Author Topic: I know this is gonna go badly  (Read 6822 times)

Offline Anodizer

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #60 on: October 05, 2008, 06:54:45 PM »

without a doubt there is always a punk in the crowd.
let me explain something to you mouth boy, i started this thread partially because of whinny wimpy little bioatchs like you. you sir are on of those "in the know" wanna be's that i spoke of who changes the definitions of a HO or a pick to suit and justify their actions or to whine and whimper about the actions of others.

Flotsom, you suck.....  You DON'T WANT to get better because you'd rather take that 50/50 chance...That's why you ho...End of story.....
this thread was created so that i could find a definning line between what was, in the majority of opinions, a HO and what was acceptable tactics. when i shot your lame ash down the other night i was already engaged with someone else and you, as you had done successfully once just the flight before, dropped in from the stratisphere to pick a plane already engaged in a turn fight with multiple others.

You have a horrible memory, a grand imagination or, lie like most felons  :)
you made the mistake of blowing your shot but then trying to come immediately back. i got a shot and you ate a load in the mouth.

My only mistake was not hoing back when I saw you started to fire at over D800.  You didn't get a shot, you sprayed and prayed...  That's not "taking a shot"..

that was me crashing into your wingless carcass that you so rudely let fall into my flight path. oh and the third time we engaged.......yep you guessed it, i was engaged in a turn fight with 3 others and here comes the hero to  save the day. yep they really needed your help against little ole me.
lets also not forget the discussion on 200 that night when you went into your rant of whining and moaning like a little girl, only to have your own country men call you a whiner and a bit of a baby (my favorite) but to have your own actions stuffed down your throat by me on 200. amazing the amount of dribble that spooges forth from your flap, your a lame and pathetic individual.
if you didn't realize it from the way this thread was written, and the "thank you" that i posted within for those not turning this thread into an insult contest but instead keeping it to a legitimate discussion on tactics and opinion thereof, then i will tell you clearly so that the shortbusser will get it..............This Conversation is for Adults or those with the INTELECT of an Adult Only Childish People NEED NOT REPLY!!!!!!
  I apologise to the rest of you who have class and intelligence, those that chose to conduct this conversation and the responses they posted as an intelligent and reasonable conversation for adults wanting to share knowledge experience and wisdom with those of us who are in need of an honest opinion. i apologise for getting into the mud with a person who obviously has no respect for others and no class to know when he should just keep his mouth shut.
<SALUTE> to those of you willing to share your knowledge without your judgment
thank you

FELON (sounds more appropriate than FLOTSOM),  you are inferior for several reasons.... 
1. You're a felon, first and foremost...
2. You cannot spell or punctuate correctly...
3. You lie uncontrollably just as most criminals of your stature do..
4. Everyone, including your friends, know your an opportunistic dweeb who couldn't get on anyone's 6 in any instance...  :)
5. You fly planes with 3 cannons or more (ho-ing in a plane without cannons just isn't economical is it :) )
6. You will not meet me in the DA so I can make a fool of you (since I know it's you and know you'll do nothing but ho)..

FELON, I urge you to meet me in the DA at a time of your choosing...  We will have a spelling bee, an IQ test, and a duel..
All of which you will lose...  :)

I like classy, beautiful, intelligent woman that say the "F" word a lot....

80th FS "Headhunters"


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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #61 on: October 05, 2008, 07:47:14 PM »
Well if the pussbag didn't spooge forth from his lips then i guess he just wouldn't feel like life was worth living.

You my loser of the cartoon airways are without a doubt what in prison would be a TIER PUNK. you would run your suck when the doors are closed and you cant be reached, but as soon as the locks were turned and the doors opened you would be kneeling in a shower stall paying your rent. don't talk to me about felons punk, you are a victim of your own ignorance and someday someone like me will make you understand just how much that ignorance cost people with big mouths.

don't ever try to judge me as a person based upon a video game. i am 39 years old, I HAVE NEVER BROKEN MY OATH OR A PROMISE IN MY LIFE. can your pansy ash say that???? never??? my loyalty is without question, my honor is intact, i am the person you would beg to have as a friend when the poop hits the fan....because no matter the personal cost i will not turn my back. so felon i may be.....but 5 times the man you ll ever be without a doubt. (just go ask your ole lady) and i wouldn't make the mistake of casting judgment on those i call friends, they don't take kindly to loser running their mouths.

