Author Topic: Stop dropping FHs....  (Read 19344 times)

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2009, 06:28:16 PM »
Why do you think that you have the right to shout at folks and tell them what to do?

What gives people like DOGFITE (the irony of his handle is too much) and FORTRESS the right to ruin a good fight just because those fighting are not playing how they want us to play?  I've never seen one case in all the years I've played AH where a 'furballer' has intentionally gone out and ruined the fight of one of you toolshedders.

We're not saying you can't bomb anything but if you see two sides fighting at a base with neither side intent on capture, just having fun furballing leave us to our fun.  There are other targets for you limp wrists to bomb, ruining our fight so we can play how you think we should is not the way to go about getting our cooperation.

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #76 on: August 10, 2009, 06:31:32 PM »

Hey Hey Hey! If you're going to insult me at least use the correct terms. I'm a "Total Retarded Idiot" not a moron.

I'll join ya' in that I'm another idiot, I guess. I'm just glad that when I post a big fat B17 mission with escorts, people still say it's fun as hell. That makes my day. <S>
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #77 on: August 10, 2009, 06:33:52 PM »

95% of the time our squad leaves big furballs alone because they keep the hordes busy. When you've got six or eight or even ten guys trying to take a base, why attack a place with 50 defenders already up?

But if you happen to be having your furball at the last enemy base left on a continent or in that region of the map, and we're hoping to annihilate that foothold and return combat to the regular front, or at one of the choke points that abound on the Trinity map, yes, we're going to bomb the hangars and try to take the base.

It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars. You suppress the enemy and *then* secure your objectives - that's just basic tactics in any game. What you're suggesting is like telling a pitcher to throw slow, easy pitches because base hits are more fun for everyone, or tennis players agreeing to hit easy serves so as to get rallies going more often. You can play that way if you like, but don't ask me to. You throw your best pitch or take your best shot and if the other side whiffs it's their fault. Sportsmanship does not demand willful incompetence.

Of course, another amusing fact I see the furballers fail to note is that the "furball" often consists of 20 guys killing the VH (only) and ack and then flying over the runway end-to-end and back, vulching anything that moves, and 20 enemies too dim-witted to understand that upping at that field is a bad idea no matter what their objective is. Sometimes there are also 3 or 4 U-2 wannabes soaring around at 30k looking for the perfect cherry. Being accused of unsporting play by those folks is hilarious. It's like a guy who was trying to vulch you on takeoff whining because he was incompetent enough to let you turn into his attack and HO him, or a guy in a Dora calling you a Spit dweeb because he was dumb enough to get lured into a turn fight.

I don't know anyone who goes around bombing hangars to spoil others' fun. However, I know several who might give others that reason after the fact just to annoy them more if they whine like little kids whose lollipops are taken away.

Bottom line for all these complaints about alleged toolshedding, MEGA squads, base-taking, war-winning, etc. is this: even the smallest maps have 50+ bases and hundreds of hangars. The bigger ones have more than a thousand hangars. There's no way any one squad, or for that matter any 10 squads, can conceivably shut even 10% of those down at any given time, even just the ones near the front, not with them popping after 15 minutes. There is *always* somewhere to furball if people from both sides want to, and no way for anyone to prevent that even if they wanted to. If it dies down in one place it's bound to pop up again a field or two over.

I wasn't on last night but Saturday afternoon and night I recall seeing a huge bish-nit furball at, IIRC, 141-250 that lasted at least 12 hours without anyone shutting either field down. Have at it if that's what you like to do. You might even find some of us joining in and mixing it up sometimes.
Your full of crap guy. Your sqaud is always the first to be trying to take the the fighter hangars at any base. This complaint isnt about horde sqauds or anything, as you know I come from probably one of the top 3 in size sqauds in the game but what we do is go off where we can work alone and take bases, not where the entire country is furballing at. You said something about choke points....On trinity, right now,, you serious theres 18 bases which are on knight land that belong to the rooks take one of those, not the one where the majority of people are just furballing. Its harder for furballers to find fights then it is for base takers to find bases to take, if you want me to prove this i will, before your style of retarding thinking sqauds came along POTW used to run through maps alone which gave most of you ideas for base takes........................ ......gosh im rantingthis is retarded because you cant win a fight with ignorance
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #78 on: August 10, 2009, 06:37:55 PM »
I have to put together a list screenshots of when only the FHs were dropped, nothing else. This may take awhile its gunna be a long list.

oh and for all the bish and rooks notice im hating on knights(which is what i fly for) ill let your countrymen hate on you :aok
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #79 on: August 10, 2009, 06:45:00 PM »
I foresee 15 - 16 pages on this thread. Any bets?

