here we go, since I am a PROUD Texan (born and raised) I decided to throw in my $.02 worth.
Before I start, in an effort to prevent the personal attacks some on this board love to engage in, let me say what my perspective is.
Texas is simply the greatest land in the entire world. I am thankful that the good lord blessed me by being born and living in the Lone Star State. Texas should remain "as is" despite the fact that indepedence does sound so appealing.
Having said that,
1. We (USA) did steal it from Mexico. Yes, we would like to think the "Texans" did it, but i would invite all of you to visit the Alamo (I live in San Antonio) and see the posters promising land to all Americans who fight for Texas. I would also invite you all to see the STATE flags that hang in the hall of heroes, which are from every US state imaginable. The Texas war of Independence was a mercenary war by the USA. It happens get over it.
2. Mexico has NEVER made a claim to regain Texas in any international court or organization.
3. Illegal immigrants flee Mexico because they cant make a decent living there, so, they don't want to turn it into what they left. I know many of you with GE D's will want to argue this point, please don't.
4. The ignorant will scream "They are taking Texas back" just like they scream about the Irish, Japanese, Chinese, catholics, Italians, etc, etc.
5. When a "Mexican" comes here and gets the right to vote and he votes in another "Mexican" blah, blah, blah, blah. When any person gets the right to vote it is because he/she is an AMERICAN citizen. You cannot be a governor, major, etc, without being am AMERICAN citizen. What these people are complaining about is a person of Hispanic heritage voting or holding office. That is textbook racism.
6. Just my opinion.