You you purchase Multigen we can talk.
What formats the Multigen can import? What are the requirements for the AH 3D import?
I just ask, because the people are using even the AC3D for the airplane modeling for the
another simulations.
I bet the Multigen allows you to manage whole lot more plane specific data, than just a 3D object related area.
This is my imaginary work flow right top of my head
1.Create a pretty darn accurate 3D model from the target plane.
2.From given 3D model measure:
- A wetted area, possible a part specific
- A x,y,z projected areas in multiple conditions(flaps & ords)
- A fuselage, wing, tail, rudder areas & AC positions
- A aspect rations
- A tail volumes
- A NP location with different flaps positions (P38)
- A effective control surface areas with min/max angels and effective AC's locations
- A thrust & drag(gear&flaps up/down) line heights vs CG and/or NP heights
- A dihedral angles
- A ord. Caused CG shifts & drags line heights
- A prop disk area and even individual blade area
- And so on (?)
3. Create the baseline FM
- Test versus RL data & AH plane set and tinker the settings. Loop * 1000...
5. Create the multiple damage model FM's
- Test versus RL data & AH planes and tinker the settings. Loop * 1000...
6. Create the in-game 3D models (int. & ext.), textures, animations & LOD's
- Test versus the customer baseline HW and tinker the 3D models/LOD settings. Loop * 1000...
7. Ta-Daa! in