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Offline Agent360

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #80 on: August 10, 2009, 06:49:19 PM »
JunkyII your right on with your posts.

Currently the game is infected with new players who do not totally understand the dynamics of "missions" or "furballing". I see a lot of posts on this thread from total newbs who know nothing about the community.

On maps that do have a sort of "furball area" aka "fighter town" the first thing the dirt farmers do is kill that area so that the furballers will disperse and join one of there base takes. This happens all the time. If you deny it, your too new to the game to know better.

To commenters who say "will defend the base better"...ummmm the furball is usually below 10k. The tools come in at 20k in b26's, nose down to 300mph and make there attack. THERE IS NO WAY you can stop them if everyone is furballing. Besides it wont matter. There will be another one right behind it at 30k doing the same thing.

and BTW.....killing FH to take the base is a waste of time. You kill the town...QUICK, cap the town with a few fighters and roll in the troops...base take in 5 min. I can't recall his name but there is a player who makes missions all the time. He never hits the FH. Only the VH to stop the tanks from entering the town and killing the troops. The town is killed in like 2 min. Two BF110's can kill a town in like 3 min easy.

I am with the furballers. Mabey some of you are with the toolsheders. You tools have no right to dictate how the game is played. All the furballer want to do is have good fight SOMEWHERE on the map without having to deal with dirt farmers and the fun police.

The one thing I see consistently is a total disrespect to players who just want to furball. Seems if your not trying to win the war you should just "go to the DA".

I would like to see you dirt farmers try to take a base deep in enemy territory and hold it long enough to get a few more....but NOOOOOO that would be too hard. Instead lets just go to the nearest furball kill the FH and take that base.

And another thing. NoNE OF YOU dirt farmers could take jack poop without us furballers to cap the base for you. When the last time a bunch of fun police took anything.

Gloves on....take your best shot!!!!!!

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #81 on: August 10, 2009, 06:53:44 PM »
Frankly, I'm convinced much of it is due to fighter envy.  They can't hang in a furball so they resort to bombing. They suck in fighters so they don't want anyone else having fun in fighters either. Thus, they make themselves feel better by spoiling other's fun, since they can't have fun as a furballer.
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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #82 on: August 10, 2009, 06:57:12 PM »
When it takes away fun of the game from more then just a few people from both sides of the fight, i think anyone has the right to get mad, definitely when you have asked these people not to politely

getting mad about it is one thing, but expecting people to stop playing a game, any game, the way they want, is an act in futility!
 especially after they pay there hard earned money!
 if you want them too learn how to play your way,then teach them.

I may regret this, but I thought about it long and hard, while writing it, so after some debate with myself, I left it in, it is my opinion, and that is all!

as players come  and go i have seen some of them progress, and followed that thru till  the end, or current play,if they survived till now, many have not!
 those who find mentors, and are willing to learn, go on to fighters pretty fast, others take more time,
and some find only small niches to cultivate such as tanks or bombers,
 either because they have not learned to fly fighters well enough to survive in combat one v one or in the furballs,
 or just because that is what they like!
tankers being the prime example of that!
although there are a few out there who like to fly the big birds and kill those helpless cities, and the fighters that try to kill them!
 still another group wants to play the "game",, win the war!
they ditch the bombers as soon as they have done there job and jump into the goon or the fighter to help capture the base!
and  all you have to do is wait, they are coming, they will have numbers, they will have a plan, and you are the monkey wrench in that plan,
 i have seen groups like this( heck i have been in this group). who will throw fighters up all day trying to protect the goon and or suppress the defenders to no avail!
 then there are the grumps, and all they do is complain about the way everyone else plays, to me this group is the least productive.

 i like this game way to much, i think about it when i am not playing, heck i probably ran my wife off because of it, and here i am defending it!
maybe it is time for me to quit!
I think i will study on that for a while, and let ya know! :salute
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #83 on: August 10, 2009, 07:11:21 PM »
LOL...Drop the freeking FHs as often as you want guys.  As long as they're Bish and Nits. (now how about the obligatory hump my ankle retort and how I won't be playing the game in a couple months as you are superior in all that is AH because you been playing it for 25 years...ya ya ya...whine whine whine.) If HiTech didn't want them knocked down then they would not program them to be knocked down) Hump this!
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #84 on: August 10, 2009, 07:20:04 PM »

95% of the time our squad leaves big furballs alone because they keep the hordes busy. When you've got six or eight or even ten guys trying to take a base, why attack a place with 50 defenders already up?

