Author Topic: An objective look at "fishy" flying  (Read 2657 times)

Offline maddafinga

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2009, 08:39:56 PM »
I'm just trying to get good enough so that people will accuse me.  I'd love to be accused of cheating, you guys don't know how good you have it.   :D
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Offline j500ss

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #91 on: May 19, 2009, 09:05:35 PM »
I'm just trying to get good enough so that people will accuse me.  I'd love to be accused of cheating, you guys don't know how good you have it.   :D

You know, to some who post in this thread, that statement may seem .........well...........dumb!  But wait, It really is not. I have seen some amazing moves in my short time in game, and would give anything to know how they are pulled off. At time you can find (reviewing film ) an answer, more rarely you can ask how they do it ( getting an answer is a 50/ 50 deal here in my experience) or go offline, to the TA, or whatever and just try to duplicate it.

My personal biggest frustation has always been " how in the **** did they pull that shot off, and kill me with 3 pings?"  I found too many are doing it to be " insert the C word here" so in reality, my gunnery sucks. How do I correct that? Simple keep flying, dying, and trying, with time it will come. 

Bottom line? There are a bunch of us I believe who would give a limb, to be experienced and good enough to be called a C word. It may sound dumb, it may come across as dumb, but it also says, you've taken the time, made the effort, and understand just what it takes to be VERY good!


Offline LYNX

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #92 on: May 19, 2009, 10:17:01 PM »

WOW, that's a 1/4 or your awake life for the past 7 years!

well bugger me...... I better watch more TV instead   :rock

Offline mtnman

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #93 on: May 19, 2009, 10:31:43 PM »
My personal biggest frustation has always been " how in the **** did they pull that shot off, and kill me with 3 pings?"  I found too many are doing it to be " insert the C word here" so in reality, my gunnery sucks. How do I correct that? Simple keep flying, dying, and trying, with time it will come. 

Not to hijack this thread, but...

Simple practice may not help, and may even "cement" bad practices/habits.  It could be with shooting, as you mention, or flying.  Either way, practice has to be done correctly to "make perfect".  You may be further ahead to really look at your shooting practices/habits, and try to figure out where your errors/problems lie, and specifically work to correct them.  Simply "trying harder" or "trying more" may not help...

And, now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline maddafinga

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #94 on: May 19, 2009, 10:35:16 PM »
You know, to some who post in this thread, that statement may seem .........well...........dumb!  But wait, It really is not. I have seen some amazing moves in my short time in game, and would give anything to know how they are pulled off. At time you can find (reviewing film ) an answer, more rarely you can ask how they do it ( getting an answer is a 50/ 50 deal here in my experience) or go offline, to the TA, or whatever and just try to duplicate it.

My personal biggest frustration has always been " how in the **** did they pull that shot off, and kill me with 3 pings?"  I found too many are doing it to be " insert the C word here" so in reality, my gunnery sucks. How do I correct that? Simple keep flying, dying, and trying, with time it will come. 

Bottom line? There are a bunch of us I believe who would give a limb, to be experienced and good enough to be called a C word. It may sound dumb, it may come across as dumb, but it also says, you've taken the time, made the effort, and understand just what it takes to be VERY good!


It was meant to be a bit goofy little joke really.  I read and study films, watch them from different angles and with trails off and on and dissect them pretty frequently.  I've never seen anything impossible, or even improbable.  I have seen stuff that looked odd to me from in my plane, but was perfectly normal on film from a different angle.  I think lag and vantage point are the culprit in those cases.   

I have only been back in AH for a few months (I was here for a few camps after AW died but RL got in the way for a while) but I  was on AW for years.  In my time here and there I only once saw what looked like someone cheating, and that was on AOL AirWarrior.  Since I've been here I've been working like mad trying to regain some skill and instinct.  I understand and always have what goes into being really good.  The post was also sort of a play on that, and people's attitudes about being killed as has been stated above several times. 

