Author Topic: 190A5 vs 190A8  (Read 68263 times)

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2010, 03:05:58 PM »
   -Not just wing area and weight: That's the theoretical "reality". You can't reduce the THEORETICAL wingloading, but the real-life item yes:

     Read this account and see if this guy doesn't think reducing throttle allowed him to SUSTAIN better low-speed turns...

     Or read this account and see what happens when the guy, by his own admission, had his throttle "wide-open"...:

     Besides, this is just silly: By pulling back on the stick you are ALSO pulling back on the top prop disc half: Explain to me how one can be done without the other...

     And to pull back on those thousands of pounds of thrust you are using the wing's lift as a pivot... Explain to me how there is a way around THAT...

     And to move the top prop disc half back by far less than one mm (by any amount in fact) you have to beat ALL of the thrust there: A 200 lbs weight supported by a rope, this weight being lifted by 100 lbs of force, will still leave 100 lbs of tension in that rope...

     Yes a Spitfire at full power HAS a heavier real-life wingloading than a FW-190A at partial power...

     But surely simmers can explain to me how there is a way around these real-life contingencies...


Gaston, I'm baffled by your assertion that you're "pulling back" on the prop disk by pitching. You'r e merely reorienting the thrust vector - not translating it backwards about some imaginary axis (top half???).

Also, believe the ref. to close-coupled is likely a reference to the pitch inertia. Lower pitch inertia, all other things being equal (they aren't) will reduce the force authority required to rotate the ac in pitch. I would buy that the A-8 is an AC that can be rotated in pitch quickly, assuming the elevator authority is there w/r the D-9 - which has a longer lever arm.

 However, the flat turn performance drivers are well understood:  r= 2/rho*w/a*1/CLs(theta)

And w/a sucks, here. Also see the Wright pat data on the A-8's turn perf.
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Offline thorsim

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #196 on: April 08, 2010, 03:24:05 PM »
wright pat test in this thread is on the 190d9 could you link the test to which you are referring ...

the d9 test is also not in agreement with other sources ...

Gaston, I'm baffled by your assertion that you're "pulling back" on the prop disk by pitching. You'r e merely reorienting the thrust vector - not translating it backwards about some imaginary axis (top half???).

Also, believe the ref. to close-coupled is likely a reference to the pitch inertia. Lower pitch inertia, all other things being equal (they aren't) will reduce the force authority required to rotate the ac in pitch. I would buy that the A-8 is an AC that can be rotated in pitch quickly, assuming the elevator authority is there w/r the D-9 - which has a longer lever arm.

 However, the flat turn performance drivers are well understood:  r= 2/rho*w/a*1/CLs(theta)

And w/a sucks, here. Also see the Wright pat data on the A-8's turn perf.
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
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Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #197 on: April 08, 2010, 05:16:26 PM »
wright pat test in this thread is on the 190d9 could you link the test to which you are referring ...

the d9 test is also not in agreement with other sources ...

It's already been linked in this thread!

As for Gaston's assertion about reducing throttle to decrease turn radius, all I can say is mv^2/r...

I'm starting to smell a "non-technical".
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline thorsim

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #198 on: April 08, 2010, 06:09:49 PM »
It's already been linked in this thread!

As for Gaston's assertion about reducing throttle to decrease turn radius, all I can say is mv^2/r...

I'm starting to smell a "non-technical".

a is the first letter in our alphabet ,d is the 4th letter in the alphabet ...

8 is ... well the 8th letter which is followed immediately by the number 9 the 4th digit on your second hand ...

i can see where you may have trouble following discussions when you are having these problems ...

so please once again show me the the 190 a8 data you mention below

And w/a sucks, here. Also see the Wright pat data on the A-8's turn perf.

because this is the only "wright pat" test report in this thread, which is obviously a D and marked so on the web link, first page, and several other places in the report ...

Flight report of the 190 D9

In the flight report of the 190 D9 they state that turn rate is poor.

I'm starting to smell a "typical AH board troll" with the usual reading comprehension issues ...

« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 06:12:15 PM by thorsim »
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
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Quote from: any number of idiots here
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Quote from: oldman
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Offline Gaston

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #199 on: April 08, 2010, 06:26:33 PM »
 "Gaston, I'm baffled by your assertion that you're "pulling back" on the prop disk by pitching. You're merely reorienting the thrust vector - not translating it backwards about some imaginary axis (top half???)."

  -Because a prop disc is a FLAT object, it does not naturally follow a curve. In a 90° bank turn the top half of the prop disc travels forward SLOWER than the bottom half. I REALLY hope I don't have to argue about this...: You car's inner wheels in a curve move forward more slowly than the outer wheels, which is why you need a differential on asphalt for everyday driving... (You can get away with locking the differential on dirt roads or while spinning the rear wheels during drag races, which is a bit like having the air's elasticity)

  The amount of speed difference between the halves is infinetisimal but that does not matter: To create that difference in forward speed you have to pull back on the top half continuously, and to pull this top disc half back by ANY amount you have to defeat the ENTIRE thrust thrust produced within that top disc half...

   The bottom prop disc half doesn't resist being tilted forward, since that does not fight its thrust direction...


