Author Topic: how long till someone is chat banned?  (Read 5018 times)

Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2009, 03:16:03 AM »
Its not about saying drediock thats what you dont get. Its about conduct and setting an example. You will never win the argument because the rules have already been established and you condone violating that rule. Worse you have already decided you are on the wrong side of the fence which is why you slipped into the 'insult mindset' and let go with the 'Mr Self Righteous.' You know you are wrong. Curse words are abusive emotionally vulgar of class and irreverent of your host (and Im not talking of religion here). Your mouth can either build up or tear down an individuals self-esteem or the same with their regard for you as an individual. I for instance have lost all respect for you as an individual (what little you had already earned) for taking the position you have. To me and people like me for you or anyone to cuss is the same as spreading malicious gossip or lies about anyone. Its the same as berating an individual for who and what they are or what they stand for. Cussing is an assault on character and implies your impudence as a customer over all other customers. Furthermore it demonstrates a complete lack of intelligence with an inability to construct a more viable argument without the negativism. People that lack the wit to construct a more reasoned argument turn to curses as a way (unwittingly) to emphasive their points but in fact it detracts from their argument and comes across as unreasoned. Cursing is not an art to be admired.

What you call realistic is a modified expectation due to your failures. You have given up the ability to make reasoned and intelligent arguments by taking on the character of a man that emphasizes his expressions with negativism. You have in fact shut yourself off from the ability to perceive of things as they should be and accepted mediocrity. I believe you deserve better but it is up to you as an individual to seek improvement and none of us can do it for you. However we can use 'tough-love' and shun those of you that curse as if you were a discarded shoe. When you grow up and become a true adult we can accept you back in the fold but you have to earn respect and right now you have just given it all up. This is what 'community policing' is.

Have a nice day.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2009, 05:52:08 AM »
Its not about saying drediock thats what you dont get. Its about conduct and setting an example. You will never win the argument because the rules have already been established and you condone violating that rule. Worse you have already decided you are on the wrong side of the fence which is why you slipped into the 'insult mindset' and let go with the 'Mr Self Righteous.' You know you are wrong. Curse words are abusive emotionally vulgar of class and irreverent of your host (and Im not talking of religion here). Your mouth can either build up or tear down an individuals self-esteem or the same with their regard for you as an individual. I for instance have lost all respect for you as an individual (what little you had already earned) for taking the position you have. To me and people like me for you or anyone to cuss is the same as spreading malicious gossip or lies about anyone. Its the same as berating an individual for who and what they are or what they stand for. Cussing is an assault on character and implies your impudence as a customer over all other customers. Furthermore it demonstrates a complete lack of intelligence with an inability to construct a more viable argument without the negativism. People that lack the wit to construct a more reasoned argument turn to curses as a way (unwittingly) to emphasive their points but in fact it detracts from their argument and comes across as unreasoned. Cursing is not an art to be admired.

What you call realistic is a modified expectation due to your failures. You have given up the ability to make reasoned and intelligent arguments by taking on the character of a man that emphasizes his expressions with negativism. You have in fact shut yourself off from the ability to perceive of things as they should be and accepted mediocrity. I believe you deserve better but it is up to you as an individual to seek improvement and none of us can do it for you. However we can use 'tough-love' and shun those of you that curse as if you were a discarded shoe. When you grow up and become a true adult we can accept you back in the fold but you have to earn respect and right now you have just given it all up. This is what 'community policing' is.

Have a nice day.

Your the one who started the insults by your condescending posts and your deciding whom is a "man" and whom isnt among other things. Want me to go back and list the insults youve thrown out in this thread?
"You are assuming things you have no knowledge of and I submit it imparts upon all of us certain knowledge of your true character"
"Here you are trying to save face and make yourself look all grown up... but your a child when it comes to self-control and you know it."
"If you cant bring yourself to do that then you will never grow up."
"That you have not done so and failed as a parent is where you are today."

So lets cut the self rightous nonsence about resorting to insults as though you can claim some moral high ground on insults.
And BTW declaring victory or someone elses defeat doesnt make you victorious. It might have worked when we were 8 or 9 years old. but not so much when your older no matter how fancy you try to phrase it.

