Author Topic: 190 performance vs the way its being flown  (Read 803 times)


  • Parolee
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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2001, 11:35:00 AM »
Nexus, go there:

And look for a Jekyll post with the "NACA REPORT" link. It is in PDF format and you'll see that the NACA lines from the jekyll sheet are more than accurate. The only missing data is roll rate from 150 to 200 mph.

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2001, 11:48:00 AM »
Anyway, I understand very well what you mean with "your", basillacy referring to "only LW planes" fans.

Heh, it looks like I couldn't explain what I meant. But I wasn't referring to LW plane fans with the 'your' part. I know it sounds strange, but it's a turn of phrase in common use over here - I just wish I could explain it sufficiently well.  

Anyway, your English is very good, as I said before.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline ra

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2001, 11:57:00 AM »
<<<- 190A series are the worst substained climbers at any altitude, except 0 - 1mm.>>>

Maybe true in comparison to other LW planes, but there are planes with far worse climb than the 190A.



  • Parolee
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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
Absolutelly agree Ra: Ju88, Lancaster and C47  

Offline Vulcan

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2001, 05:37:00 PM »
Sorry guys I didn't mean for this to start an us vs them squeakfight again.

There are some awesome FW190 pilots in this thread. And it was wrong of me to generalise.

I do think the 190 roll rate is to low.

I do think the guns, especially the doras, are just wrong.

I don't mind the roll rate being so low in the tiffie. Currently I'm 36:11 this tour.
I've been jabo'ing and not watching my k/d, so not bad for a roll-less heap  

My point was, that I honestly believe the 190 is being flown wrong. Why? I compared it with the tiffie. The tiffie FORCES you to fly a certain way. If you don't you die. So let me describe important things I do in fight:
 - keep fast
 - setup for 15k-20k
 - dive at merge for speed gains
 - resist turns, go vertical
 - go for enemys back line, stay away from front line fights
 - setup targets, come in from blind spots (low 6), hi 4-5 hi 7-8
 - if a con comes in with alt on me, turn my back and drag the E out of him, set up for vertical reverse
 - be careful in selecting prey. Pick the guys that looks like he hasn't seen you, pick the guy that is in a low-E situation so when you dive on him hes got nowhere to move

Basically very little ACM is involved. Its a matter of select prey, setup, hit, zoom out. Start again. Classic BnZ fighting.

To me, 190s should be doing this. But most 190s I see aren't. The fact that the tiffie does this well without roll indicates to me the roll issue is not the problem. Its peoples perception of how the should be flying a 190 -> they think they should be rolling it, "cos 190s roll fast".

So this whole "yeah the tiffies been fixed, now make the 190 roll faster and then the 190 will be a killa" argument seems wrong - and is a basic indication that its been flown wrong ***in general***.



  • Parolee
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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2001, 06:46:00 PM »
Extremely good and precise description Vulcan. Just the same steps needed to have success with a B26 as a fighter in this environment. Hide, run, attack by surprise, dont use ACM, get higher than the enemy, stay higher, etc. Well, we are talking about a plane that historically merged and did dogfight against Spits, P51s, P47s, P38s, Yaks and Las, they where frontline fighters, not some kind of obsolescent dynosaur. Flying like you describe will ensure the success for any plane, not just the 190.

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2001, 07:36:00 PM »
Question is Mandoble, were they at their best flying like I describe. From all accounts I've heard of they were. Whenever I read about 190 success it was as a bird that set up bounces well, and devasted in one pass.

