Sounds interesting, explain. I assume you don't literally mean to re-wire your brain to make the signals travel faster. 
The 190s are at their best above most other planes' 'best speed', so you have to take the best habits possible to exploit that flight regime as well as you can.
If you've ever sat down thru a drag racing day with enough different classes, you'll have noticed that a 1 second gap between a pair of ~15 second cars equates to a much smaller gap in distance than a 1 second gap between two ~9 second cars. In dogfighting, this translates into winning or losing angles a lot faster in a high speed dogfight than a slower paced one. Half a second in a nearly stalled out fight is pretty long, but most of the time won't decide the fight. In a fast fight though, it can make or break your fight. So reducing your reaction time is a very simple way to improve your fighting without any actual ACM improvements. It's like improving your plane itself.
It's pretty useful in the 190 in particular, because while the 190s dont turn with the best in sustained circles, their instantaneous turn rate is competitive (dont remember the exact proportions/figures) and the fast roll rate effectively improves that same turn rate, because the 190 is already banked and grabbing angles while some other planes are still in the process of banking.
What you actualy do (ACM) with that brisk responsiveness is another story, but this is (off the top of my head) always a bonus.
BaldEagl's summary is good but omits one aspect of the 152: It's the most stable of the 190s near departure (until it totaly wigs out under certain circumstances). I think it might also be the best turning one.. According to Mosq's data, it is 30 feet larger in turn radius at full flaps, but slightly beats it in degrees per second. Without flaps it's nearly tied with the A5 as tightest turning 190, and beats it in degrees per second by a little bit (although the 2-gun loadout is missing from the no-flaps trials).
And you would leave the A5's MGFFs off also because of how little ammo they carry.