There is no argument to win.  Because your not going to change people no matter what rules are in place.
A year from now this same type thread is going to come up and your going to make the same type argument. Just as has been done time and time and time again.
I've seen these same debates going on all the way back into Airwarrior. And whats changed? Not one thing

I wasnt insulting you. I was speaking the truth about you. Your living in a fantasy world. Sorry to break it to you but people arent ever going to live up to your expectations. Especially en masse.
You want to play tough love. have at it. Report everyone for all I care. Thats your prerogative. And the tools were put in place for you to do so. But if your expecting everyone to care as much as you do and join in. you are in fact. Delusional. because most people again, unless its some long drawn out profane rant. Just dont care. Or dont deem it important enough to bother with
If they did. This subject would never come up.

I can see things how they should be. And on that front I have already said I agree with you. But how things should be and reality are two completely different things. I deal with the real world. Not the world as I think it should be. Nothing at all to do with my failures. I dont as to how I've "failed" at anything. What. Because you say I "failed" I have?
Gimme a break.
Im supposed to care how much you respect me? Or if you dont? why?
You going to pay my bills? Do I have to go home and live with or sleep with you tonight?
You somehow view yourself as being more special then anyone else? Your nothing. just someone I occasionally debate with here on the boards or see in game.
the day either of us leaves Im sure we would notice for all of about a day. Probobly less
 I dont come here to play language police.  I come here to have fun. If I have to start worrying about what everyone else is doing then Im not having fun. Im working.

If there is a prolonged rant. yea I'll report it. But Im not going to make myself crazy reporting every slip up. Its not worth it And I understand that whenever competition is involved. Emotions and tempers are involved and people are going to slip up occasionally right or wrong. Its human nature.
now maybe you have perfect self control at all times. (though I doubt it) but most people do not.
and to have hundreds of people playing a competitive game and expecting everyone to mind their P & Q's  all the time. Is just not a realistic expectation no matter how much you argue to the contrary. It is at best. Fantasy
You would have better luck trying to sprout a third arm.

But hey. Good luck with that..really
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Offline sNiPeR

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2009, 06:46:02 AM »
 I seen mention of a word filter in a post on this thread? Why don't they get that going better? say give someone  2 or 3 warnings and if they don't stop,boot em for a day or 2,bet that stops some of them. I can cuss with the best of them,real life at a bar or around friends every other word out of my mouth is a "F" bomb,but that's among adults who talk the same on-line games I don't see the need for it,because you never know who is on the other end of that screen. Kids don't need to see that kind of talk even though I'm sure most either talk like that or hear it everyday out of their friends mouths,especially in a game like this where I think "MOST" are pretty intelligent :aok
« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 06:53:30 AM by sNiPeR »

Offline JunkyII

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2009, 07:05:22 AM »
The military has a new article of UCMJ which says you can be punished for using profane language....I think its crap especially in my field where you only work with guys day to day :salute
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2009, 08:56:44 AM »
The military has a new article of UCMJ which says you can be punished for using profane language....I think its crap especially in my field where you only work with guys day to day :salute

Tune me private and I will tell you what I think!  LOL
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2009, 10:38:13 AM »
I've already raised my kids, it's not my responsibility to raise everyone else's kids.

I agree with Drediock, there are certain standards I hold my kids to, and would love to see everyone else do to, but I live in the real world and understand it ain't going to happen. I have my own life to live and I'm not going to waste it by trying to educate the populace on good behavior.

Chalenge, if you think you can straiten out the behavior of today's society, you can go ahead and give it a try, but if you really believe it's going to happen your living in a dream. I remember some other guy who thought to have all the bright, well bred, "beautiful" people be the the top of his society, the rest would be the underlings, the scum, the unworthy. His name was Hitler.

Community/society/FAMILY can not be an "all or nothing" deal, it's is a mix of the good the bad and the down right ugly, it's how we handle our selves among all of those differences that makes us who we are. What comes across as a "pompus attitude" shows more a lack of intelligence in what your writing than the opposite. Just because you believe its true isn't going to make it so. You "believe" Dred has giving up on society by not getting involved. I believe Dred has taken care of his corner of the world, much as I have, and understand what he can and can't do in relation to the rest of society.

Sure it would be great if no one ever swore, or tricked their way around the filters, but it's isn't going to happen. Much like your P51 isn't going to climb to 5k as fast as my 38, it just isn't going to happen.   

Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2009, 11:42:55 AM »
Your the one who started the insults by your condescending posts . And whats changed? Not one thing..

