rgr that wrongway. just after I got my sea legs in AW I found out that Scav was gone. Never flew with him but read and heard so much. Every time his name comes up I feel 2 things; Melancholy and GREAT JOY. Melancholy in that I never had the pleasure to know him and GREAT JOY in knowing he help so many of us "find ourselves" in flight sims and in life.
Here's my collection of Scav stuff... SCAV LIVES!
I was Scav's trainer in the AW Academy. He was, without a doubt, the most pitiful player that ever grasped a joystick. He also sported a marvelous sense of humor. He has always been my poster boy for "You don't have to be good...to be good."
BTW, I believe Scav was in at least 3 different Academy classes. I was asked to help with the final exam in a class that JD and FOOL had....guess who was in it?