Author Topic: "SEXTING" PLEASE READ PARENTS  (Read 3699 times)

Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2009, 01:33:52 AM »
I run a keylogger, I know every keystroke my 14 yr old daughter makes on the computer. I know every single website she goes to. I know who she emails.

I use this one: (except I paid for the more comprehensive version)

I busted her one time after she had googled for *naked boys*. She tried to deny it until I showed her the evidence, date...time.....screen shot....

She knows I use some sort of software to keep track of her activities but has no idea what it is or how to access it. We haven't had a single problem since. :)

Are you serious???

Offline allaire

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« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2009, 01:45:04 AM »
Nothing wrong with using software to monitor your child's use of the computer.  I think one of the problems with some kids is lack of discipline at home.  Case of parents trying to be a friend rather than a parent.
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Offline OOZ662

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« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2009, 01:46:05 AM »
You know, I just remembered something. Instead of spying on your kid's computer usage by paying for keyloggers, why not use OpenDNS? It blocks sites on the domain level and can be custom tailored to fit your needs, including support for logging all sites visited and producing usage statistics. Sure, it won't log every single keystroke, but it'd probably be much more appreciated than being constantly spied on.

Personally, I use OpenDNS to deny access to harmful/threatening sites like known phishing areas or parked addresses.
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline OOZ662

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« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2009, 01:48:22 AM »
Well, I suppose there's two philosophies. The iron-will parent that enforces strict rules to make their children know right and wrong, and the parent that would like their children to learn through trust and experience. Both are viable options and both have their options laid out here. :) I suppose that debate's for another thread, even though this one was derailed from the first few replies.
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline moot

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« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2009, 01:52:14 AM »
I run a keylogger We haven't had a single problem since. :)
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Offline Belial

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« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2009, 02:13:56 AM »
M00T that is prolly the funniest picture ive seen on the forums LOL. ^^^^^^^ And as to key stroke recorders, how is she ever gonna learn bout the birds and bees without shakin a few trees?

Offline Xasthur

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« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2009, 03:08:35 AM »
I busted her one time after she had googled for *naked boys*. She tried to deny it until I showed her the evidence, date...time.....screen shot....

You know she just does it elsewhere, right?

Kids are curious and the anatomy of the opposite sex will be a mystery to her.

Arming her with a level head and a solid set of morals is the best defence you can have against teen sex.

Give your children knowledge, don't deprive them of it. 

Don't leave out the STDs, either. If you tell her about those, in graphic detail, you won't have to worry about her having sex, she'll be too scared of being promiscuous.

Herpes is a good one, show her some pictures of that. Don't forget the rest, either. There is some disgusting watermelon out there

Or, go to a family planning clinic. If they're anything like the one my girlfriend works at, they'll have all sorts of information on pregnancy and STDs. The booklets I've seen were quite disgusting. I bet you $50 that works better than logging her keystrokes on the computer.

Also, while I'm at it, this charging kids with 'child pornography' for receiving photos of the girlfriends naked is the most ridiculous load of BS I have seen come out of the legal system in years.

What a joke. A free act of choice involving no sexual contact at all.... being considered a crime? F- k off.

Whoever thought of that should be bludgeoned to watermelon for being a complete arse.
Raw Prawns

"Beaufighter Operator Support Services"

Offline Xasthur

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« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2009, 03:21:54 AM »
By the way Elfie, I'm not trying to be disrespectful toward your chosen style of parenting.

It's just that, as I said, my girlfriend works in a family planning clinic and she sees too many 13-16 year old girls in trouble. I'll be brief, here's what happens.

A girl comes in with or without her 'boyfriend':

- Neither of them know much/anything about sex and reproduction
- Nether of them know anything about STDs

A lot of the girls come in with whatever cash they can find because they wouldn't dare tell their parents about it.

Hard-line, stand-over tactics similar to the ones you stated in this thread often lead to girls ending up in situations like I just mentioned.

Should the very worst case scenario arise, do you want your kid to feel that she has to make the hardest or worst, most terrible decision in her life alone?

Just a suggestion, mate.
Raw Prawns

"Beaufighter Operator Support Services"

Offline Serenity

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« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2009, 03:44:27 AM »
By the way Elfie, I'm not trying to be disrespectful toward your chosen style of parenting.