Its real simple Dred... you act like a child you are a child. Being unable to control yourself... childish. Being so completely into denial about your own character to the point you defend your actions even against the 'rules of the house'... the damage you have done to yourself runs deeper than you know.

Grow up.

Fugitive: Priceless comparison to Hitler there. Classic case of no intelligent response too. Well done!
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2009, 02:49:53 PM »
Its real simple Dred... you act like a child you are a child. Being unable to control yourself... childish. Being so completely into denial about your own character to the point you defend your actions even against the 'rules of the house'... the damage you have done to yourself runs deeper than you know.

Grow up.

Fugitive: Priceless comparison to Hitler there. Classic case of no intelligent response too. Well done!

And again you talked about slipping into the insult mindset. Yet you've repeatedly proven yourself to be no better and certainly no more "grown up" then anyone else. And you use being on the so called "right side" of the argument to justify your insults. Sorry kid. It dont work that way.
In fact. You've even run out of arguement altogether.

I control myself just fine. To the best of my knowledge in the time I've been here I've never been muted. So I couldnt be all that terrible. For the most part I personally do follow HTCs rules. Both here and in the game. Even if I dont agree with them. But it isnt me or you we're talking about here.
And its not my responsibility as Fugitive said to raise someone elses kids or to play language police.
And while I wouldnt compare you to Hitler. that is a bit of an overstatement. I would agree in Fugitives statement on the general attitude you show .

Im grown up plenty. You perhaps need to learn to and teach your kids to survive in the real world, and not some fantasy realm you obviously dwell in. Thats traditionally moms job. Otherwise I really hope your into disappointment cause your in for plenty of it.

Bottom line. Rant all you want. Whine all you want. Use insulting names and statements all you want.
But your not going to change the real world to meet your Disney Land standards.
I have thousands of years of humanity to back me up. It hasnt happened yet. And I highly doubt that its going to change in the near future either.
All we've become is more technologically advanced. What we havent become, is any less profane. Pick up a newspaper sometime. THAT'S the world you need to prepare your kids for. Teaching them to be good decent people is fine and the "right" thing to do.  But you better also ready and strengthen them for the ugly real world as well. Other wise yea, someones mouth is going to tear down their self-esteem. The real world is going to steamroll them.

In game. Much to its credit the community does a pretty decent job policing itself. More often then not the occasional slip goes on and gets let go.
But my observation is that if someone is being unfairly attacked or severely berated. When profane rants become excessive. I've seen people in the area usually mercilessly torment or tear the offender a new one.  And realisitcally speaking.
Thats about the best you can hope for because thats the best your ever gonna get.
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2009, 03:28:33 PM »
Facts are facts dred. You are STILL going on defending your position about breaking the rules Hitech set as host of AHII. You believe the priniciple is sound yet you do not believe the reality coincides with the value. No it is you that cannot except that anyone can live outside of your realm. You are far from grownup and in telling you that I am not insulting you but merely informing you of your deficit. The fact that you do not see that as it is offered implies the problem is even more severe than it appears. You obviously do not care to improve yourself or those around you and you deserve to be shunned.

I know there are two 'types' of players online in AHII. They are the people that smack talk on 200 and then there are those that tune it out. I feel the game would be much better off without chat altogether but we do need some mechanism for communication. It is too bad even some adults cannot be grownup enough to police their own actions and so yes they deserve what they get (even if for the most part it is limited to the squelch command). I would love to see the 'mute stick' brought into the late war arena more often but the automated mute idea doesnt seem a very good idea because of simple mistakes that would be inevitable. However it has become more and more frequent for noobs to come in and be introduced to curses and 'shortcuts' and then they are out to repeat it everytime they have the chance.

You are not helping the situation and you are not a good role model for AHII or online behaviour and neither is anyone that agrees with you on this.
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Offline bj229r

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #54 on: November 28, 2009, 03:34:23 PM »
The military has a new article of UCMJ which says you can be punished for using profane language....I think its crap especially in my field where you only work with guys day to day :salute
WOW. That's frikkin incredible---after 230+ years, PC has infected the Pentagon to this extent. (Wonder if it's just DI's berating kids in basic? :frown:)
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #55 on: November 28, 2009, 05:14:28 PM »
its HTs house as he says,
But I never understood why more then squelch was required.
Play with head phones so that your child can watch you carpet bomb citys without hearing someone swear.
That is if your real concern is the soul of your child.
But if all you really want is to tell other people what to say, then whine about it here.


