Author Topic: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"  (Read 1812 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2008, 06:05:27 PM »

....edited wrong thing.

Offline bmwgs

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2008, 06:15:58 PM »
It requires no skill to fly with a horde.  Do not expect respect from the better sticks if that is what you depend on.  And when I say better sticks, I'm not talking about a good score.

Xargos, don't take this wrong, buy why should one care wheather the "better sticks, respect them or not?  My intent is not to start an argument, I just found your statement interesting. 

Just throwing a thought out there.

One of the serious problems in planning the fight against American doctrine, is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine... - From a Soviet Junior Lt's Notebook

Offline Guppy35

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2008, 06:18:17 PM »
This IS a game based on the REAL-LIFE performance and tactics used by these aircraft during WW2. And if you will notice these tactics, such as ganging up on 1 opponent and destroying aircraft on the ground actually work as they do in REAL-LIFE. If you would like to play a game that is not based on RL except for the names of the planes, I would suggest the Ace Combat series. In that game you can complete every mission and destroy all the enemies "lone-ranger" style. Otherwise AHII is 99 times out of 100 a numbers game. If YOU put YOURSELF in a situation where you are getting ganged by 10 enemies that is your fault. That is kind of the whole idea behind a squadron. That way you always have someone to watch your six. And again always remember that it is YOUR fault if you get hoed. They are predictable and easily avoidable. All that being said I do agree with Anaxogoras, in so much as there is no reason to have 5 people on 1 enemy. If 1 or 2 friendlies are engaged with that 1 enemy, then let them handle him and find another target or, keep watch on them so they don't get jumped. I also agree with The Fugitive that score is not everything. Pretty much if you don't worry about score and fly at your best then the score will handle itself. But again, if you are in an arena with 3 sides with 100 players each how can you expect to get a 1v1 every time you see the enemy? That's like going into a football game and the quarterback saying only 1 player from the defense can try to tackle him. It's just don't make sense. I wasn't trying to be an arse when i said take it to the Dueling Arena. That is what the "DUELING ARENA" is for: DUELING 1v1.

As soon as this becomes a 1 life and you never get to fly again game, you can start using real life as a comparison.  Since we get to choose the engagement, our aircraft, our altitude, and control all the cards, this isn't real life.  

Imagine the screams in here, if when you entered the arena, HTC chose your job, your plane, your environment, your squadron mates etc.

"Thank you for signing up with Aces High.  You have been assigned to fly Val's and are stationed on an island that at this point is far away from any actual combat.  You have little fuel, no spare parts, and when the enemy shows up, he has masssive numbers, altitude, performance and pilot skill.  Thank you for your 14.95 and enjoy your time in the game.  Once you die, you will never be allowed to play again."
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline GrimWulf

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2008, 06:28:51 PM »

1.This is a game not real life, so don't compare them.
2.Your own six, your own SA, not anyone else except yourself that needs to watch it.
3.Your the one whining, about other people whining.      

I completely agree with #2 and if you notice I am not in a squadron with tons of people but when my squad mate and I are on we TRY to keep a watch on each other.
#3: I am not trying to whine about this topic, if I came off that way I am sorry. I am simply stating why it is perfectly rational and smart to fly with more than just yourself.
Yes 1v1's are very fun, and when I get a chance to get into one I will "Attempt" to engage. While I am not the best stick around, I can somewhat hold my own, but once I have lost equal or superior ground, you are absolutely right that if I can run or make my opponent auger or fly him over a friendly base, I will do just that. Who's fault is it for flying 100ft over an enemy base and getting shot down? The Enemy chasing you or you for keeping a way out of the fight when it turns against you? When someone ducks out to their base when I'm on their six. I don't get mad at them for using the terrain or location to their advantage. I consider keeping your options open and a way out equal to the ability to control your aircraft.
     I guess what I am really trying to say is that; Barring "disco", lag, warping, etc... It is my fault if I get shot down and in no way is it my opponent, or opponents. If ten people jump you because you lost SA or you went in "John Wayne" style into a situation where there is ten enemy cons at 5k over you, then that is your fault. So stop crying because you lost and congratulate your opponent.
"Respect one's enemies, and celebrate in his victories." -Asian Proverb

And OMG I only started this thread because I get tired of reading that so & so got jumped by 2-3 guys and that was unfair...blah,blah,blah...Didn't think I was smart enough to hit on such a hot-button issue...yay
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 06:35:05 PM by GrimWulf »
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2008, 09:03:59 PM »
Xargos, don't take this wrong, buy why should one care wheather the "better sticks, respect them or not?  My intent is not to start an argument, I just found your statement interesting. 

