i've noticed, that in some instances, people try to get exact, saying using averages doesn't work.....such as in using the past recorded temps.
then those same people average things out, such as the amount of solar energy, sunlight, distances, etc.
the point, and fact is that the weather systems are pretty much in a pattern. they always have been, and always will be. they are affected by the sun, earths rotation, orbit, etc. they are still not affected by man kind.
at least not now. if this crap keeps up, some govt. will listen to one of these loons, and we'll have em launching rockets with mirrors, and prisms, trying to deflect light from the earth. or putting blankets on the antartic ice to prevent its melting. or sending automated ships to cruise the seas, spewing mist above them to again block sunlight.
THEN we might have a problem caused by man kind.