Author Topic: Stop dropping FHs....  (Read 19447 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #240 on: August 13, 2009, 05:50:01 PM »
I loved the VoD

Funny, after the demise of AH I met and became friends with Grey Eagle.

Funny part is you could count on fights between B83 and C83 ongoing, C84 and A84, and if you really wanted to base capture it was a heckuva tougher fight going for the capturable bases as there was a steady stream of defenders from the uncapturable bases behind those fields.  It took some effort to get the job done, and even if you got it, you knew the counter attack was coming.  

The bomber guys had targets deep to go for too like the Spit factory, which of course had guys up to defend.

And for really good fun you could take up a bunch of dweebs in 38s from Cz land and go deep to the VoD and bounce the Az and Bz who were trying to pound each other there.

Ahh fond memories :)
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #241 on: August 13, 2009, 05:50:37 PM »
I do not doubt it was great fun...
But a single type of battle can't keep my attention for long.
Back when we had Fighter Town in AH (I know, it's in no way comparable) I had great fun for 30mins... then I got bored. It's with every kind of combat here.
But then, I'm also not one of the guys that can fly one plane almost exclusively  :P

Yeah but you are slow....:)
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #242 on: August 13, 2009, 05:52:47 PM »
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #243 on: August 13, 2009, 05:54:30 PM »

But then, I'm also not one of the guys that can fly one plane almost exclusively  :P

Well, that's just because you've never flown the the saying goes, once you go twin tail, you never go back  ;)

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #244 on: August 13, 2009, 05:57:26 PM »
Well, that's just because you've never flown the the saying goes, once you go twin tail, you never go back  ;)

Or the magic just doesn't work with me... as I do have some (very few) kills in 38's in the MA's.. ~344 so far... and still I don't get it  :confused:
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 06:10:04 PM by Lusche »
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #245 on: August 13, 2009, 06:07:35 PM »
<missed point of thread>

Again, like most, you fail to get the point of this thread.  It is not about capturing bases or bombing, it's purely about one group intentionally going out to grief another group because that group is not playing how the other group wants them to play.  That is the only point of this thread.  We are not saying that players that enjoy the bombing or capturing bases shouldn't be allowed, in fact as Steve and others have noted, these can be the catalyst to start a fight, we are just asking those players realize that not everyone plays to 'Win the War (tm)' and not intentionally ruin our fun just because we do not play the way they want us to.

The argument that we should go to the DA isn't valid since the DA was never created to be a replacement for the MA, nor was the game designed for the main arenas to be "war scenarios", the main arenas were designed for aerial combat and the other features (base capture, etc...) added to help facilitate combat. You can ask HiTech himself and he'll be the first to correct you.

There is no reason why both furballers and bombers can't coexist together and for the most part they do.  Again, a perfect example is 99990000 and others like him.  The problem starts when you have idiots like DOGFITE and FORTRESS that believe the only way to play is their way and will go out and ruin anyone's fun that doesn't agree with them.

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #246 on: August 13, 2009, 06:09:37 PM »
I can't read two pages of responses every time I post something, lol, so I've just got one thing to say...

You can't let one person ruin the game for you (DOGFITE, I'm not saying you did anything, I wasn't there, I'm just talking in general terms).  Don't you get mad when you take a carrier and move it 2 hours to another base only to have a guy up while you're trying to set up a mission to take it.  Don't you get mad when you try to run an NOE mission and you have the squeaker flying 500 feet above the water, or worse yet going from 100 to 500 setting off the dar like a darn cop siren.  It's something you have to deal with, but you'd be a lot better off to just sigh and move on, because it's not going to change.
We arent letting one person ruin the game for us.....many people do what DogFite did that night, and alot of the time they are newer members to the community. People say you need to defend against it but honestly if 1 side is putting up half the numbers as the other. the side with the advantage in the furball are going to have problems going after 1 set of high buffs inbound to kill their fighter hangars. Rule of thumb for attacking anything in war is to have 3 to 1 odds, we use this in the Infantry and it also applies here. The furball DogFite shut down didnt show this advantage out of our side, this was a steady furball with almost exact same numbers on both sides(even though rooks were gunna lose because I was owning Wings of Terror all night). What im getting at is this couldnt be strategical, this base wasnt key to the "victory" and it wasnt causing our side any problems at all to maybe lose our base. For someone to bomb hangars they should be going off one of the reasons given. Furballers can make people stop upping too, I bet nobody in DogFites sqaud has killed the same person 4-5 times in one sortie, best believe that guy got pissed and logged when this happens :devil
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #247 on: August 13, 2009, 06:20:47 PM »
Alright, I have had enough of this thread.  I am now going to state my opinion of what I think is right and wrong.  Dogfite, I agree with you 100%.  This is the main arena people, the object is to take bases.  Someone posted earlier about having HT fix this "problem" of dropping hangers and killing a furball but he already did, it's called the dueling arena.


The point of AcesHigh is Aerial Combat.

Field captures, bombers, ground vehicles, carrier groups, (etc, etc)are all things put into the game by HTC to facillitate Aerial Combat.

Base taking is the "sideshow" not the "point".

The Dueling Arena is for players to have somewhere for a 1 on 1 duel.

