When it comes down to it... sign the first offer.. it will cost you a lot less
It will look to you like it is the end of the world and you got royally screwed, but, take it from me, after a 4 year battle back in the early 90's. I so many times wished i had signed the first offer. She got crazier as it went along, and every court appereance became a -which lawyer is now going to ask for a continuance to dip a little deeper in my pocket? game.
I wouldn't wish divorce on my worst enemy, especially when there are kids involved, but for everyones sanity, sign the first agreement.
Better yet, see if you can see a divorce conselor and save some dough for the kids, we saw one, and the doors opened wide when she said - Birds of a feather flock together- and the ex-wife turned bright red--wow what an ego crash that was...lol...
Just got her to become even more of a rabid dog beech though, but wow, what an education. Remember all those dopes who you knew or know - guess what--dope... welcome to reality.
I still chuckle on a daily basis over a lot of the insanity