Not at all, was just pointing out the flaws in your below argument: -
Hence my skin comment (and it is time consuming to repaint an aircraft - see below).
Perk option to remove wingtips on those aircraft which had them in service would make sense to me - more variants represented with minimal fuss. But then of course there are all sorts of complexities with different rated engines etc.
We already have options which seem to be invalid by your own guidelines of 'a few minutes'.
A "few minutes" is all that is needed to get ords, ammo, and fuel onto an aircraft in WII. There is a reason ground crews didnt mess with "to have or not to have" wing tips, #1 they couldnt do it and #2 it was model specific from the factory.
Again... one isnt "painting" their aircraft prior to takeoff as they would having the ground crews load up the bombs, fuel, ammo, etc, they're choosing which unit to be in. It is a completely different thing, 'tis you who has the flaw in the arguement, not I. My reference regarding the FPS is the "flash-bang" approach some what to take towards this game. I dont think we should be able to alter the mechanical make up of aircraft as you are suggesting, it didnt happen in WWII that is for sure.
Having clight crews bolt on or unbolt the wing tips is not something the pilot could do. It is no different then having an armorer swap out a 20in barrel for a 14/5in barrel on an M16 just before a soldier goes into a building to clear it out. It doesnt fit this sim-game, maybe in some FPS, but not here. Pick the plane you want as it is. Each plane has a role (or multi-roles). Sorry, but you cant put the tips back on your Spit16 for XYZ reason, guess you'll have to take the Spit8,9, or 14. In case you have not noticed, HTC isnt about to perk some loadout and not others on a plane... they either perk or dont perk an entire plane. So your option of partial perkin' isnt even a possibility.
I'm not sure what you're tollin' for... *shrugs*