I'm not so sure I'm on the "perk the ord loadout" bandwagon just yet. However, I do think there should be some type of incentive to take a B17 w the 16/250lb bombs vs taking the 6/1k bombs (or any aircraft with lighter ords). Currently, though I'm not a stat-rat like some I'd be willing to be for every single 250lb or 100kg bomb taken up there are twenty (or more) 1000lb or 500kg bomb taken up. I'm not sure just how the ord would be perked, if one were to take notice the ENY/perk status is coded at the aircraft level and not below (into the "guts" for the aircraft). Something tells me it makes for a complicated coding situation if HTC were to dive into that realm. They are busy with things they deem more important.
I've often thought that the ord system should be coded similar to the fuel (3 fuel depots destroyed = no DT, the 4th = %75 max fuel). If one ord bunker is taken out, then no 1000lb bombs (or bigger), if 2 ord bunkers are taken out then no 500lbs, if 3 ord bunkers are taken out then no 250lbs bombs. Regardless if the 4th one is taken out, always allow the 100lb or 50kg bombs to be loaded up.