Using one squad, out of an enormous player base is, by no means a way to present a true representation of the entire spectrum of game-play.  It is ludicrous to think that every squad is going to be like yours, admirable as it is.

But if you happen to be having your furball at the last enemy base left on a continent or in that region of the map, and we're hoping to annihilate that foothold and return combat to the regular front, or at one of the choke points that abound on the Trinity map, yes, we're going to bomb the hangars and try to take the base.

Indeed, that makes perfect sense, and I do not disagree.

It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars. You suppress the enemy and *then* secure your objectives - that's just basic tactics in any game. What you're suggesting is like telling a pitcher to throw slow, easy pitches because base hits are more fun for everyone, or tennis players agreeing to hit easy serves so as to get rallies going more often. You can play that way if you like, but don't ask me to. You throw your best pitch or take your best shot and if the other side whiffs it's their fault. Sportsmanship does not demand willful incompetence.

That is precisely not what I am saying.  There is also no willful incompetence suggested, or implied.  Spoiling the game-play of others for the sole purpose of doing so, is exactly what I'm saying.

Of course, another amusing fact I see the furballers fail to note is that the "furball" often consists of 20 guys killing the VH (only) and ack and then flying over the runway end-to-end and back, vulching anything that moves, and 20 enemies too dim-witted to understand that upping at that field is a bad idea no matter what their objective is. Sometimes there are also 3 or 4 U-2 wannabes soaring around at 30k looking for the perfect cherry. Being accused of unsporting play by those folks is hilarious. It's like a guy who was trying to vulch you on takeoff whining because he was incompetent enough to let you turn into his attack and HO him, or a guy in a Dora calling you a Spit dweeb because he was dumb enough to get lured into a turn fight.

Anyone that gets vulched, does so of their own accord.  Nobody is making them spawn a new plane.  Keeping one's self from being picked is as simple as looking around, noticing, identifying the craft and its potential/strengths, weaknesses and evaluating whether or not it's worth getting fixated on a target.  To agree further, anyone getting caught up in a turn fight in against a Spit while in a Dora should perhaps re-investigate the purpose that the Dora was designed for and perhaps fly it the way it was meant to be.

I don't know anyone who goes around bombing hangars to spoil others' fun. However, I know several who might give others that reason after the fact just to annoy them more if they whine like little kids whose lollipops are taken away.

I have seen the former, the latter is more childish than the people that have a gripe with it.

Bottom line for all these complaints about alleged toolshedding, MEGA squads, base-taking, war-winning, etc. is this: even the smallest maps have 50+ bases and hundreds of hangars. The bigger ones have more than a thousand hangars. There's no way any one squad, or for that matter any 10 squads, can conceivably shut even 10% of those down at any given time, even just the ones near the front, not with them popping after 15 minutes. There is *always* somewhere to furball if people from both sides want to, and no way for anyone to prevent that even if they wanted to. If it dies down in one place it's bound to pop up again a field or two over.

Again, just to reiterate, I, personally do not condemn the taking of bases.  I have not even mentioned "mega" squads, nor have I insulted the concept of winning the war.  I am not saying that there is no merit to winning the war.  I have even advocated it, in a sense.  Base taking stirs up a hornet's nest by the defending country 95% of the time from my observations.  That means a lot of stuff to shoot at, half of whom are preoccupied with killing the heavies.  I do not even have a problem with helping the effort if there is a logical plan, even though the only thing it represents to me is a Disco and a change of scenery.  As I've said, I have no problem rolling JABO dropping ords where needed, and then mixing it up. 

Conversely, defending against an attack, has its fun points also.  Killing buffs is sometimes more rewarding to me than fighters.  They are well armed and most can take a fair amount of damage.

The only thing I disagreed with is the non-purposeful bombing of hangers.

I wasn't on last night but Saturday afternoon and night I recall seeing a huge bish-nit furball at, IIRC, 141-250 that lasted at least 12 hours without anyone shutting either field down. Have at it if that's what you like to do. You might even find some of us joining in and mixing it up sometimes.

Sorry I missed it.
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #85 on: August 10, 2009, 08:42:34 PM »
Are  the Buff guys suppose to leave the CV's up also???

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #86 on: August 10, 2009, 08:49:18 PM »
What gives people like DOGFITE (the irony of his handle is too much) and FORTRESS the right to ruin a good fight just because those fighting are not playing how they want us to play?  I've never seen one case in all the years I've played AH where a 'furballer' has intentionally gone out and ruined the fight of one of you toolshedders.

