you continue to warp things as you wish to see time, no where did hitech say squad size was to try to limit personal relationships in AH....
Bah I don't even know why i bother to respond to you....
Im done....<shakes his leg>
no but I think he did say that squad size is limited by personal relationships. I think 32 "friends" is pushing the limit myself, but that is how many friends they think you could reasonably have as a good friend, like a squadmate should be. Getting into the higher numbers of "friends" you looking at more like acquaintances than friends. By having the 32 squad limit those 32 have a much better chance of forming strong bonds of friendships. This is the type of community he is looking for. By adding more and more wings your deluting the bond because instead of each wing bonding within its self they are all looking toward the main wing of which they will always feel like outsiders. So less friendships are made fracturing the community.
I was part of a big squad, and as CO I knew everyone...60 strong at some points... It always surprised me when I found some of the people barely knew some of the other guys names. There was the core group, we knew wifes names, others likes, dislikes, favorite beers and such, but there where many that where like that cousin you see once a year at christmas. You know his name, maybe where he's from, but that was about it. When you get too big, your not making those friends, you get people joining just to have that squad logo on there plane. Thats the kind of thing they are trying to get away from. If some of those that are just 'hangers on" of the big squads join a small squad, and make friends it increases the fun or a few more people, instead of just stagnating.