It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars.
Just the opposite. It makes perfect sense.
Especially if the goal is to capture the field.
I'd like to tell you a little story bout a Jaxxo labeled "toolsheder". It's actually the funniest memory
of AH2 I have.
His name was LTARsoup and he was quite the little "buffer" (take that any way you like LOL).
Can't remember the map name, but there were two airfields very close together. LTARsoup finds himself
with no other squadies on at the time and thinks "well I've gotta take real estate how do I do it?"
"Ok these two bases have been quiet for at least an hour. Let's up some buffs and level the town"
The flight time between these bases was very short and soup takes off with a set of b24s. The town is in
vis within five minutes of take off, so there's no hope of climbing above town ack.
As soup approaches
the town, 2 fighters have rolled to see to his doom.
Unmolested for the first pass, Mace and another, begin to shred soup's buffs as he stall turns to once again
line up for town. Manages to take out 3 of the remaining 4 town ack and most of the remaining buildings before
being sent to the tower.
He came back with a set of Ju88's hoping for a little better speed and maneuverability. Mace, and this time another
two fighters, were there to greet him. Soup didn't survive for a second pass on town but he was pretty sure it was flat.
Let's see.....How the hell is soup going to get his goon in if 2 to 3 fighters are upping every time he enters dar?
BTW.. no gv spawn into this one fellas.
Jumps into a set of Lancs and takes out both bomber hangers on first pass. (Just enough time had expired while soup
was getting his buffs above ack for first pass that the current defenders had found targets elsewhere.) His presence however did
indeed arouse one upper named Jaxxo who met and destroyed soups buffs , right after the fighter hangers when down.
(This was back when a med fields FHs could go down on a pass)
The PM's were flying...."you stupid toolshedder, what purpose could you possibly have dropping fighter hangers , dumb fluffer"
Of course Jaxxo destroyed the poor Lancs and gave soup another PM or two bout what a dweeb he was.
Flight time to town was under 6 minutes in a goon. Soup waited just as long as he could before launching that goon and
guess what? Bomber hangers were just coming up as he entered dar .
Long story short.....
The capture was made by a lone buffer and dropping the hangers was his only option for success.
So Crash Orange I must disagree.
Taking the town down first, makes perfect sense.