Author Topic: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?  (Read 13822 times)

Offline Brooke

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #135 on: December 01, 2009, 04:06:13 PM »
I saw a photo of Brooke at the 1992? AW con the other day

Heh! I looked at that picture and thought, "Man, I look so young compared to now."  :)

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #136 on: December 01, 2009, 04:55:25 PM »
Well the battle of the bulge was a sneak attack it did penetrate the allies lines at the weakest point. Do think that the allies were waiting for the Germans to drive thru their lines  to Bastogne!

Also read up on the defence of Moscow and Zukhovs counter strikes at Whermacht weakest points in 41. Did the Whermacht know where he was going to strike!

Manstiens moving Pocket of late 43early 44, did the Red Army know where he was deploying his point defence next?

Even great Battles like Kursk when the Red Army was waiting for the Whermacht thrust they did not know where. All they knew was to hold until the combat zone could be re enforced whilst the whermacht (as in the Bulge) new they had to penetrate before the enemy could re enforce. (which btw is exactly what they did in the Battle of France in 1940!)

These are all examples that open with "milk running" which either penetrate  a front line or are held and incur a counter strike.

This is the science  of blitzkrieg, the rapid deployment of ground armour supported by air borne ground attack weaponry to penetrate enemy lines at the weakest point and rapidly encircle and cut off large parts of the enemy army from logistic support. This is what a ground war could be designed to emulate...... not a tank v tank slug fest more in the mold of WW1 trench war fare thru spawn camping and massed defence of a known target objectives.

I know we can model this in game. Because we have done it before..............

Re GV icons. Ideally I would only want them to be less obivous when a tank is under cover........... but given the choice between limited ac able to attack with full gv icon......... and unlimited gv able to attack with no gv icon....... I take the latter every time! That is "figuring something out" that will let them influence in a more practical way.............
Ludere Vincere

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #137 on: December 02, 2009, 04:29:55 PM »
Let me start by saying that I haven't read this thread in it's entirety but I've been kicking around the following idea for a few days now off and on and I wanted to toss it out there for the discussion.

I think the issue is resolving around the scope of a tactical vs a strategic battle.  I can appreciate feeling helpless will sitting in a tank with bombs constantly raining down all around you, but I think what was attempted in the last scenario wasn't a perfect solution either, and left room for abuse (either intentional or accidental).  I think the answer to how to protect the GV's while not handcuffing the attack aircraft is to provide top cover for the guys in the armor. I don't think it's much different than bombers, sure the bombers can shoot back but an unescorted flight of bombers is in deep trouble.  I flew B-25's and whenever we were discovered we got pounded on.  The problem then becomes a matter of resource allocation, given the average number of participants and objectives during a scenario frame there just aren't enough people to go around.  This probably means that some people either have milk runs, spend an hour flying in circles with nothing do or get hit by a much larger force and slaughtered.  In order to build a complete vertical battle field with the number of people available, we could consider running a couple frames with limited tactical objectives and a few with more far reaching strategic objectives.  Redress the planeset numbers for each, it would allow more people to play some of the more popular/impacted rides and if they have to fly/drive something that's not their first choice then it's not for all four frames.  

I hope this is clear, writing it during breaks in the action while at work. :)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 04:38:27 PM by Soulyss »
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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #138 on: December 09, 2009, 09:54:46 AM »
This entire thread just fascinates me to no end. As the guy who inadvertently triggered this entire ruckus I've tried to read all the relevant postings and absorb the various viewpoints. My thoughts are as follows...

1) Obviously the seeds for this conflict predate this scenario and are a bit beyond my comprehension

From my perspective scenario's are a group effort and no single piece of the puzzle exists in a vacuum, this is entirely separate from any GV specific component. The friction between bombers, fighters, CAP vs Sweep vs escort all mimic these same arguments.  In any scenario units will be interdependent, the entire concept that one unit (or unit type) can be insulated from interference is absurd. The entire purpose is "immersion" and a measure of historical accuracy, relating this to Tank on tank combat the reality is that planes killed more tanks then tanks did...end of story. This would be like me arguing that I'm entitled to a 1 on 1 fight in my A-20 :joystick: :airplane: :x :rock....just not gonna happen in a scenario.

