coal, plus nuke, plus drill (as T Boone says, "drill, drill, drill"), plus residential and commercial solar, plus tidal, plus wave, plus...
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Offline Kaw1000

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #73 on: September 06, 2008, 10:17:03 AM »
T-bone is also pushing natural gas...maybe for his own reasons..but the technology is here!!
its already being used! This is where I put my vote, for a FAST alternative to oil!!

Natural gas is already here...natural gas cars are already here!!
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Offline lazs2

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Re: ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
« Reply #74 on: September 06, 2008, 10:31:57 AM »
from what I have seen we have huge supplies of cng.. we don't need to "free up" anything.

They do blow some smoke up us tho.. why can they never help lying?   they say that it is 40% cheaper.. that is not a lie.. but.. they don't mention it takes 40% more to do the same thing.. that is a lie.
