First of all, your skin wasn't "jacked"
You made available the jpegs (which I had to convert to bmp and change the resolution to 1024 x 1024) and I put it in offine mode.
Jasta 11 had more a/c, so please don't be confused
Don't flatter yourself. As limited as my skills are, I would never deign to claim something that looks as it has been defecated on with a dull, red crayon as "mine".
Waffle will be impressed, I'm sure, to see that you changed almost nothing of his original artwork.
I'm sure that Skuzzy will be more than pleased to wake up early on a Saturday to deal with your reports of this thread when he could be buzzing around in his Cooper, running people off the road.
Ring Ring
"Hello, Pot? This is the kettle..." I'm sure you can finish that one.
If anyone is "jacking" anything, it is you, sir. Posting something like is an insult to all who TRY to make an effort at skinning. There are plenty of folks here that will help you. All you have to do is ask, and not insult their intelligence.
I know which skins are mine when I post them. They have my name on them so I don't forget.....
(before you get your panties in a wad, the "extra" artwork will not be included with the submission when I am finished. It's a joke)
Carry on