Author Topic: 190 performance vs the way its being flown  (Read 804 times)

Offline Hristo

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2001, 07:47:00 AM »
Santa, SW is just boosting his ego. Any LW who replies to him just helps him in his new ego project.

He might try to take 202 up now (or better, C47). Once he makes a decent record in it, he can use it as an excuse when claiming 202 is competitive in 1944 arena.

Live and learn  

[This message has been edited by Hristo (edited 06-06-2001).]

Offline Vulcan

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2001, 07:57:00 AM »
I once checked out the Chog vs the tiffie on hispanos. I noticed a couple of things. One, the chog has a 'drooped' nose, giving much better snapshot/lead shot capability. Two, the close grouping of the chog guns (look at the chog pair distance vs tiffie pair distance) definitely helps the chog hispanos grouping lethality.

I also know that the wing root cannons on 190s are always more effective than the outer wing cannons, once again because of the grouping.

So what do we have. Minor differences that make a big difference combined. Better gun grouping, better visibility for snap/lead shots, better trajectory, higher RoF.

Given that B17s never had to defend against chogss and tiffies maybe what we see here isn't that out of whack after all?

Offline Dowding

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2001, 12:04:00 PM »
The points about ROF, projectile drop - well they are characteristics of the German cannons, and really it's something you have to live with. As for the other points:

no bonus for reliability or vibration.

Are you saying that German weapons were more reliable than the Hispano et al? Considering all the manufacturing problems I mentioned previously?

Perhaps you believe that there should be a bonus accorded to the LW planes for reliability and a reduction in performance for the Hispano. If this was implemented, then the only thing that can follow from this is that you must introduce defects into all LW late-war A/C.

Reliability problems due to design and reliability problems due to manufacture yield the same results and must be treated the same in any modelling.

As for the 190 roll-rate - I really would like to see corroborating data for ALL aircraft under scrutiny. I guess it's the physics grad. part of my mind. ;)

BTW, this new BB version is ace.  :)
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Offline AKSWulfe

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2001, 12:28:00 PM »
Hristo, when you can fit your ego through a doorway you can have room to talk.

Fact of the matter is, these planes are damn competitive... you are just whining to the wrong guy on that issue.

"I'm superior pilot in an inferior plane fighting superior planes with inferior dweebs flying them"

Offline Hristo

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2001, 01:12:00 PM »
Who is whining ?

Planes are competitive as they are, IMO. I think I never had poor K/D in any of them.

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2001, 01:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding:
The points about ROF, projectile drop - well they are characteristics of the German cannons, and really it's something you have to live with.

I stated quite clearly ROF and trajectory were better on the hispano and have never claimed otherwise.'live with it'?...again you have a venomous tone.As if im asking for them to be changed purely for my own gain!

Are you saying that German weapons were more reliable than the Hispano et al? Considering all the manufacturing problems I mentioned previously?
Reliability problems due to design and reliability problems due to manufacture yield the same results and must be treated the same in any modelling.

during the course of the entire war YES i do beleive MG151s were more reliable(I suggest you read tony williams book).Why else would the hispanos have a notorious reputation for unreliability and being prone to jams under G.Later in the war 1944-45 maybe the sabotage/lack of materials, was bad but im sure even you cant possibly beleive it happened so often as to make an essentially reliable gun suddenly unreliable always the way a design fault would.(later mark hispanos were greatly improved in reliability but still had vibration trouble).We could argue all day on this and neither of us has any evedence other than what we can read.

Perhaps you believe that there should be a bonus accorded to the LW planes for reliability and a reduction in performance for the Hispano. If this was implemented, then the only thing that can follow from this is that you must introduce defects into all LW late-war A/C.

    :mad: GRRR!!now you are babbleing.NEVER SAID IT.just wrote it that way to show oppersite of unreliabilty/vibration, stop making assumptions and you may stop annoying people though i suspect this is what you enjoy.

As for the 190 roll-rate - I really would like to see corroborating data for ALL aircraft under scrutiny. I guess it's the physics grad. part of my mind.

totally agree with you.Im still unsure as to the true RL/ah performance gap.but the fact its talked about is the whole reason i request it looked into.totaly fair request  if you ask me.

