Greetings friends. Just wanted to past a VERY important warning about antibiotics that I learned recently.
Approximately 10 years ago something changed in me. In my mid 20's I was a health, happy and outgoing person. That all changed seemingly overnight when I developed anxiety / panic disorder and hypoglycemia. As the years went on, I lost jobs and relationships until I learned to slowly control my circumstances and health. Every year I feel worse and worse as if I am aging more quickly than most. As someone that flies RC aircraft, I find it difficult now as I've lost my depth perception and have about 30 floaters in my eyes. I was recently diagnosed with a thyroid condition called Hashimoto's which is basically an under AND over active thyroid under attack but my bodies own antibodies. Because of this, I am more susceptible to many other diseases like diabetes, MS, lupus and yes even cancer.
For years I searched for the cause of all my issues slowly over time while still trying to enjoy life to my best ability. I am consider a rather smart and outgoing person to most people that meet me, however I harbor a dark secret of dizzy spells, anxiety/panic attacks and pain throughout my body that seems to get worse every year. I could never place my finger on what started all of this, the only thing I remember is that it occurred shortly after a dental visit and wondered if I was poisoned by anything while having oral surgery.
Years later (recently) I had an ear infection and was prescribed a drug called AVELOX. Thinking nothing of it, I started my first pill shortly after picking up the antibiotic as I couldn't take my ear infection any longer. Within one hour of taking this pill, I was physically ill. I rushed home and sat in the bathroom for an hour. Soon after my Achilles tendons started hurting, along with my big toes lol!
The next day, I felt a bit 'off'. I was anxious, sweating, one side of my face felt numb, my whole body hurt and by the middle of the day I was pretty convinced I had the flu and barely made it home to pass out. Just before taking my second pill I decided to research this wonder drug my genius doctor gave me and was so surprised by what I read that I immediately realized what had nailed me YEARS ago.
THIS STUFF IS POISON. You may be able to handle it the first time, or even the second time - but all studies that I've read have shown that people WILL end up dying from taking these drugs if they continue to take them. They are VERY toxic to the body.
Here is the kicker - when you stop taking them, they continue to destroy your body for MANY MANY YEARS. There are countless people that develop heart disease, auto immune problems (thyroid, diabetes, etc), years after taking these drugs which have been blamed on other factors but more and more, studies are showing that antibiotics; specifically antibiotics in the Quinolone family are to blame.
A recent upheld standard for deaths caused by drugs both illegal and legal - Antibiotics are to blame for almost 10% of the deaths!!!! That's alarming. Do you believe this to be the true number?
The scariest thing is, there are so many studies that show that bacteria resistance super bugs are starting to rear their ugly head due to the OVERUSE of these VERY powerful antibiotics. The MERSA bug is known to be caused from the overuse of Quinolone's in ER's.
Here is a list of the drugs with Quinolone's in them. If you value your life do not take these drugs. Doctors are IGNORANT! Don't believe me if you wish, but do your due diligence and research what a strangle hold the pharma co's have on society today. I am by no means a crackpot radical like some peta or save the new guinea grass hopper nutball, I'm just try to save a few people from a gloomy life that will make them dependent on other drugs to keep them alive. It's almost paradoxical.
ofloxacin(Floxin®), levofloxacin(Levaquin®, Tavanic®), ciprofloxacin(Cipro®, Baycip®, Cetraxal®, Ciflox®, Cifran®, Ciplox®, Cyprobay®, Quintor®), norfloxacin(Noroxin®, Amicrobin®, Anquin®, Baccidal®, Barazan®, Biofloxin®, Floxenor®, Fulgram®, Janacin®, Lexinor®, Norofin®, Norxacin®, Orixacin®, Oroflox®, Urinox®, Zoroxin®), enoxacin(Penetrex®), lomefloxacin(Maxaquin®), grepafloxacin(Raxar®), trovafloxacin(Trovan®), sparfloxacin(Zagam®), temafloxacin(Omniflox®), moxifloxacin(Avelox®), gatifloxacin(Tequin®), gemifloxacin
You can go here and read up on this. It's not the best put together site but has a wealth of legitimate information from medical publications on it proving how LETHAL these drugs are. Read some of the stories about people that are the most severely affected by these drugs. took me 4 days to feel like I could function again. My whole body is in pain, my anxiety for anything is pretty high, and at about 2pm everyday I feel like I am dying of a major illness until I sleep for countless hours. I'm one of the lucky ones, at least I can sleep. There are countless people blowing their brains out because they are in hell and can't even find solace by sleeping.
Trust me. I believed in doctors at one point. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue and discussed test results with 3 different doctors and 3 different specialist. They ALL read the results wrong, and I pointed out their mistakes in 'newer' medical journals and texts. They brushed me off and many of them got down right childish and angry with me. I knew I was onto something. Doctors are smug and believe they know everything. They have a God complex and while many wish to be what they intended to be, the fact of the matter is - they have only minutes to diagnose you. The do NOT read what medicines do as they believe drug reps who are told NOT to give the indications but to sell the product as the doctors are responsible for knowing the facts of the drug. (at 5 mins, listen about the revolving door)
The FDA acknowledges SOME of the issues with these drugs but continues to allow them as they state 'the benefits still outway the risks'. Many of the CEO's of the drug co go on to work for the FDA and vice versa. If you think there is corruption in oil and wallstreet , you AIN'T SEE NOTHING YET until you start down the rabbit hole toward our foods , the FDA and the pharmas.
These drugs are intended for SERIOUS infections where it's a life or death situation, but doctors are pushing them like candy because they get great gifts and are told they are great cure all drugs with little side effects (Except insanity and yes TENDON RUPTURES lol! )
There is no hope for those that have been poisoned other than to nurture yourself back to health and to live with this toxin. It actually CHANGES your DNA! Eat healthy, exercise if you still can, and for god's sake don't drink milk or eat meat that isn't hormone free - especially poultry or fish! SOY is a big NO NO too (and MANY things have soy in them). If you are someone that suffers from issues that you can't put your finger on, and the doctors just keep slapping different things for you to take, take control of your health and start doing the research. The doctors are CLUELESS.
10 years ago I would have thought "This poster is nuts!". Today, I am sad to see how bad we actually have it.
*****Disclaimer******* I am not a doctor and you should not take my advice for your health or well being. Find a good doctor that you trust that doesn't blow off your concerns and inquire about ANY drugs you take, don't just walk out with a prescription and start putting possibly harmful things into your body unless you know for sure it's going to help you more than hurt you.
My grandfather lived until he was 90 years old. He drank, smoked and chewed most of his life, and ate CRAP. He stayed away from doctors like the plague and NEVER took any meds.