Author Topic: Rivers & Capturable Bridges  (Read 10597 times)

Offline NCLawman

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #75 on: July 07, 2009, 12:35:56 AM »
I cast my vote for this one... Great idea!
Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2009, 07:48:52 AM »
I wonder if these bridges could somehow be used effectively in unison with the "capture order" HiTech tested out a couple years ago.
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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2009, 12:17:01 PM »
I like this so much I will Bump this again just in case HTC is not looking hard enough  :aok :aok :x :aok :aok
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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #78 on: July 08, 2009, 02:44:26 PM »
I heard back from Pyro on this today.  They are up to their eyes with the Beta right now, but has asked me to remind him about this once the beta is finished and the new version up and running so he can spend time looking into this.   :aok


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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #79 on: July 08, 2009, 02:49:34 PM »
The idea does interest me, but making the bridge destroyable would be a bad idea.


Offline RMrider

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #80 on: July 08, 2009, 03:48:03 PM »
This may have been brought up already as i have not read every post in this thread..  :uhoh


Depending on how wide the rivers are, as shown on the map in the first post there are manned guns on either siede right on the bank. If one side holds 1 side of the bride and another side the other, then anyone can get on, jump in the gun, lay waste to the opposite side and drive an M3 over. I lovee the idea dont get me wrong, but what i just stated would make it a little too easy to capture an opposing side where terrific fights could take place.

Again this might have been brought up already, and if so i am sorry.

Just my .02

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #81 on: July 08, 2009, 04:17:56 PM »
The idea does interest me, but making the bridge destroyable would be a bad idea.


I take this point re MA play but for scenario based terrains the ability to adjust hardness would bring benefit.

Hence if the Object hardness was adjusted to a significantly massive figure for the MA and at another setting for other use?????
Ludere Vincere

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #82 on: July 08, 2009, 04:27:22 PM »
The idea does interest me, but making the bridge destroyable would be a bad idea.


I'm curious why (assuming they would regenerate). to me one of the real "missing links" is realistic "tactical" air. To me anything that puts the priority on an aerial component is a +. Long before I ever got hooked on any flight sim I think that a lot of my thought were shaped by "the Bridges at Toko-Ri". As much as I'm a died in the wool furballer that book/movie still sums up the realities and importance of aviation in greater context of a ground war. It opens up a lot of interaction, fighter cover, manned AA....maybe even "engineering units/bridging units etc...

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #83 on: July 09, 2009, 05:21:10 PM »
It does complicate stuff if it has to be re buildable under strat or by field supplies.

As a simple terrain object (indestructable) its just an object straddling a river with two vehicle fields (with towns) on either side.

Spawn points set accordingly.
Ludere Vincere

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #84 on: July 09, 2009, 05:24:14 PM »
I'm curious why (assuming they would regenerate). to me one of the real "missing links" is realistic "tactical" air. To me anything that puts the priority on an aerial component is a +. Long before I ever got hooked on any flight sim I think that a lot of my thought were shaped by "the Bridges at Toko-Ri". As much as I'm a died in the wool furballer that book/movie still sums up the realities and importance of aviation in greater context of a ground war. It opens up a lot of interaction, fighter cover, manned AA....maybe even "engineering units/bridging units etc...

Remember back in AW where the only bases that were capturable were the pond bases?  Each section was connected by a bridge that was destroyable, sometimes taking it out was the best way to stop the bases being rolled over by T-34s and flak panzies.

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #85 on: July 10, 2009, 06:46:58 AM »
Remember back in AW where the only bases that were capturable were the pond bases?  Each section was connected by a bridge that was destroyable, sometimes taking it out was the best way to stop the bases being rolled over by T-34s and flak panzies.

I remember those days.  Would love to see that concept developed here in Aces High 2.  Maybe for the vehicle bases???

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #86 on: July 10, 2009, 09:29:04 AM »
The idea does interest me, but making the bridge destroyable would be a bad idea.


I can see how having the bridge destroyable in the MA's could be an issue.  You would end up with high level bombers running around porking bridges with ease.  Hadnt really thought of that aspect of it.

Really, making them indestructible wouldnt take anything away form the tactical aspect of it...  I was thinking more along the lines of something that can be captured and held. 

But... for scenarios, I do like the idea of them being able to be blown up.  Could they be set up like the airfield runways?  Extremely difficult to take out, and very short downtime?


Offline RipChord929

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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #87 on: July 11, 2009, 12:13:24 PM »
Look something like this?  These bridges were pretty tough... The Ludendorf was shelled and bombed massively by both sides before it finally fell... Bridges, HELL YES!!! Destoyable, HELL YES!!!
Just give us a way to repair or build them!!!
Actually, it would be great to have rivers as borders between countries.. That way players would be forced
to fight for the crossings, before they could spawn farther into enemy territory...

« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:16:43 PM by RipChord929 »
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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #88 on: July 12, 2009, 11:39:13 AM »
How bout if you have a 'town' object that spans a river with a bridge across it, you have multiple bridges.  The 'main' bridge is indestructable, but perhaps two or 3 bridges that are fully destructable (and regen in about the same time frame as a hanger)  Obviously a fair amount of damage would be needed to take down bridges... more than a hanger, but less than HQ (obviously).
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Re: Rivers & Capturable Bridges
« Reply #89 on: July 12, 2009, 04:21:27 PM »
This may have been brought up already as i have not read every post in this thread..  :uhoh


Depending on how wide the rivers are, as shown on the map in the first post there are manned guns on either siede right on the bank. If one side holds 1 side of the bride and another side the other, then anyone can get on, jump in the gun, lay waste to the opposite side and drive an M3 over. I lovee the idea dont get me wrong, but what i just stated would make it a little too easy to capture an opposing side where terrific fights could take place.

Again this might have been brought up already, and if so i am sorry.

Just my .02


We had talked about making sure the auto guns dont shoot at each other, but it should be easy enough to make sure the manned guns are placed in such a way that they cannot hit any vital targets on the other side.  Either with some indestructible buildings, or hillside.  Good input RMrider  :aok
