Author Topic: B26 gunsights  (Read 822 times)


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B26 gunsights
« on: January 14, 2000, 10:48:00 AM »
In an attempt to get around the 90-degree rotation of the gunsight in the tail (I dinnae use the AH default on any of me birds) I moved me 17s sight to the 26.  Copied the file with the name b26bgp1.bmp, and I now had me gunner's sight in the tail of the 26.  Isn't the tail position 2 in the 26?  Anywho, so then I do b26bgp2.bmp to change the upper turret.  It dinnae change.  Tried b26bgp3.bmp through b26bgp5.bmp, since the tail was 1, thought they might have been mis-ordered or something, but no go.  Then I tried b26b.bmp and that changed it right over.

Air power is a thunderbolt launched from an egg shell invisibly tethered to a base.         -  Hoffman Nickerson