After reading the Aces High Forums for a little over a year, I though there couldn't be anything else posted that would surprise me. Then I ran across this thread. I just have to sit back and scratch my head in disbelief.
Maybe I'm just not getting it, but folks we are talking about $15.00 a month. You have the 200 soap opera, little generals yelling orders, old vets complaining, new guys complaining, people calling each other names, fights on the BBS, egos that never stop, whining, laughing, excitement, boredom, missions, dog fights, GV fights, political discussions, homophobics, the "I'm smarter than you attitude", the "Your not smarter than me attitude", lets DA, lets not DA, your a coward, dweeb, squeaker, you pick, HO, ram, and my favorite, you announce that your coming to fight when you 15,000 feet and already have broken the dar bar.
Folks you get all this for $15.00 a month. You don't feel like your getting a deal. Hell, I would pay a $100 a month for all this entertainment.