P38J in mid-war give me the creeps !
Ak-Ak, Shufller, Twin-Boom, VonHoltz and few others in P38J make me sweat before the fight begins
I fly Spitfires all the time and when I get shot down, I go back up trying to have the edge(alt/speed) before the fight begins. Right there and then I see a different approach from the same pilot. They have the power and speed to extend and sometimes they fly away never to return
But that's the game !
Sometimes I win but get shot down more often
That's for me to learn and get better !
Salute P38J drivers.
Win or lose, I'll try to give ya a good fight !
Maybe learning the P38J better and fight/learn their style you might be able to win the dogfights instead of perking the plane
Phil / OPP7755