BTW, this new BB version is ace.       :)

thats twice ive agreed with you...must be something wrong...      :D

dowding im not sure if you mean it or not but your posts in reply to mine are often really annoying because you use conjecture almost constantly, I like everyone else have difficulty making it totally clear what i mean.Again I'll say it, I dont claim anything is set in stone and undeniable.some of what i say IS personal opinion and it can be changed with evidence to the contrary.Take vulcans 'feeling' the mg151s may cause more fires as an example.I dont outrightly claim he is wrong,or worse still quote just the part about mgs causeing more fires and say something stupid like'VULCAN YOU allied dweeb show me the evidence to your claim! ' i actually think if he 'feels' it is different it may be true, hes not a liar nor do i suspect he has a hidden agenda like laz (the loon).Id like to see pyro or someone tell us why he feels it by explaining about incendries if they are modeled etc.try keeping an open mind and if you dont agree test stuff and post what you think.
Drop this conjecture on what others say.

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: hazed- ]

Offline Dowding

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2001, 04:34:00 PM »
Really Hazed, you fly off the handle at the slightest thing.

My 'live with it' comment wasn't venomous in the slightest; it was a statement of fact, recognising the relative ballitical characteristics of the German cannon versus the Hispano - i.e. it is something that cannot be changed. It was NOT a pointed attack.

As for your point about 'conjecture' - I don't understand. If you have a problem with people trying to derive the meaning behind what you write, then I don't know how you expect me to reply. I think you mistake 'extension of argument' for malice.

It seems to me you are asking for design flaws to be taken into account. Fine - I have no problem with that. All I ask for (which is stated in my last post), is that reliability through manufacturing flaws be taken into account also. As you rightly point out, this would be nigh on impossible to do objectively (which I've stated before).

You wrote about how the F4U-C is not penalised for having Hispanos which apparently had problems with vibration/reliability. Moreover, you state that Dora has 'no bonus' for reliability or lack of vibration. You then state you think this is wrong (along with the roll-rate issue), and ask for adjustment to make it more 'fair' (whatever that means).

Following this, you ask that the gap be closed based on the fact that hispano armed planes have all the plusses and none of the historical minuses.

All I'm saying is that if you do that for Hispano armed aircraft, you must do it for all late-war LW aircraft. To do any other would definitely be 'unfair'.

In summary, there was nothing personal in my post WHATSOEVER, yet your reply is filled with vitriol. I really can't see why.
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Offline Dowding

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2001, 04:37:00 PM »
Double post.

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Dowding ]
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Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2001, 01:41:00 PM »
jesus its difficult to get through to you dowding from almost the very beginning i was talking about damage done by the hits and the roll rate reduction.I merely mentioned the vibration/reliability because it was being discussed by mandoble originally,like HE AND I said we were NOT asking for it to be factored in and i can see now i should have left it off those RL/AH comparisons.I also should have put tyhoon or spit instead of f4c because again dowding you read more into it than i intended.The GUN dowding. f4c just a hispano example!.
Originally posted by Dowding:
'You wrote about how the F4U-C is not penalised for having Hispanos which apparently had problems with vibration/reliability. Moreover, you state that Dora has 'no bonus' for reliability or lack of vibration. You then state you think this is wrong (along with the roll-rate issue), and ask for adjustment to make it more 'fair''

no dowding i wrote:

'Hispano armed f4c in AH:
A gain in roll rate over 190s,higher ROF,excellent trajectory, more damaging than comparable mg151 hit(IMO),perfect reliability,no adverse vibration effect.

Mg151 armed fw dora in AH:
(20%?) reduction in roll rate,lower ROF,poor trajectory, less damage than comparable hispano hit (IMO),no bonus for reliability or vibration.possible disadvantage due to ROF and net issues.'

id rather you ignore the vibration/reliability dowding.You have 'conveniently' quoted JUST the reliability ignoring roll/damage per round/ROF net issues.These were what i was mainly trying to talk about. DO you see why it is so infuriateing? I really dont give a sh     :)t about the reliability but it IS documented about the hispano.(in AH the guns are perfect models supposedly so manufacture materials dont factor in,its a DESIGN fault so thats why i thought people might agree it has avoided a real life problem and so it was another plus for the hispano).Im sure you do know exactly what you are doing, if not then i cant beleive you cannot see what i mean by your conjecture and quoteing out of context habits.You concentrate on an issue that I actually AGREED with earlier when i said even amunition was sabotaged by the slave workers and it was not worth factoring into a game.
Im trying to make you understand..yes the figures for rof/ballistics match whats on paper(official tests) and in the AH code. ROF/balistics to all intents is correct ok? BUT is the NORMAL NET PROBLEMS making them behave worse because, like mandoble said, the slower bullets will suffer more than a high rate gun as targets microwarp more(or each warp is more pronounced) when nearer than 300 yards.This is what i mean would be FAIR to account into the game if found true.I DID NOT ASK for a bonus to be added for reliability! it was merely the opersite of having no PENALTY for poor reliability.Jeez i wished this bit was never mentioned as its given you something to change the thread with.Its almost like hijacking a thread by being pedantic over the slightest remark.Ive spent more time trying to explain things to you than anything else.
My posts are full of vitriol? no dowding its called frustration and you are the cause.I called you annoying because your statement :

Originally posted by Dowding:
'The points about ROF, projectile drop - well they are characteristics of the German cannons, and really it's something you have to live with.'