BTW, how exactly do you hide a tiffie  

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2001, 10:29:00 PM »
verm: yes it was  purely the damage i mean not so much the ballistics.
one point you made is this is a single shell spoken of in tonys post and i understand where you are coming from but this is a game and i go by what i see and feel.
 this situation:
'a 2 second burst from an hispano fired at 300 yards' would cause more damage than a mg151 for the same 2 seconds because more shells would hit(rof).But im going by the amount of pings you see.If i fire a snap shot at a fleeing plane with an hispano it 'seems'(not always but generally) to cause more damage than my mg151 if i get a single hit.This is where its not right you see? if i hit with my mg151 it is a harder shot but it should be no less damageing if like you said tony was talking single shell.I know velocity/penetration on hispano is greater but please this IS a game and for the sake of peace lets drop this finite squabbleing over subtle differences.Make my shell travel the true RL trajectory but please a hit is a hit, and according to tony williams, they 'should' cause the same sort of RL hispano probably more but AH it seems too much more to me.
the hispano would still have its advantage in ease of hitting a target.I hope this explains what im asking for, it really isnt an LW issue so much as a game issue.As for the net(lag etc) adversely affecting the more spaced out shells of a slower ROF gun i dont know but if this is true adjustment for it seems only fair to me.
SW <S> mate, you have really got me wound up a few times but i accept its all in 'fun'           i never was much good at holding my temper unfortunately so if ive ever offended you try to take it with a pinch of salt          
Vulcan: <S> mate!! i understand now !!what you meant and i agree totally BUT i have got to say you are missing out if you havent discovered the 190s CAN dogfight if you use your bag of tricks!           .
As for roll rates non importance I'll give you an example of roll rate saving my ass.
P51 on my bellybutton 900-1k closing..i split S but he follows slipping wildly with a barrel roll to maintain his position in lag pursuit as he cant match the initial roll, but hes clever enough to adjust, ok hes still on my bellybutton and he will follow me out in a favourable position i think.hes obviously not stupid, so i dive headlong for the ground looking back, jinking,watching his wings  carefully,pings all around  i wait until the last moment and roll at high speed,he starts to follow me round i rudder and roll the other way and pull out under extreme G...he cannot follow and i have the oppertunity to head the oppersite direction and disengage.tricking them into thinking one thing is part of the game and the 190 is a great plane for dummy moves.

there really are many tricks only usable in 190s with its high roll rate and i urge you to fly them more to learn them.Shaws book was written for the 190a8 !! im sure he was really a kraut hehe          

<S> mandoble i think i'll state here and now whatever you say i agree with           your posts are usually among the best ive seen.


p.s. dowding i'll try to explain the significance of the reliability to the arguement bearing in mind what ive just written.
hispano armed f4c RL:
lower roll rate(than 190): higher ROF,excellent trajectory,equal if not better damage than comparable mg151 hit(1 shell only) but not much in it (tony williams quote) reliability problems and adverse vibration effects.
mg151 armed fw190 dora in RL:
Excellent roll rate, lower ROF , poor trajectory,equal if not slightly less damage than comparable hispano hit, no reliability problems as such, no mention of adverse vibration effects.

Hispano armed f4c in AH:
 A gain in roll rate over 190s,higher ROF,excellent trajectory, more damaging than comparable mg151 hit(IMO),perfect reliability,no adverse vibration effect.

Mg151 armed fw dora in AH:
(20%?) reduction in roll rate,lower ROF,poor trajectory, less damage than comparable hispano hit (IMO),no  bonus for reliability or vibration.possible disadvantage due to ROF and net issues.

this is what i feel is wrong.and im asking if it is possible to adjust to make it more fair.hope this is a bit clearer why i mentioned the other factors such as reliability.reliability as it stands, i know, is not a usable issue for a game but lets be fair and close the gap in differing performance of guns a bit.190s have already lost out on roll (and possible e retention? but im not expert i just take in what i read)
hispano armed planes have all the pluses and none of the historical minuses.

[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 06-04-2001).]


  • Parolee
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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2001, 04:05:00 AM »
Ok, time to sumarize some points in common with all 190 variants.

Real Life vs AH:
- Lost of 15-20% roll respect the rest of the planes.

- Poor punch power for 151/20 guns.

- Poor resistante to enemy fire even having the extra weight of hvy armoured parts.

- One hit = engine stops with almost any front quarter shot.

Gameplay issues:
- Net lag + poor ROF = very low chances to hit anything moving in front of your nose.

- While fuel multiplier has been "calculated" with our actual map scale in mind, the altitude is a key factor not considered into the equation. This is hard to explain in english but I'll try to do my best. For example, in RL you need an hour to travel from base A to base B, and the fuel consumption will be 50%. During that hour you have had enough time to climb to 25k in the first 15 minutes and at this point you have consumed 10% of your fuel. Here, in AH, you burn fuel much faster and bases are much closer, but time to reach 25k remains the same. So, in AH, when you get to 25k you have consumed 50% of your fuel instead 10% (for example). This issue affects directly short range planes like 190 while does not affect at all long range planes like P51/P47/P38/F6F/Zeke/Nikki/etc.

