So what is the best option to neutralize the HO threat and best set yourself up post-merge when you don't want to chance mutually assured destruction?
Not sure that you could do both. You just have to hope that you are a better pilot than the him. I don;t know if this will make any sense but will try: Given close pilot skills (probably more true as skill levels rise) the HOer does get a small advantage. If there is a big gap in the skill level, if the hoer is they guy with the less skills, he will die faster. I think that is because he will miss and then he is lost not knowing what do to. A skilled HOer is a different animal than a nube. Lookat it this way, if we come in at a merge at a slight angle, I could open fire at 1K out and shoot to your left hoping that that makes you break a little to the right. So, I already kind of know your first move. That is an advanatage right there.
Raider, I hope I answered your question in these posts