Where did i say the ROF or bullet drop was wrong? I stated clearly what i KNOW about the hispano and mg151, hispano good with higher !mg151 poor with slower! yet you said id have to live with it as if i was demanding it changed when i wasnt asking for it at all!.Im asking for the damage and the reasons they are hard to hit with be looked into.whether the behaviour in AH has been affected by the net, or whatever else may cause them to appear so much less effective. I cant explain anymore and now ive left i really dont care for myself, so its not an attempt at getting an unhistorical advantage.I dont want one dont try and make out I do.I want this game to match what ive read in tony williams statement.I have left because this amongst other things was annoying me.

ok thats all ill say on it Dowding, i regret thinking you would read my post as it was intended.Its obvious you think everything i say is some sort of attempt to get an advantage or remove some realistic advantage the allies had.Either that or you find some pleasure in winding people up.Youre quite good at it arent you(intended or not).I think ill just ignore your answers from now on whenever i return to these boards.Do me a favour and ignore mine.

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: hazed- ]

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: hazed- ]

Offline Dowding

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2001, 02:17:00 PM »
Well, I tried to be civil despite what you might think. I was just trying to understand what you were saying. That was all. There was no 'hi-jacking' of the thread - just a continuation of the reliability theme, which you brought up.  You didn't explain yourself particularly well, and when I tried to make head-or-tail of your post, you took offence.

I'm sorry if I drive you into an apoplexy of rage - this was quite surprising, but nonetheless not my intention.
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Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2001, 03:35:00 PM »
ok crossed wires then we'll leave it at that.

no hard feelins  ;) and id still like SWs veiw but i dare not ask for it.

Offline AKSWulfe

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2001, 03:40:00 PM »
View on what?

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2001, 06:16:00 PM »
lol honestly SW nm mate  :)

Offline Nashwan

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2001, 04:34:00 AM »
Hazed, regarding reliability of Hispano's, I found this on another board

The reference is:
Chinn, G.M. The Machine Gun. (5 volumes) Vols I-IV Bureau of Ordnance, Department of the Navy (USA, 1951-55); Vol V RAMP Inc. 1987
All the stuff about the Hispano is in Volume 1.

You're in luck because someone asked me to do a summary of Chinn's account a couple of weeks ago, so here it is:

The British had a lot of early problems with unreliable firing with the Hispano, and solved them by shortening the chamber (by 2mm) to make sure that the firing pin would strike the primer with sufficient force, and urged the USA to do the same (the British wanted complete standardisation between both countries' production). The Americans, after testing the guns in April 1942, decided not to bother.

However, concern was expressed by US ammo manufacturers that the misfires which kept occurring were the gun's fault, not theirs, so further US tests were held between June 1942 and January 1943. The results of the tests
were...a recommendation to shorten the chamber! (but not as short as in the British guns). Various other detailed changes were made, following which some guns were sent over to the UK for testing in July and August 1943 and
showed themselves to be as good as British production. Only at this point were US guns accepted by the British as "acceptable for service use".

The problem was that the USA had already made 56,410 guns (no less). These guns effectively had to be remanufactured to the new standard. In February 1944 all AN-M2 production stopped. At that time there were still 35,955 long-chamber guns in store, classified as "unserviceable". Most were later converted to M3s.

Chinn goes on to give details of the operational performance of the AN-M2. The USN mounted some 90% of these guns, the USAAF making very little use of them. Incidentally, the M1 version was for engine mounting and not used in service, although several hundred were made (also incidentally, for some reason US production of the 60-round drum feed carried on into 1944 and nearly 30,000 were made).

First use by the USN was in the SB-2C when a test batch was sent out in 1943 and evaluated in combat, the first action being in March 1944. Factory representatives accompanied the cannon to the front. To quote Chinn; "These expert technicians sent back voluminous reports that explained the
malfunctions that did occur were due to one of three things; failure of the feeder, bad ammunition and improper maintenance. Their zeal in clearing the gun itself in every instance casts doubt upon the validity of the reports."

