Nix did you even read what Murdr said, or just get caught up in noodle envy over his higher K/D? You realize he doesn't really give two noodless about his career K/D vs yours, but posted it to show how retarded it is to say your impact in the game depends on what your "score" is in the arenas in the long term? Re-read his post. It's the other contributions that really make the game better long term, not what base you take or who you kill. It was purely in jest to show how stupid that whole argument is.
Next time actually read what he typed before you get blabbing in a wall of text about your own paranoias and noodle envy issues.
Btw I'm a bully, Murdr isn't.
Now stang...did YOU even read Mach NIxs post that Murdr replied too?? He never brought up k/d OR score...murdr did and it confused me as well why he would think this was equivalent to impact??? I don't think anyone suggested that the staff didn't have any impact but there seems to be a denial that folks who actually show up in the arena and PLAY long periods of time have impact as well. The only impact they are given credit for is negative impact.
For Murdr to ridicule Mach's contributions is the height of foolishness...try selecting a skin for most of the planes and see how many are by MAch. I know he is responsible for at least one of the MA maps. Mach's point was that being in a squad such as BoPs kept him interested and having fun in the game...that other contributions outside of training would be lost if he had decided to leave a while ago...
Murdr replied with number of kills and stats...
Love ya Stang but you way off here....