if my spelling is inaccurate then blame spell checker, cause unlike you i actually work on improving at whatever i apply myself to. thus the original purpose to this post.

as far as flying rigs with cannons? well i have a life outside this game so i have yet to attain the level of accurately firing upon an opponent that would ensure fast kills without multiple attempted shots taken, so the shots i do land need to count. and as i recall mouth boy all three of our engagements constituted you in a plane carrying cannons. Unless you were issued the only p38g that they forgot to put them on.

you forget when you run your mouth about what happened to mention that the 2 kills you have against me i was flying a hurricane, while you were booming in your 38. but when i came back in a plane that could at least climb and some what pace with you (La7) that is when you died. if your gonna run your mouth at least make it accurate and informative, don't alter easily reviewable history to suit your delusion.
the comment of opportunistic..........well BnZing a guy turn fighting in a hurri while your riding a 38 coming down from the stratosphere.....i would call that opportunistic, wouldn't you?

as far as meeting you in the DA? why the hell should I? tell you what tough guy you wanna pet your ego try DAing someone who has spent as many hours a month playing as you have. or why don't you DA JETSOM, I'm sure he will. he loves to turn the picker into his punk. ask him next time you see him on.
i only DA someone i want to learn from. i don't DA punks who want to prove they have no life no class and no heart. your a tough guy in your cartoon airplane, but once the cartoons are over you got nothing.
I did awhile ago DA GRIZZ. unlike you he is a good guy willing to teach and not judge or try to use it for bragging purposes. i learned a few things on that night, the most important being that not all people in this game are juvenile little punks such as you.

the IQ test, now that's funny. i wouldn't want to hurt your self esteem by showing you just how stupid you are. aside from that loser boy do you understand the fact that an IQ test score isn't worth poop in the real world? is that why you spend so many hours in pretend land? cause your afraid of the real world?

well i have wasted enough of my time on talking with you. you are below me, you are the slime from my boot at the best you could ever be. so why dont you just keep your mouth on your boyfriend and off the topic of me.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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Offline Shane

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #62 on: October 05, 2008, 09:05:57 PM »
ooooo.. sooooo IN....

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798
Truth doesn't need exaggeration.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #63 on: October 05, 2008, 09:14:30 PM »
this thread has certainly taken an interesting turn !

Offline mechanic

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #64 on: October 05, 2008, 09:49:57 PM »
the simple answer on how to avoid the ho shot is do not merge head to head. ever. that is for the da only.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline BnZ

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #65 on: October 05, 2008, 10:03:50 PM »
Guys, you can't settle this in the manner of gentlemen over the internet. And do you REALLY want to pay for plane ticket just to bloody each other noses?  :devil


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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #66 on: October 05, 2008, 10:09:27 PM »
BnZ i cocied to your wisdom

Anodizer I agree to disagree on our opinion of prior events. I will drop the issue between us here and now and I apologise for my rudeness in my responces to you.
<SALUTE> to you for your skills and i am sure we will meet again in the air over A.H. land.

<SALUTE> to all


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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Offline Kitt18

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #67 on: October 05, 2008, 10:22:09 PM »
Rule 1: Always expect a HO on initial merge.
Rule 2: Never try a coalt merge...(There are limited player styles>Ranker sees easy kill>Noob sees a "here goes my cherry">Veteran player sees> :mad: hes goin for ho)..all three will put you in tower.
Rule 3: I'm assuming that the comments about your kill were in the EW arena on this one...DONT KILL A HIGH RANKED PLAYER. It cannot be done.

Rule 3 Definition: A hi ranked player is invincible. They can only be defeated by warping, ho'ng, vulching, picking, gang banging, cable pulling (whatever that is), running codes, camping, spying, etc...

Basically in short. dont concern yourself with what a "HO" shot is. if its Red-KILL IT. Its your money. Have fun :salute
Just dont HO

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The above text is not directed towards any individual or squads, either directly or implied. Any inference of such is at the sole discretion of the reader and should not be taken as such.
The author makes no claims of validity of the accuracy of claims aforementioned in the written text prenoted.
The aforementioned text is simply an observational opinion, any party or parties that take offense to the above statements need to relax and enjoy the game that they participate in.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 10:28:21 PM by Kitt18 »

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Offline dedalos

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2008, 10:34:09 PM »
FACE IT........
more vet players use this than anyone. check scores and k/d ratios. you'll find that the top scoring players either pick, bnz, or ho.(most of the time. some actually fight).
 sad part is they don't need to...which is why i don't understand it.