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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #56 on: November 28, 2009, 06:15:44 PM »
Facts are facts dred. You are STILL going on defending your position about breaking the rules Hitech set as host of AHII. You believe the priniciple is sound yet you do not believe the reality coincides with the value. No it is you that cannot except that anyone can live outside of your realm. You are far from grownup and in telling you that I am not insulting you but merely informing you of your deficit. The fact that you do not see that as it is offered implies the problem is even more severe than it appears. You obviously do not care to improve yourself or those around you and you deserve to be shunned.

I know there are two 'types' of players online in AHII. They are the people that smack talk on 200 and then there are those that tune it out. I feel the game would be much better off without chat altogether but we do need some mechanism for communication. It is too bad even some adults cannot be grownup enough to police their own actions and so yes they deserve what they get (even if for the most part it is limited to the squelch command). I would love to see the 'mute stick' brought into the late war arena more often but the automated mute idea doesnt seem a very good idea because of simple mistakes that would be inevitable. However it has become more and more frequent for noobs to come in and be introduced to curses and 'shortcuts' and then they are out to repeat it everytime they have the chance.

You are not helping the situation and you are not a good role model for AHII or online behaviour and neither is anyone that agrees with you on this.

In your opinion. And really. I couldnt care less about what your opinion is.
My guess is most people here dont either.
I actually beleive that you think that by saying people are "not men,not grown up, deserve to be shunned" yadda yadda yadda etc etc etc. If they dont conform to what your opinion on what the world should be or how individuals should be language police. That people are going to magically see it your way.
Might as well say "Last one to HQ is a rotten egg" Or "Anyone who doesnt join my mission  their mama wears combat boots"

I believe the principle is sound yet I do not believe the reality coincides with the value. Because quite does not.
The next time this subject is brought up it will be proven yet again. Just as it has countless times in the past and will be again countless times in the future.
Oh I can accept that anyone can live outside of my realm. no problem. Because I deal with reality. And in reality thats what happens. YOUR the one that cant accept it. As is evidenced by your entire argument.

Grown up? LMAO I dont see how with your statements thus far you can expect anyone to take you seriously. Your the one that expects that everyone is going to live up to your expectations. which at best is a fantasy. And Im the one thats not grown up for recognizing that there is an ideal world and there is reality and knowing that the two are more often then not two very different things?

I deserve to be shunned?
ooOOOooo How terrible a thing it would be to be shunned by you. I know its unlikely for you to believe. But I figure I'll say it anyway when I say that I wouldn't go expecting people to follow you en masse on that

I guess by your comments your trying to "break down my self-esteem" with words.
Sorry, I grew up in the real world. I suffer from no such weakness.

Now rather then go around anymore in this endless circle. You may go ahead and get in the last word. Because we both know you just have to.
For my response. Just refer back to just about any of my previous posts because thats the only place this discussion can possibly lead anymore.
And to be quite honest.
Your getting boring and your arguments pointless
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2009, 06:20:48 PM »
With all due respect, there are actually 3 types of players:

1) Smack talkers
2) Squelchers
3) Those genuinely entertained by the absolutely obnoxious, hate-filled spew that at best is mensa-level-wittiness and at worst is third-grade, low-level mental masterbation that results in someone digging their own burial plot...metaphorically speaking ofcourse.

Having engaged in all three in my brief time here, none of this will solve it because of the complexity of the human condition called competitiveness.  I wish each of you the best of luck curing this one.



PS - I hope the UCMJ's JAG Corps forced the DoD to build an annex at Ft Leavenworth and the Navy Brig because its gonna need the room for the "cussers"!  Wow....
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #58 on: November 28, 2009, 07:05:30 PM »

Guilty through association and general every day use... childish and non-comprehending.

There is a therapist online every night around 2am I will ask him to contact you.
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Re: how long till someone is chat banned?
« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2009, 07:36:52 PM »
I keep reporting (with the report feature) guys using 4 letter words in chat and voice. And I mean they are really going at it.  For some reason they are still chatting away the next day, and the day after that.. still cussing up a storm.

Further proof the report system is abused by way to sensitive nancy`s try detuning 200 if you find it offensive
or squelch gawd

We need a channel that you have to tune to with a pop up box saying if you tune this channel you except that you might be offended
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