At $30 a month it kept a few hundred of us plenty busy. Those of us who have flown Air Warrior @ $2 per hour and more, $30 a month was a deal!

My first couple of months in Air Warrior in 1996 was nearly $100 each the first 2 months and then AOL came along and I think it was some package thing at $15 a month or so. I haven't missed a month of flying the whole time. It never gets too old for me but I do sometimes opt not to jump in.
I still hit it hard some weekend days while doing inside chores, laundry etc. Squad night is Wed night, has been for years.
The Scenarios are really fun, I haven't done any FSO or events other than Racing. I still manage to get 40+hours a month in!

Just built a gaming machine in Feb for $2,200. I cringe on the cost of PCs, upgrades in Hardware, cards, modems, NICs, RAM, hard drives..... A new Car comes to mind!

I have no wife ack so it's usually quiet during my hobby and I really like it that way!