Just my opinion but, if I had a business (which I do) that depended on my clientele purchasing a service that I'm supplying I think it would be to my best interest to let that clientele know when I was trying to improve that service and in which way. So why would all these updates and adds be so much of a secret. I'm just not understanding why there is such a secretive and hush hush attitude toward the improvements there trying to make for us. Can anyone please clear this up for me?
You obviously don't have clientle like this. Every syllable posted by HTC is dissected, scanned, prodded, taken to every extreme, misinterpreted, and outright misquoted. Heck, we can't even ask for updates without slipping in some jabs at the various camps, eh?
On the other hand, it's nice to hear from Pyro every month or so, even if it's just a "Yup, still working. Gonna be cool."
...of course then the community picks it up and determines Pyro's beer cooler is on the fritz, but still keeping a negative differential temperature gradient on the keg...