We're not saying you can't bomb anything but if you see two sides fighting at a base with neither side intent on capture, just having fun furballing leave us to our fun.  There are other targets for you limp wrists to bomb, ruining our fight so we can play how you think we should is not the way to go about getting our cooperation.


It is utterly amazing that Knights are being singled out and condemned about doing base captures, when lately the Knights have tended to have the fewest fields in the Orange Arena.   Most often, DOGFITE is taking back Knight bases that have already been taken away from us by the Rooks or Bishops.

I know for a fact that DOGFITE has never once deliberately attacked a base with his bombers for the reason of ending a furball.  These personal attacks on him are thus most unfair and unwarranted.


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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #87 on: August 10, 2009, 08:51:10 PM »
Are  the Buff guys suppose to leave the CV's up also???

Yea, if all the cruisers are down, all the ack is killed on the CV and they are letting them up from the CV without vulching and there is a simple furball going on then HELL YES leave it up.

If on the other hand they park that cv near the base so the whole base is under puffy ack then KILL THAT sum squeak.

I think everyone knows how to spot a furball. It doesnt take a genius to tell when its just a fight and not a base take. The problem is dirt farmers targeting a furball area and taking that base.

I personally dont like giant furballs. I would love to see a base take somewhere where it starts a nice small furball. Base takes never result in a furball because everyone lands and poof no fight anymore

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #88 on: August 10, 2009, 08:52:25 PM »
Just my two cents, and being that I'm new to AH2 after 10 years off, this may not be realistic solution, but what about pm'ing some of the opposing squads and picking two bases to up from on the far side of the map when somebody decides to be a turd?  Wed used to do this in AW to keep furballs going.

I was there last night when DOGFITE bombed the FH and ruined both sides' fun, and it was a lot of fun while it was going on...


So you are thus implying that DOGFITE is a turd??

How utterly juvenile and immature of you to do that.  If DOGFITE is a turd, then what does that make his Squadmates???

Why don't you tell us what you think of those who fly with DOGFITE??


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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #89 on: August 10, 2009, 08:54:36 PM »
It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars.
Just the opposite. It makes perfect sense.
Especially if the goal is to capture the field.

I'd like to tell you a little story bout a Jaxxo labeled "toolsheder". It's actually the funniest memory
of AH2 I have.

His name was LTARsoup and he was quite the little "buffer" (take that any way you like LOL).
Can't remember the map name, but there were two airfields very close together. LTARsoup finds himself
with no other squadies on at the time and thinks "well I've gotta take real estate how do I do it?"
"Ok these two bases have been quiet for at least an hour. Let's up some buffs and level the town"

The flight time between these bases was very short and soup takes off with a set of b24s. The town is in
vis within five minutes of take off, so there's no hope of climbing above town ack. :cry As soup approaches
the town, 2 fighters have rolled to see to his doom. :x
Unmolested for the first pass, Mace and another, begin to shred soup's buffs as he stall turns to once again
line up for town. Manages to take out 3 of the remaining 4 town ack and most of the remaining buildings before
being sent to the tower.
He came back with a set of Ju88's hoping for a little better speed and maneuverability. Mace, and this time another
two fighters, were there to greet him. Soup didn't survive for a second pass on town but he was pretty sure it was flat.

Let's see.....How the hell is soup going to get his goon in if 2 to 3 fighters are upping every time he enters dar?
BTW.. no gv spawn into this one fellas.
Jumps into a set of Lancs and takes out both bomber hangers on first pass. (Just enough time had expired while soup
was getting his buffs above ack for first pass that the current defenders had found targets elsewhere.) His presence however did
indeed arouse one upper named Jaxxo who met and destroyed soups buffs , right after the fighter hangers when down. :devil
(This was back when a med fields FHs could go down on a pass)
The PM's were flying...."you stupid toolshedder, what purpose could you possibly have dropping fighter hangers , dumb fluffer"
Of course Jaxxo destroyed the poor Lancs and gave soup another PM or two bout what a dweeb he was.

Flight time to town was under 6 minutes in a goon. Soup waited just as long as he could before launching that goon and
guess what? Bomber hangers were just coming up as he entered dar .
Long story short.....
The capture was made by a lone buffer and dropping the hangers was his only option for success.

So Crash Orange I must disagree.
Taking the town down first, makes perfect sense.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 10:15:31 PM by newz »
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