I was basically just making a joke there and a reference to the fact that there are lots of people who are actually working to get better rather than just cursing anyone who beats them. I kind of intended it to be a double entendre, with more than one layer, deceptive in it's simplicity.   Sorry if it came off a bit lame, or even, gasp, dumb. 
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Offline hlbly

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #95 on: May 20, 2009, 12:40:21 AM »
This thread reminded of an experience I had about my 3rd month in AW . Right after it went 3d . There is the hlbly tooling along in his Cz dweebcat sees low and below him a guy in a hog dispatch his 3rd opponet .  Gleefully rubbing his mits together he dives on this guy who has been turning with 3 of his "less skilled" countrymen . As he approaches the guy he is skillfully avoided by this EEEvillll Bz Hogg driver not to worry , just firewall the throttle hit the wep we will do it all over again , the giddy barely controlled giggle is stifled again , this guy doesn't have the sense to use his superior speed to try to get away this guy is MEAT on the hlbly table !!!!!Hmmmmm not quite as high as we were on the first pass , but no matter , we are still high enough muhahahahaha ! Down we blaze again oh yes this looks good just pull a little harder we will get the shot hehehehe shoulda run when !!!!!!! Ohhhhhhh Keeeerappppp man this guy is lucky that was so close ....lets zoom back up roll over and since each pass was a lil closer this time that obvious dweeb will die regretting not running , because it looks like he might just be able to make it to his ack now ........awwwww crapppppp we lost some more alt gonna have to grab away from the fight now.....right after we feast upon Bz hogg......Ohhhh this little evil red Hogg driving Bz dweeb gonna pay .....oh yes look at this he is mea.............awwwww crap man how can a guy get so frikkin lucky.......jeez that was close...........hmmmmmmm better not try a zoom again he may be able to get us as we hang on our prop ........hehehehe poor fool look he still wants to fight.....LOL he gonna turn with my F6F......well at least he got some cajones ......I think I will give him a <S> after I tell him to get me a beer while he is in the ....Love m new kill macro..........hehehe  almost over now he gonna have to flat turn or run.... and those cajones of his guaranteeing my rightful kill he aint gonna run .......yes yes yes I got his 6 he turning left ....hehehehe guts but an obvious farm fresh dweeb he could easy escape this terrible situation I have so skillfully put him in .....heheheh i can hardly stand it I am sooooo clever..... hmmmmm WTF going on he is getting behind me....well thats just stupid....NO WAY!!!! F4U cannot out turn my F6F ....especially with this wayyyy cool skin courtesy of the kraits and sac.........i will just tighten up get it just as close as I can to the dreaded point where my plane is going to depart.......uh oh WTF he is gaining ground in the turn .......uncertianty being replaced by a sense of disquiet no hlbly concentrate You know he can't out turn  you and your well honed skills he will......oh no no .......oh oh oh man that triangle falling off my plane.......NOOOOOOOOOOOO0000 00000000000000000oooooooooooo ooo..........oh man I gotta get him a beer when I reach the ground he was.......uh.........luck.... ......oh man I think I just got worked.....well better get on a radio and give him his <S>.............Man no way f4u.....can..... Jeez RM how did you do that ?  "do what hlbly" out turn me on the deck like that in my F6F....."what are you saying hlbly ?" confusion joins mild shock at the table of hlblys feast of chagrin....then a moment of clarity....he thinks I am accusing him of cheating....better set this straight........I am saying I just got my over confident dweeb butt handed to me by some one who is as good or better then I thought I was until about 25 seconds ago ...... I just knew you was gonna die horrible death until about 25 seconds before I died <S> RM ! Thats the day I learned that a F4U in AW with 2 notches of flap and keeping speed between150 to 175  Knots IAS can out turn a Hellcat .........Decided I better go look at the url of Rocket Man

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #96 on: May 20, 2009, 02:09:11 AM »
the best complement in AH is to be called a cheater :t

I have been called that many times also,  not even 3 days ago I was in my Hurri  fighting 5 at once, and was just having a good day at targeting, I have good SA and judgment of E-states, so I was giving these guys a good run of it, killed a couple, a couple more nme's entered the fight I was able to get away with 5 killz, was PM'd by one of the guys I killed a couple times, about "the program I was using, and film being sent in" I LOL on 200 and said I cheated by flying the Hurr2C     :rofl :rofl

then told him to learn to fly and it wont seem like im cheating.