Just throwing a thought out there.


I think the point is that one would hope that folks coming into the game would look to gain the notice, or respect of their peers and the vets in the game.  Maybe that's not relevant anymore.  I do recall being very aware of who the vets were, and who the 'good sticks' were when I started playing online in Airwarrior.  Any sort of community is built on that awareness and respect.

There seems to be a clear defining line within the community these days on style of play, and it seems that many expect that gang mentality will get you that recognition.

In the end I suppose you are right, and it doesn't matter.  I do believe that there are many of us who hope that folks coming into the game would not just jump to the path of least resistance.  Posts like the one that started this thread, give people a justification to avoid the learning curve however and it will get a reaction from those of us who hope that people look for more then that.

The beauty of this online flight sim, and those that came before it, is the ability to engage other people in air combat.  The challenge is in that air combat.  As we don't really die, and we get new planes any time we fly, it seems silly to only engage in that combat under circumstances that pose no challenge.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Xasthur

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2008, 09:33:31 PM »
I think the ?this is war? attitude is one of the biggest problems with this game. It's a computer game, not war, and we play games to have fun. Everyone should take it upon themselves to have fun and play in such a way as to allow others to have fun too. One should not expect a 1v1 in the MA but it is just good manners to ask before you jump in. No one has the right to put their fun above all others. Your $15 does not buy you the right to grief others.
Raw Prawns

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Offline Vudak

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2008, 09:43:04 PM »
What ever happened to treating others how you'd like to be treated?

This not only goes for your opponents, but your own friends.
352nd Fighter Group

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2008, 09:43:42 PM »
What ever happened to treating others how you'd like to be treated?

This not only goes for your opponents, but your own friends.

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Offline Vudak

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2008, 09:56:26 PM »

As we don't really die, and we get new planes any time we fly, it seems silly to only engage in that combat under circumstances that pose no challenge.

Game Genie was a very popular toy ;)
352nd Fighter Group

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2008, 10:56:18 PM »
     Boy I sure wish I knew what AH was all about 3 weeks and less than 20 posts into it.
I guess I'm a slow learner.
80th FS Headhunters
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Offline crazyivan

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2008, 11:19:33 PM »
Game Genie was a very popular toy ;)
   ahh game genie those where the days  :P :rofl
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Offline Platano

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2008, 02:22:03 AM »
Another Game vs Real Life thread  :rolleyes:
Army of Muppets