- Another issue related to fuel. In bombed bases where you cant load drop tanks and only 25% of fuel is available per plane. The gallons needed to fill up 25% of fuel in a P51 are equivalent to filling up 75% of fuel in a 190A5, but the reality is that only 25% is available also for 190A5. And 25% in a 190 is just enough fuel to take off, climb to 2k and land. In the other hand, a P51 with 25% of fuel can travel from one base to the closest one for sure.

- Another game concession: All the planes have combat trim and ammo counters, while the only one with similar systems in RL was the 190.

And now, a personal feeling: Each time a fly lands on my stick and moves it a nanometer, my E blows up, the most closest plane with same effect is the Ju88.

Well, this is my third day without AH, and I'm not leaving, just resting. Hazed, I recommend you the same therapy, it works. Some resting days and come back to kill spits (if you are very lucky con can even find some other type of planes nearby to shoot at).

Offline StSanta

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2001, 04:21:00 AM »
Ironically, the extra armor on the 190A8 and 190F8 would only be good against other LW planes.

Against ack, it is as vulrenable as other birds - I'd argue that it suffers engine hits more frequently than some birds. Not smoke or oil hits - just one hit, engine dead.

Against Hispanos, the extra armor wouldn't do much. The kinetic energy of an AP hispano round would go right through. Against a HE round, it might stop it from penetrating and exploding inside the plane, and thus reduce the damage done by the expanding gasses, since they're free to expand. Shrapnel would also be repelled more with the armor.

Unfortunately, the Hispano round in AH is both AP. And HE. And incendiary. The extra armor is therefore useless and only adds weight.

Against buff guns the extra armor especially around the nose and wings of the A8 should help, but the AH buffs have beefed up guns.

One can conclude that all extra armor does in AH is reduce climb rate and overall performance.

Seawulfe, most Experten I meet (and fly with) fly the 190 as it should be flown. They aren't idiots  . With the exception of the A5, you really cannot get really tempted to turn.

Baron StSanta Von GrossenArsch


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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2001, 10:54:00 AM »
I know someone else already stated this - but I'll re-itterate.

Would it make every one happy if NACA charts were used, but all plane performances lowered by 10% respectively?

This would make the relative differences between planes the same as RL, but adjust performance for game play reasons.



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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
Originally posted by StSanta:
They aren't idiots   .

With the exception of you and Hblair, I beg to differ!    

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #42 on: June 05, 2001, 11:50:00 AM »
vermillion,dowding plz reply about the guns like to know your thoughts.this is the first time ive felt id explained what i meant clearly hehe.


Offline Vulcan

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #43 on: June 05, 2001, 05:30:00 PM »
Hazed dude check some of my other posts. I do talk about rollrate more as a defensive measure. So I agree totally with you there   , I think my view of rollrate misuse relates to it in offensive moves.

One question about the 190 cannons, I notice I torched a lot more buffs with 190. Almost every Lanc I hit ended up in flames. This is quite rare with the tiffie. Does AH model incendaries?

On the hispano side, I agree with the comments on the ROF vs Net lag. Being so far away this has always been a problem for me. The low ROF and drop on 190 rounds has always been hard for me. Especially as the 190 is most effective in at d200. At this range the net makes landing a shot hard (planes tend to jump around a lot more).

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #44 on: June 05, 2001, 09:00:00 PM »
vulcan ive never noticed the higher rate of fires caused but then i havent flown hispano plane enough to know.Maybe youre right and mg151s are better against buffs.I also did some testing offline to check hits on drones and it seems both guns seem about the same in there to me.very strange as online the hispanos seemed to feel much better than mg151.
Its incredibly hard to do even tests tho and since ive cancelled my account i just stopped testing them  
I still dont 'know' if the mg151s were suffering from net lag or undermodelling and maybe if i flew the allied stuff more i wouldnt feel they are so different but from the many short term tests ive done the hispano always 'appeared' a lot stronger.
who knows? i certainly dont for sure.
i give up   hehe