Some 5,800 USN planes were fitted with 11,600 guns. The SB-2C and SB-W aircraft were the principal planes carrying this weapon into combat, along with a very limited number of F4U-1Cs. It was therefore hardly ever used by fighters and shot down very few aircraft.

Chinn says; "With the mounting of the 20mm cannon in Navy planes a series of malfunctions began that could not be properly corrected at the time as manufacture was at the peak of production...the most serious problem was the
oversize chamber. There still remained considerable variance in dimensions between the chambers of the British and US cannon...". A curious explanation for the poor standards of manufacture which plagued the AN-M2 was that, being over .60" (15mm) calibre, it was considered to be an
artillery weapon rather than a small arm. It was therefore built to artillery manufacturing tolerances, which were not tight enough for this weapon. As a "quick fix", the USN liberally coated the ammunition with a heavy lubricant (which the British specifically banned from their Hispanos).
Some 32,000 M3s had also been delivered by the end of the war and these suffered the same problems as the AN-M2.

After the end of the war, all of the problems were analysed and a development programme was put in hand to correct them, work being successfully carried out over the next few years. In conclusion, Chinn says; "Nothing was basically wrong with the weapon. Its wartime performance, good or bad, was the result of having being bought in desperation, put into mass production without first having been adequately proved, and then modified regularly to meet a future commitment before the previous model had been made to function reliably."

Unfortunately Chinn, a USMC officer, did not comment on the gun in USAF service. It would be interesting to know how it fared in the P-38.

On a personal note, I am well aware that when the firing pin strike is only just good enough to fire the primer, such minor details as the characteristics of the metal forming the primer cap can be very significant. The fact that the guns performed well in the UK could have been simply due to a softer or thinner primer cap material, or even that the primer protruded slightly more, in the ammunition used in the tests. Alternatively, as
its problems partly resulted from excessive manufacturing tolerances, it would have been possible to produce satisfactory guns by carefully selecting and matching components. However I'm sure that the Americans would never
consider doing something so devious and underhand to their old ally, perish the thought  ;)

The other point concerns the need to oil the cartridges. This was never entirely dispensed with as even the Mk 16, in USN service in the 1980s as a deck gun, had a built-in cartridge oiler. Yet the British decided they didn't like this and, according to Wallace, changed the cartridge to avoid the need to oil it (this is supported by the official manual, which specifically bans oiling). The problem is, I have never been able to find out what changes were made,
and it begs all sorts of questions about the interchangeability of British v. other nations' ammunition etc.

The postwar USAF one would have been the M24, which was converted to electrical ignition. I don't have any information about problems with that.

Tony Williams

Military gun and ammunition website

Offline hazed-

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190 performance vs the way its being flown
« Reply #59 on: June 09, 2001, 10:21:00 AM »
thanks for the info but like i said earlier i knowthe major problems were with earlier model hispanos.a lot was ironed out from 1943 onwards.It was just unfortunate that this thread turned into a reliability arguement when i was more interested in damage per shell and net issues.neither of these were discussed and it turned into an hispano reliability flame war  :(
Like i stated and as your report shows the hispano did have problems, originally with design(chamber size) which were corrected to some degree but as your report states there was still trouble even after the war.
To be honest i used the reliability as bolster to my arguement and i realise now that subjects of such conjecture should be left out of discussions on programme/net behaviour problems.I have no knowledge of the effects and i was merely repeating what id heard in another post.It was not my intention to 'piss people off' about it.

Anyway i have done offline testing by firing single shell(2x) bursts at wings on the drones and i must admit that both guns can hit with little effect or cause great damage eg wings off.Its one of those situations where unless i fly both hispano planes and mg151 planes almost equally my personal 'feeling' on their destructive power is not a viable opinion.
It seems thats how they are and thats how they will stay.But please remember that after flying for all this time seeing hispano armed planes take out GV's whilst i could put my entire clip into a gv with no effect im bound to feel a little hard done by right? We were told the hispano was modeled as 'both' ap and He and the mg151 was just He with mineshell although ive never read any confirmation of this by htc myself.This made me assume that we had a better chance of taking a wing off as they are described as deadly when they struck the wings.I just didnt see what i expected and thought 'i cant shoot armoured vehicles and my rounds seem to cause less damage to aircraft and are harder to hit with'.
Just felt a bit like we were getting everything in muted form but i appologise if this sort of thing has annoyed anyone.Im sure im not alone in feeling this though.

hazed out <G>