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Offline GrimWulf

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2008, 12:50:41 PM »
Again this post is NOT about so much comparing real-life to a game. The only reason I posted the excerpt from Major McGuire is to show that there is a historical precedence for the mob-mentality. I am sorry that I posted this now because the entire point of the post was missed. Either that or it was ignored to push an agenda of 1v1 is the only "honorable" kills. But I think BnZ said it best earlier in this topic when he said "You will almost never shoot anybody down in a "right" way, nor will I or most anybody else. No matter how you shoot them down, there is always this or that. You had a better plane, you had an E-advantage, you had numbers, the opponent was AFK or the sun was in their eyes. The only thing you can do, if you are interested in making other players happy, is die easily and die often." But one more thing, If this game is all about the actual air to air combat, then why are there bases and territories to captured? Seems to me that if the entire purpose was to shoot down the enemy, then perhaps the concept of capturing bases and strats should be removed from the game. While we are at it we should remove field ack, ord, bombers, missions, etc...because if it is all about air to air combat, what do we need the rest of it for? Seems like a useless distraction to me. Also Guppy, gaining the "respect" of people in the game is no longer about how much you help when your country calls for it. It isn't about coming up with strategies that will help your country win. Now all it is about is your score, and how many kills you land. And that my friend is sad. If a newbie comes in and doesn't have the 4-5 hours daily to devote to this game to get "good," no matter how hard that person tries, he doesn't gain the "respect" for trying, or attempting to learn. Yes I admit I am hard on the Newbies that come in asking how to fly or how to land or shoot or whatever inane question they come up with that could have easily been read on the website. But kids like Lt. Manny or some of those with zip-code names, who actually try to learn the more advanced things, aren't given any respect simply because their voice is high-pitched, no matter how hard they try. And with that attitude, alot of the "squeekers" get fed up with the constant disparagement and belittlement and then hit back by griefing the older sticks. Can you really blame them? If you want the community to come together, lead by example. Let the "older sticks" give a little respect out from the get-go instead of sitting in their ivory towers judging all the little peons like myself who aren't quite as well practiced.  The "Vets" are the ones who keep this communities' core operating, but please remember that we were all newbs at one time.
“This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him” -William Lyon Phelps 
I think some of the "Vets", and not all and not even most, but some would do well to remember this.
"Know that I am the one you seek. I am the one born to rule, destined to conquer. Let those who fear me follow me. Let those who oppose me die! For I am the GrimWulf, and this I command!

Offline Kweassa

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2008, 01:04:43 PM »

 Ok, let's leave the R/L aspect out then.

This is a game. There are griefers. Get used to it.

 End of story.

Offline Yossarian

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Re: "Whining about getting jumped by multiple enemies"
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2008, 01:20:26 PM »
Again this post is NOT about so much comparing real-life to a game. The only reason I posted the excerpt from Major McGuire is to show that there is a historical precedence for the mob-mentality. I am sorry that I posted this now because the entire point of the post was missed. Either that or it was ignored to push an agenda of 1v1 is the only "honorable" kills. But I think BnZ said it best earlier in this topic when he said "You will almost never shoot anybody down in a "right" way, nor will I or most anybody else. No matter how you shoot them down, there is always this or that. You had a better plane, you had an E-advantage, you had numbers, the opponent was AFK or the sun was in their eyes. The only thing you can do, if you are interested in making other players happy, is die easily and die often." But one more thing, If this game is all about the actual air to air combat, then why are there bases and territories to captured? Seems to me that if the entire purpose was to shoot down the enemy, then perhaps the concept of capturing bases and strats should be removed from the game. While we are at it we should remove field ack, ord, bombers, missions, etc...because if it is all about air to air combat, what do we need the rest of it for? Seems like a useless distraction to me.

Well said.

Also Guppy, gaining the "respect" of people in the game is no longer about how much you help when your country calls for it. It isn't about coming up with strategies that will help your country win. Now all it is about is your score, and how many kills you land. And that my friend is sad. If a newbie comes in and doesn't have the 4-5 hours daily to devote to this game to get "good," no matter how hard that person tries, he doesn't gain the "respect" for trying, or attempting to learn. Yes I admit I am hard on the Newbies that come in asking how to fly or how to land or shoot or whatever inane question they come up with that could have easily been read on the website.

Very well said.

But kids like Lt. Manny or some of those with zip-code names, who actually try to learn the more advanced things, aren't given any respect simply because their voice is high-pitched, no matter how hard they try. And with that attitude, alot of the "squeekers" get fed up with the constant disparagement and belittlement and then hit back by griefing the older sticks. Can you really blame them? If you want the community to come together, lead by example. Let the "older sticks" give a little respect out from the get-go instead of sitting in their ivory towers judging all the little peons like myself who aren't quite as well practiced.  The "Vets" are the ones who keep this communities' core operating, but please remember that we were all newbs at one time.
“This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him” -William Lyon Phelps 
I think some of the "Vets", and not all and not even most, but some would do well to remember this.

Extremely well said.

I can't find anything I disagree with at all in there  :aok :aok
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o