2) With no disrespect intended it appears serious command issues existed in the Axis camp and this is reflected in the 1st frame results IMO. I get the sense that the early setbacks caused some serious issues instead of being realistically planned for...

It was apparent to all that we would get air assets there 1st, but the VH's were knocked down by ground forces before the 1st plane even arrived. Allied GVers had an outstanding plan and carried the day based on that plan and execution.

3) The actual damage from Air to Ground attacks was pretty minimal and the psychological damage was extreme.

Moreys comments sum it up nicely. He and the rest of them (that bailed) were a beaten bunch before the 1st shot was ever fired. I fly right over him and he driving in circles with not a bomb crater near him. He was never damaged by an "illegal" attack (and no A-20 did any damage outside of the rules in any frame) but was obviously effected...

To me this is pretty simple, none of us function in isolation in a scenario. We are all interdependent and we all want to contribute in a positive fashion. In my experience a number of scenarios have had restrictions, normally technical in nature due to substitution issues (bomb load, weapon load out, manifold settings etc). Based on earlier scenarios a further restriction was imposed. From the axis threads my assumption is this was due to aircraft inflicted kills on GV's. My 1st thought is obviously...well if you don't kill or drive of the attackers the GV's will die (how is this different then bombers?), but I have no problem with the rules of engagement. However, what we have here appears to go beyond any logical interpretation of the actual rule itself. It looks to totally isolate the GV action from the overall battlefield. Not only is this unrealistic it's unfair to the rest of the participants who have every right to impact the course of action within the rules.

I'm all for GV's in future scenario's and I have no issues with reasonable restrictions to maximize enjoyment and game play. Pandering to the entirely unrealistic view of a handful of players is a bad idea however and about as realistic as a fighter pilot complaining about getting "ganged". Strips buffs got massacred in frame 2 because the escorts mistimed the hookup, we (221BAD) got massacred when F8's bounced us in frame 2, We lost most of a Yak squad when they got vulched on the rearm pad...this was all in the same frame....every unit gets smacked down during the course of a scenario, its the nature of the beast. So one group suffers a beat down and blames it (incorrectly it turns out) on "illegal" actions collectively takes it's ball and goes home?

My response would be simple, to the point and in keeping with FSO, warn em or ban em from the next scenario...don't coddle em and change the rules further to appease them. The moment that this issue came up I immediately put my film up. The reasoning was simple and straight forward.

1) Factual 1st hand evidence for the CM's to review for any infraction
2) Factual 1st hand context of intent and circumstance for the player base

The bottom line is simple, no A-20 damaged a single GV outside of dropping on legitimate targets at any time in any of the 4 frames. As for this specific event the film makes it clear that my intent was to mark the tanks location not damage it in any way. Given the lack of suitable legal targets and inbound german fighters the use of my external eggs for this purpose made sense at the time to me and was the only useful thing to do with them. The bottom line is that the tank was not known to jolly (up on the hill) until i pointed him out. In the context of overall game play isn't that my "job" here, to make a positive impact for my side? This all happened in the space of 10-12 seconds and is a random (unplanned) event that should have no broader implications beyond a single small ripple in a big pond. The fact that it did simply highlights broad misconceptions that need (IMO) to be squashed. Tank warfare in WW2 was bloody high attrition work for all but some of the Tiger (and other elite) units. The thought that GV's should somehow be insulated from the historical realities is just wrong. To win the war on the ground you need to at least fight to a standstill in the air. GV's without suitable air cover are no better then Buffs without escort...end of story. The issue here is planning and objectives not rules per se...

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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #139 on: February 04, 2010, 06:55:49 PM »

Moreys comments sum it up nicely. He and the rest of them (that bailed) were a beaten bunch before the 1st shot was ever fired. I fly right over him and he driving in circles with not a bomb crater near him. He was never damaged by an "illegal" attack (and no A-20 did any damage outside of the rules in any frame) but was obviously effected...

Humble huh?  Chose your name well.   :rolleyes:

Listen, the bottom line is this.  This is a game.  People expect to have fun in a game....and in this case, actually fight.  My frame in a Tiger was spent dodging attacks which I could not counter.  It was not fun, it was not mildly entertaining even.  I didn't even see a tank on my first life.

