Author Topic: The Difference Between Then and Now  (Read 2647 times)

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #60 on: September 23, 2008, 02:38:05 PM »
OK, I'll spell it out for ya hun. I could not believe that sooo many folks, yes here in /AH were going to vote for this ****head yet again. That prompted me to leave. Does that make any sense mr. wizard?

Bush DOES control the weather!
X.O. False Prophets
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Offline Rockdog

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #61 on: September 28, 2008, 02:53:37 AM »
I have to say that this thread does make me a bit nastalgic. When I got out of the Navy in 94 I was laid up pretty bad and could do much besides build model airplanes and watch the three channels that we had in my home town. When I got my first check from the VA it was back dated to the day I got out and was enough for a brand new Pentium 75 (I didn't know what that meant at the time but my Dad and Sister were jealouse so I knew it had to be good.) When AOL added Usenet I was already starting to figure out the whole computer thingy and was chatting up a starm with people all over the place. I was on a channel talking about WWII planes and somebody brought up Warbirds and said I should check it out. I sometimes wish I had stuck to Worlds chat and Alpha world...

My on and off romance with the boys in grapevine has been going now for around 14 years. sure I remember being able to capture a base by myself, and nothing was more thrilling than landing on a filed that you had flattened to be the one who claimed it, but it was rediculously unrealistic. It led to really bad behavior as well. If you doubt this, just remember what it was like without kill shooter (though friendly firballing was a blast at times.) I think that these guys have done a remarkable job at building a more and more realistic simulation of flying a WWII plane, and all the while trying to balance realism with making the game safe from cheating "gaming  the game" tards. I don't envy their jobs, they have to comprimise on their ideals because for every guy out there that takes this serious as a simulation, there are 50 that are just out relive bordom by shooting something or if they don't have the skill to do that, by ruining someone elses exsperience.

Bottom line, this sim is a hell of a lot better than anything I could have imagined in 1994. I'm just glad that when when Warbids was bought up by people with no soals, HT and Pyro and the gang decided not to let the dream die. The game is what you make of it, and to me, I still get the same thrill I did the first time I went wheels up.

Thanks HTC for all the hard word and dedication.
a.k.a. Raji (Warbirds 1994-99)
a.k.a. Rockdog (1999-2002)
a.k.a. Hayduke (2002-04)
a.k.a. Rockdog (2004-Current)

Offline GhostBer

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #62 on: September 29, 2008, 06:17:18 AM »
I could not agree with you more.  I too get nostalgic when i see or hear about AWIII but since finding this game i havent looked back.  AH is by far the best of both AWIII and WB.  It incorporates all of the fun, the physics and the realisim that was AWIII and the pretty graphics of WB.  Thank you HTC for the game!

Offline RDSaustinTX

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2008, 09:50:11 PM »
From AW lead artist perspective

Frank?!?? Is that you?!
DUDE! I just found a pencil drawing of a FW190 you gave me um.. er.. two decades ago at the LA con. It's being mounted right now, acid-free and UV-protected. Man, it is a beautiful piece. Thank you again.
The main difference between AW and AH is $6/hour with an ELO scoring system. Jump em and they bailed.
Peace on you all.     :pray

Offline Grayeagle

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2008, 01:28:55 AM »

You are so very welcome .. you shaped the Hate that was Air Warrior right there along with Dok, Ghostrider, many others :)

Hey, dood .. lets get a lotta new guys, fly low in bombers ..and call 'em ..


Gawd you had me rollin HARD with your rants ..laffed to tears so many nights were right on.
(about the 50th time we all got shot down ..all of us .. by Mullah .. I began to wonder if .. maybe we should get some altitude? ..doods?)

ROFL .. blast from the past for sure :)

I remember a couple years later and I in low Wulfs went over A-land and just fried poor Pangloss and a buncha other donut till we were both bingo ammo ..then flew back .. I dont think we ever got over 500ft AGL the whole time ..laffed to tears over that one too.

Amazing times.

-GE aka Frank
'The better I shoot ..the less I have to manuever'

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2008, 01:38:34 AM »

The big difference between AW and AH isn't base capture. It's price. The by-gone days you are talking about were in a time when the game cost $6 per hour to play ($18 per if you played during business hours). This made the game almost exclusively an adult game (not saying everyone acted like adults :D). Additionally, the user base was about 10% of what it is in AH. In a smaller game, you knew everyone.  As often as not, it didn't take more than one or two moves for people to recognize who they were fighting. BTW, there were captureable based in AW before there was an AH or a WarBirds. :)
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Mr No Name

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #66 on: October 18, 2008, 02:03:10 AM »
Awww man AW Vietnam... how i used to DROOL over the thought of a cat shot in a phantom... great screenies
Vote R.E. Lee '24

Offline Wyld45

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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #67 on: October 18, 2008, 02:42:23 AM »
Of course, most of you have heard the old timers from AW recount the days of chivalry, letting wounded opponents go, everybody <S>ing and talking about it being "all about the fight".  A lot of that is true but of course, some is just nostalgic selective memory.  People tend to forget the bad stuff.

                  Its called,"The decline of American decency and morality"

              Look at your History Bald, the difference between attitudes during WWII
          and now.  Look how long the feelings of pride and patriotism lasted after
          911 untill we became divided over that matter. Compared to how together
          Americans were after Pearl Harbor, The tons of sacrafice and un-selfishness
          untill the war was won.

                  Now were just "me-me-me", "Now-now-now", and the media is
          more into, "What kinda dirt can we dig up on "Joe-the-Plumber". :furious
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 02:47:11 AM by Wyld45 »
RRWyld45  1138th "Rough Riders" Bomber Wing


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Re: The Difference Between Then and Now
« Reply #68 on: October 18, 2008, 08:17:23 AM »
I think it's reasonable to assume that a company such as EA did enough due dilligance to know exactly what they were buying, what it's revenues, profits and subscriber numbers were and also enough to make reasonable projections.

The way the deal went down and thier quick exit suggest that there were other motives for that aquisition.

IIRC the moment EA bought Kesmai, all development on AWIII stopped.  Is that how a company that's buying for the future handles things?  I think not.  I think they planned on killing Kesmai from the outset.

 Agreed 110% !
 EA  had a grave dug and waiting for Air Warrior before they acquired
  it !
Also I am aware of two different people that tried to buy AW and EA refused to even consider a counter offer .... EA had absolutely no interest  other than to get control of it , and Kill it !
 I hate EA and the Bastages that killed Air Warrior ......

 I had a lot of fun playing AW ...
 I had belonged to  `CUCAS SQUAD` and when the word came down that EA was killing  Aw the squad petered out... was disbanded ....
 I was then asked to join  The Sea Serpents and we were all online and in the game the night that EA
 pulled the plug ..
 Our CO of The Sea Serpents, HG summed it up best when just before the lights went out that night sent an
open remark to EA   F**K You EA ..... ....

 Bob/CHECKERS    aka `Cucas Squad CHKRS` SeaSerpents CHKRS



« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 08:39:15 AM by CHECKERS »
Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.