made my day actually  :D

Offline maddafinga

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Re: An objective look at "fishy" flying
« Reply #97 on: May 20, 2009, 10:49:59 PM »
This thread reminded of an experience I had about my 3rd month in AW . Right after it went 3d . There is the hlbly tooling along in his Cz dweebcat sees low and below him a guy in a hog dispatch his 3rd opponet .  Gleefully rubbing his mits together he dives on this guy who has been turning with 3 of his "less skilled" countrymen . As he approaches the guy he is skillfully avoided by this EEEvillll Bz Hogg driver not to worry , just firewall the throttle hit the wep we will do it all over again , the giddy barely controlled giggle is stifled again , this guy doesn't have the sense to use his superior speed to try to get away this guy is MEAT on the hlbly table !!!!!Hmmmmm not quite as high as we were on the first pass , but no matter , we are still high enough muhahahahaha ! Down we blaze again oh yes this looks good just pull a little harder we will get the shot hehehehe shoulda run when !!!!!!! Ohhhhhhh Keeeerappppp man this guy is lucky that was so close ....lets zoom back up roll over and since each pass was a lil closer this time that obvious dweeb will die regretting not running , because it looks like he might just be able to make it to his ack now ........awwwww crapppppp we lost some more alt gonna have to grab away from the fight now.....right after we feast upon Bz hogg......Ohhhh this little evil red Hogg driving Bz dweeb gonna pay .....oh yes look at this he is mea.............awwwww crap man how can a guy get so frikkin lucky.......jeez that was close...........hmmmmmmm better not try a zoom again he may be able to get us as we hang on our prop ........hehehehe poor fool look he still wants to fight.....LOL he gonna turn with my F6F......well at least he got some cajones ......I think I will give him a <S> after I tell him to get me a beer while he is in the ....Love m new kill macro..........hehehe  almost over now he gonna have to flat turn or run.... and those cajones of his guaranteeing my rightful kill he aint gonna run .......yes yes yes I got his 6 he turning left ....hehehehe guts but an obvious farm fresh dweeb he could easy escape this terrible situation I have so skillfully put him in .....heheheh i can hardly stand it I am sooooo clever..... hmmmmm WTF going on he is getting behind me....well thats just stupid....NO WAY!!!! F4U cannot out turn my F6F ....especially with this wayyyy cool skin courtesy of the kraits and sac.........i will just tighten up get it just as close as I can to the dreaded point where my plane is going to depart.......uh oh WTF he is gaining ground in the turn .......uncertianty being replaced by a sense of disquiet no hlbly concentrate You know he can't out turn  you and your well honed skills he will......oh no no .......oh oh oh man that triangle falling off my plane.......NOOOOOOOOOOOO0000 00000000000000000oooooooooooo ooo..........oh man I gotta get him a beer when I reach the ground he was.......uh.........luck.... ......oh man I think I just got worked.....well better get on a radio and give him his <S>.............Man no way f4u.....can..... Jeez RM how did you do that ?  "do what hlbly" out turn me on the deck like that in my F6F....."what are you saying hlbly ?" confusion joins mild shock at the table of hlblys feast of chagrin....then a moment of clarity....he thinks I am accusing him of cheating....better set this straight........I am saying I just got my over confident dweeb butt handed to me by some one who is as good or better then I thought I was until about 25 seconds ago ...... I just knew you was gonna die horrible death until about 25 seconds before I died <S> RM ! Thats the day I learned that a F4U in AW with 2 notches of flap and keeping speed between150 to 175  Knots IAS can out turn a Hellcat .........Decided I better go look at the url of Rocket Man

Man, when I first got to aw, early on in aol, it was still pay by the hour, RM must have killed me a billion times right in a row.  At one point he said "madda you've just got to get out of that hog!"  I said, "but I love the hog" and he replied "well it obviously doesn't love you."

I think eventually he felt sorry for me and started coaching me a bit.  RM was a really good guy, fun to fly with and against.  He and Dragn probably showed me the most when I was new there, helped me quite a bit back then.  Now here I am again at the bottom of the heap.  Lotta fun to be had learning though!   
The Musketeers Squadron
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