I have the heart of a SEAL, does this meet the requirements to join the Navy / Marine Special Forces Unit? I've got my own water wings too and I practice my underwater fighting techniques in the bathtub. The only problem is that I really can't swim that well but I can doggy paddle pretty good.ack-ack
Ahhh there's a reason we are called Claim Jumpers...178 in Sept! But, who's counting? Fli
<----noodle entirely too small and lacking in testosterone to give a rat's arse about base captures..
Are you still upset emotionally about seeing bigfoots weiner? Quit comparing yourself to him.
No... Are you still traumatized by voluntarily experiencing the wrath of Bigfoot's wiener? They have people you can see and medication you can take for that..Run along now and go capture some bases before bigfoot catches you again...
I'll take the M-3...as long as I don't have to drive it through the woods.
if you drink your Brawndo you can be a #1 Base Taker too