Clinton and Palin are both married, so it is Mrs., and not Miss.
Further, when you look at it, George W. Bush had been in office less than 9 months on September 11, 2001. The vast majority of the intelligence failures that allowed the events of September 11, 2001 to occur, happened a long time before Bush took office. Bush did not get up to speed as fast as he might have, most new administrations don't.
It's easily forgotten how big a mess was made of everything, including the normal transition of power from one administration to the next, was created by the train wreck that was the 2000 Presidential election. In fact, considering the bitterness and hatred directed towards Bush, on the part of the Democrats, especially Gore, the loser, who was Vice President, and Clinton, to a lesser degree, anyone who thinks the transition was smooth, and nothing was held back, is only fooling themselves. They had a lot invested in seeing Bush fail.