Ahhhh, but they do need to :rofl.  When they don't, they find out their score was not able to protect them.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline CAP1

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2008, 11:20:26 PM »
Rank guys don't HO, except possibly against craft with vastly inferior firepower, because it is a 50/50 proposition. They front-quarter snapshoot at every opportunity with deadly accuracy, especially against otherwise occupied bandits, but veer off if it becomes apparent the bandit has the E and the willingness to HO back effectively.

I KNOW  of at least one that does.....and he is a rank player...........says he doesn;t, but i see it all the time, as do others.
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Stang

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #70 on: October 06, 2008, 12:39:33 AM »
Holy toejam!


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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #71 on: October 06, 2008, 01:00:40 AM »
As an update to all you pleasant and wonderful people who have been so kind as to share with me your opinions and tactics involving the HO.

well i have been trying to practice some of them as the opportunities have provided themselves.

i have managed to get shot in the face, the wings the tail and everywhere else on my cartoon airplanes. this has been with HOing without HOing while turning to avoid while climbing diving and doing every other manner of obscene acts to get around my intended victim.

what i have noticed is a much lower number of colides, and that against a player without years of experience i usually get so form of shot off, but against any longer term player i wind up in the tower without so much as a hello here's a cup of coffee!!!!!

i will continue to experiment with these varying strategies as the days pass.

<SALUTE> to all and thanx again


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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"The game is designed to encourage combat, not hide from it."

Offline CAP1

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #72 on: October 06, 2008, 08:09:29 AM »
i've read most of the replies here, and gathered everyones opinions. some say get over it, some say don't do it, and i think in one of the previous threads about this, there was the suggestion of turning off the hits fron head on.
 i've made several replies to this particular thread already.

 in my case, i think the main reasons i don't like the ho, are because i don't much care to fly 25 or more miles to the fight only to have some "skilled" :rolleyes: cartoon pilot shoot me in my cartoon face thus ending the fight in approximatly 7 seconds.
 i have limited time that i can fly, and this really really kills the enjoyment. if this continually happens, where can the fun be?

 the worst thing is the guys that are REALLLY good at it. you try some evasive, but in the process, you take away your own gun solution as you possibly open yourself up to his guns. then if you call him on it on open channel, he claims it wasn't a ho.

 it's just becomming a very very sad state concerning things like this in the arenas. 
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline vonKrimm

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #73 on: October 06, 2008, 08:30:43 AM »
Late to the party as usual; I blame my SpitV for that.  :lol

I will complain about a HO if:

a) It is the 1st pass.
b) I have a gun solution.
c) He gets me, I miss him. OR He misses me, I get him.

I also accept complaints if the above are true.

I do not complain if 'b' is false; 'cause that is a deflection for him.

I do not accept complaints on the 2nd conditional of 'c' when his bullets are everywhere but my PIM; 'cause that is a deflection for me.  :P

Example from last night/this morning:

UP-ed the trusty SpitV, Pony & Nikki de-acking field; both cons see me and set-up to vulch.  I roll w/WEP, speet 80-90, pull back, wheels up, flaps down, get level, flaps up, rudder to counter torque. At last 1/4 of runway, Pony comming down, 0-0 aspect solutions for both, nose up, @ 1.0k  a .75 sec burst w/ Lazpannios, oil, fuel, & coolant leak for him, sideslip right, no hits on me; decided HO for both.  Nikki comming down, 0-0 aspect solutions for both of us, nose up, @d800 a .75 sec burst with Hisookas, oil hit on him, no hits on me, he collides, i lose my vertical stabilzer (failed to make side slip left sooner).  Me crash, him crash; we both HO'ed it and lost.  Get a new SpitV, go kill the limping Pony in 1st pass HO 'cause he tried the same tactic again & then 4 of his C-47 flying buddies that were sitting on the ground (that-a-be-a Vulching  :D ). final Tally 173rd guardian Angels:1, vonKrimm of Hellcat Fighter Group: 6.  :rock

Fight Like a Girl

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Re: I know this is gonna go badly
« Reply #74 on: October 06, 2008, 08:45:57 AM »
IN :aok

I don't like HOing personally because I am almost exclusive with the Ki-84. I've had my donut handed to me too many times from a HO. Plus I love the way the 84 handles and turns when I get someone's six. You can just smell their frustration :D