You must be fairly new.
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Offline canacka

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #248 on: August 13, 2009, 08:00:31 PM »

The point of AcesHigh is Aerial Combat.

Field captures, bombers, ground vehicles, carrier groups, (etc, etc)are all things put into the game by HTC to facillitate Aerial Combat.

Base taking is the "sideshow" not the "point".

The Dueling Arena is for players to have somewhere for a 1 on 1 duel.

You must be fairly new.

When was the last time you were in the dueling arena?  Hardly a 1v1.  And if it's for aerial combat, what are GV's doing there?  And then why are bombers allowed in the game?  Just for missions?  Yes, I started playing in January 09, but still I can see what can and should be allowed and the game should allow what ever you want to do and as I read, no one has the right to tell wnyone what they cna and shall not do except for the creators of this game.  Anyone else is just whining about something out of their control and for calling someone out, as I have read, is violation of thread rules in which has been broken many times and which may have not been caught yet. 
     And since you call taking bases a sideshow, if a country takes enough bases they win the war and resets the map, hardly a SIDESHOW in my book. 
     I may be somewhat of a newbie to the game, but I know what is mature about things and this is playground crap. 
     Start thinking people about the different options this game gives, the DA, the MA's, and put it together for yourself.  The creators have thought this thing out, otherwise, fighter hangers would be indestructable just to keep your furballl alive, and base taking wouldn't exist.

     I love a good furball, god knows I do, but for crying out loud kiddies, if a fight dies, force another one!  I have started many. AND I'M A NOOB IN MANY EYES, and if I can start one at a new base, what does that say about those who are looking for a fight and not starting one!
     The fact of the matter is, as I have said in an earlier post, play how you want to play.  But don't force others to play how you want to play.  If the option is there to try and take a base by the bombers, they have the right.  Even if there is a furball going on.  Furballers have the right to furball, but remember that there are others trying to take bases and the one you are fighting near might be on their list.  But just don't complain about things that are totally legal in the game!  I have been turned off  by hangers being bombed before when I was furballing but I never complained about it!  Move to another fight! 
     Why the heck is a NOOB having to explain the obvious and defend both sides of this issue?  Oh, I know, cause the parties involved forgot that this is only a game and everyone has the right to have fun, and that too many take things personally.  Hence thinking that if someone does something they don't want done, must be on purpose to tick others off because they want them to play their way, as I have reaed.  But isn't this post the same thing?   Play my way?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2009, 08:20:10 PM by canacka »
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #249 on: August 13, 2009, 08:03:54 PM »
  The same complainers complain about how the other countries are taking all of our bases
What a joke you are, making up base less general assumptions and saying it for fact.  :rolleyes: I guess you can say I "complain" when a tool drops all the FH's at a furball but I dont complain when they "enemy" is taking our bases.
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #250 on: August 13, 2009, 08:12:44 PM »

I know hes cool and stuff but you dont have to just quote him after he says anything :D . Dogfite is honestly just ignorant as are you because you havnt played that long, Im going on 3 years now and I consider myself still a noob :rock
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #251 on: August 13, 2009, 08:18:49 PM »
Alright, I have had enough of this thread.  I am now going to state my opinion of what I think is right and wrong.  Dogfite, I agree with you 100%.  This is the main arena people, the object is to take bases.  Someone posted earlier about having HT fix this "problem" of dropping hangers and killing a furball but he already did, it's called the dueling arena.  Now there isn't a score kept there but if there was would you fly there?  That should be a better suggestion to him.  No wonder my country keeps losing bases and wars if this is the attitude of the players.  .  We all pay to play, and if it is allowed, let them.  If all you want to do is furball, which I do like to do myself, then complain to hitech that he should have a scoring system in the da.  A lot of you say I'm not in it for the score but yet you complain about a furball being broken up.  Last time I checked, there is a continous furball going on in the da that no one can interupt.  If you say is true, that you don't care about score and just want to furball, go there!  The main arena's were created for war scenarios, and sometimes furballs come to light, but base taking is the objective.  So shut the heck up if your complaining about a furball being stopped by hangers being dropped.  The same complainers complain about how the other countries are taking all of our bases, so what is your view then?  There are many who would like to see things in this game go along with what they want to see.  A thread was started recently about WW1 planes, and this game is based on WW2.  Everyone wants to see their own thing they are interested in and Hitech has done that by putting in different arenas.  If all you want to do is furball, fine go to the dueling arena.  If you want to furball in the main arena, fine, but don't complain when someone kills your furball.  

   Stone me if you will, but for crying out loud, think about what you are talking about and what's available before you start screaming and complaining about things that hitech has thought of and givin different options for!

   Salute to all, but this is THE MOST CHILDISH THREAD I have read that continues to keep going.

     Think in the mind of those that have a different opinion, it will make you a better individual.

Another clueless individual that has no idea what AH is about... there I spoke my mind.  :P
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #252 on: August 13, 2009, 08:22:58 PM »
Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High II.

From the official AH help pages:
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #253 on: August 13, 2009, 08:26:15 PM »
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #254 on: August 13, 2009, 08:27:22 PM »
I want Hitechs word on this :devil

Isn't HTC HiTech's own company?  :noid
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