  You seem to think it revolves around your actions as well....which is laughable.  

 It was a waste of time.  If it was due to all of us being so weak...there wouldn't be a thread 10 pages long discussing it in two different scenarios.  GV'rs are sick of indiscriminate aerial attack, and that's why you don't see many "long time" GV people in scenarios.... they walk away.  

Again, having a bright red icon, on a tank 1.5 K away is idiotic.  Let's make it fair by making a hit bubble on your diving aircraft that extends 5 wing lengths around every axis of your plane..... that's what it's close to.  Air has every advantage against GV's.... a luxury that isn't historically accurate at all.

I "bailed" so beaten, as to rack up the single highest kills against GV's from the air of anyone in the whole scenario, from both sides, in only 3 frames.  Spin whatever you wish, but at least tell the truth.

Apologies for the resurrection, but I just saw how humble wants to play this like those that left were cowardly.     
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 06:57:39 PM by MORAY37 »
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Offline fudgums

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #140 on: February 04, 2010, 07:02:25 PM »
Just let it die.
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #141 on: February 06, 2010, 11:16:34 AM »

The most enjoyable time in GV battles that I can recall, was the TT (Doughnut map).  It had numerous spawn points from each country into a city / town.  There were numerous hiding places and limited bomber access. 

Where that became "gamey":  When vehicle hangars were destroyed, allowed for spawns to be camped unopposed. 

Wishlist:  Bring back Doughnut Map

Offline jdbecks

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #142 on: February 06, 2010, 03:28:32 PM »
Or in the next scenario with GV objectives, task no squadrons in the air to ground role. However, Side A has to take the town whilst side B has to defend the town, whilst all the air squadrons are carrying out their objectives.

Or you could task some squadrons with an air recce/recon role to spot GVs for friendly GV forces with the enemy airforce tasked to eliminate the recce/recon squadrons
« Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 03:32:50 PM by jdbecks »

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #143 on: February 19, 2010, 08:37:24 PM »
Just something for the CMs to look into at, is if you turn the lowiconrange off below 500 or 100 feet. Will Gv icons turn off?
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline Brooke

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #144 on: February 20, 2010, 03:15:22 AM »
Just something for the CMs to look into at, is if you turn the lowiconrange off below 500 or 100 feet. Will Gv icons turn off?

As I recall, folks tried that, and found that it does not turn off GV icons.

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Re: Incorporating a Ground War element in a Scenario.. how do we do it?
« Reply #145 on: February 28, 2010, 09:40:45 AM »
One more opinion chime in...we have a new scenario going and there is no ground war in it...but I had to read this thread and see what has been said.

I'm not a GV'r but I do hop into a tank once in a while when I'm tired of getting shot down by Spit16 dweebs that miraculously out turn anything...and it can be a lot of fun dodging Hurricanes and IL2s...maybe ping them with some 7.92mm bb's.

If tanks were to be incorporated, the setup would have to be geared more towards the ground war than the air war...Ardennes for example would be a great tank setup...and if the cloud cover can be made to limit visibility from 1000 feet to tree top level, ground forces would not be quite so vulnerable to air attack...coupled with shortend enemy icon range.

The player limit would need to be increased to allow for more ground vehicle participants and not force flyers into making a choice or be randomly assigned to GVs...I don't know what the physical limit of players on the server is but if FSO can handle 400+ players, a scenario should be able to handle 300-350...currently it's something like 270 or so?

The distribution of GV types would have to be such that tanks and mobile AA would move together...perhaps something like 1 AA unit to 3 tanks keeping the AA units around 500 yds behind the tanks to cover air targets...that would increase the value of the AA units for both the ground and air forces...but that's part of command strategy.

Give the GV'ers limited lives like the flyers...maybe 1 or 2 more.

Make the GV targets something more like a city or neutral large base...something that can be fought over where they are not reliant on vehicle hangars, or make the vehicle hangars less of a dependency for spawning.

Put the spawn points far enough away from each other that they could not be camped by opposing ground forces.

There is more to it but those are the basics as I see them...and I would like to see more scenarios where people who actually like to use ground vehicles can's a community event and participation should not always be limited to the air battles of WWII.
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