It's just that, as I said, my girlfriend works in a family planning clinic and she sees too many 13-16 year old girls in trouble. I'll be brief, here's what happens.

A girl comes in with or without her 'boyfriend':

- Neither of them know much/anything about sex and reproduction
- Nether of them know anything about STDs

A lot of the girls come in with whatever cash they can find because they wouldn't dare tell their parents about it.

Hard-line, stand-over tactics similar to the ones you stated in this thread often lead to girls ending up in situations like I just mentioned.

Should the very worst case scenario arise, do you want your kid to feel that she has to make the hardest or worst, most terrible decision in her life alone?

Just a suggestion, mate.

I kind of agree. I had something of a 'scare' with my girlfriend a while back (Lets just say certain brands aren't very... well... they break ;) ) and there were two options. Sit on it, and hope for the best (Because there wasn't much we could do alone to fix the problem), or, go to my parents and beg for help. Thank god for me my father has a more open style of parenting. I was able to come to him, explain what happened, and get an ECP. Honestly, if I was raised under the iron will, I would still have gotten myself in that situation (I cannot emphasise enough, Durex SUCKS!!!) only I wouldn't have gotten myself out. Keep in mind, even if your kids understand sex, they understand protection (I'm paranoid, I make DAMNED sure its as safe as can be) things CAN go wrong, and you want to be sure your kids can come to you before the problem becomes, well, a nine-month time-bomb. Just the .02 of a teen who has been in that particular predicament.

Offline zoozoo

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« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2009, 06:17:47 AM »
Personally, i dont sext. But alot of my friends do. Some of them even start fwd's of naked pics of girls in our school.
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Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2009, 06:42:52 AM »
Sexting eh?

So what else did Oprah have on her show today?

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Offline mensa180

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« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2009, 07:31:28 AM »
My parents raised/are raising me with the "trust and experience" method, though they aren't really concerned with what I may or may not see on the internet because they know I'm not an idiot.  I would say it has worked so far, I'm not out and about getting boozed up or impregnating women.  Depends on the kid I guess.
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« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2009, 07:36:01 AM »
wow, i never heard of this before. Geuss its time to update and get a phone with a colour screen.  :O
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2009, 07:55:26 AM »
wow, i never heard of this before. Geuss its time to update and get a phone with a colour screen.  :O

Let me know and ill send you some pics of me  :D wohoo!


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« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2009, 07:59:49 AM »
I fail to understand how teens sending self pics to other teens consitutes child porn.
Im not saying its ok. I just dont understand how a teen gets charged for child porn for taking pics of themselves and passing it onto other teens.
Just seems downright silly.

"I busted her one time after she had googled for *naked boys*. She tried to deny it until I showed her the evidence, date...time.....screen shot....

She knows I use some sort of software to keep track of her activities but has no idea what it is or how to access it. We haven't had a single problem since"

So you busted your 14 year old for acting like a normal 14 year old?

I know there is something of a double standard when it comes to girls Vs boys.  Because I have both. And there is indeed a double standard.
But I also know that regardless of sex. Around that age. Females have very much the same feelings and curiosities and participate in teh same ...ummmm "activities" shall we say as males.
I monitor/ed both my kids internet access.
I've known my son has looked at prn since he was 15. (he's going to be 21 in June) Never said a word to him. I dont plan on saying anything to my daughter (now 12 going on 13) either. So long as the activity doesnt become obsessive.

Your kid, so its ultimately your call. But Im not sure of the wisdom behind busting a teens chops for looking as it will probably only serve to drive this activity underground.
Teens of both sexes look. You looked. I looked. We all either do or have looked. Especially around that age. And if they arent or cant feel safe looking at home. Then they will be looking at a friends house. Its a loosing battle.
and if you havent been through having a teenage kid untill now.

Keep in mind that your best picking and choosing your battles. LOL

I personally have opted on stressing the consequences of real life interaction. Disease, pregnancy, etc

The largest danger here was she googled "naked boys" (assuming that discription was accurate. As that could get YOU in trouble for child porn.
THAT point I might have stressed.
But then again that may be just what your concern was.
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