Offline Krusty

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #200 on: April 08, 2010, 07:04:53 PM »
No more than any plane "fights its own thrust" when hanging on the prop at slow speeds. No more than a plane accelerating "fights its own thrust" to move forward.

You're really pushing this pet theory of yours and IMO seems a bit grasping. I am not as learned as some on these forums, but you're taking a very simple desription and applying it to a very fluid and dynamic situation. Not to mention the fact that the prop blades are moving sideways relative to this change in direction, anyways. They'll produce thrust as well as lift (pointed forward, I mean, from the prop blades) and they won't "fight" the air they push backwards any more than they would "fight" the dense air at low altitudes.

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #201 on: April 08, 2010, 10:29:05 PM »

so please once again show me the the 190 a8 data you mention below

I'm starting to smell a "typical AH board troll" with the usual reading comprehension issues ...

Sorry, I thought it was linked here:
I note they don't stipulate a-8. However, the general specs match - BMW801, armament, etc. Turn radius is rated as "poor" - though they don't quantify, I think it safe to say you don't use a "poor" turner as a turn fighter.

As for the mv^2/r, clearly, if you decrease throttle and velocity, you can improve your turn radius for a given bank and lift condition.

I'd also note that stating that A-8 turn performance is better than d-9 turn performance is probative of A-8's superlative turn capability -not at all. Indeed, I've yet to see any evidence that the A-8 had anything like competitive flat-turn capabilities w/r Spitfire, or even P-51.

That's all I'm saying here.

Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #202 on: April 08, 2010, 10:52:25 PM »
 "Gaston, I'm baffled by your assertion that you're "pulling back" on the prop disk by pitching. You're merely reorienting the thrust vector - not translating it backwards about some imaginary axis (top half???)."

  -Because a prop disc is a FLAT object, it does not naturally follow a curve. In a 90° bank turn the top half of the prop disc travels forward SLOWER than the bottom half. I REALLY hope I don't have to argue about this...:


No, you don't have to argue this. I didn't understand your statement as written before. Your meaning is clearer now. I take back any dismissal. I also cop to Thor's accusation. I skimmed.

I would add this, however. It's probably worse than you posit. Why? a prop works to produce thrust by creating a press decrease on the forward surface and that goes something like the square of the velocity of the prop foil relative to the ambient air. Given that the top half is moving relative to free stream SLOWER, should you not also see an attendant thrust increase - due to increased prop alpha (alpha being the angle determined by the resultant of the sum of the forward velocity vector plus the rotational velocity vector  - at that radius point on the prop foil  - right, it increases as we travel toward the tips) on that half of the disk, thus making it's "pitch" (in the ac frame of ref - not prop pitch) rotation harder? If so, you'd also see decreased thrust on the lower half, since it's forward motion relative velocity is greater -thus making it's prop alpha smaller.

Vector diagram it for yourself. I guess the thing is stable in that it resists rotation - and that's not including rotational inertia effects - which only make it more so.

Mea Culpa to you and Thor. I still see little case for A-8 being anything like a turner, though. w/a DOES suck and the powerloading and upper bound on the wing's capability ensure that the A-8 can't overcome this limitation.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline thorsim

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #203 on: April 08, 2010, 10:53:20 PM »
apology accepted, you should pay special attention to parts 8 and 9 of the report and by the dates it seems very early for an a8 enemy test ...

and remember from earlier in this thread it seems that the germans might have included the roll in their comparative turn test evaluations ...

Sorry, I thought it was linked here:
I note they don't stipulate a-8. However, the general specs match - BMW801, armament, etc. Turn radius is rated as "poor" - though they don't quantify, I think it safe to say you don't use a "poor" turner as a turn fighter.

As for the mv^2/r, clearly, if you decrease throttle and velocity, you can improve your turn radius for a given bank and lift condition.

I'd also note that stating that A-8 turn performance is better than d-9 turn performance is probative of A-8's superlative turn capability -not at all. Indeed, I've yet to see any evidence that the A-8 had anything like competitive flat-turn capabilities w/r Spitfire, or even P-51.

That's all I'm saying here.

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
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Quote from: any number of idiots here
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Offline Stoney

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #204 on: April 08, 2010, 11:32:59 PM »
Its a G-3 model, as shown on the name of the link.  So basically, an A-5.
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


Offline thorsim

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #205 on: April 08, 2010, 11:48:18 PM »
odd they kept doing the comparative flight tests on the ground attack variants, you would think they would have captured some fighter variants by 44 ...

EDIT : i wonder if the quality and quantity of captured types for testing led to the differences between the
tendency for the very favorable RAF/VVS opinions of the 190s to be so much better in general than the USAAF/USN opinions ??? 

that and the lack of a real need to disassemble and reassemble the A/C for shipping ...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 12:08:08 AM by thorsim »
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

Offline Gaston

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #206 on: April 09, 2010, 01:09:21 AM »
  Quote, AAF EB-104 report: ". Elevator control forces are very heavy in a tight turn, requiring constant use of the elevator trim control."

   -This tells me the evaluation of a wide turning radius was, as usual, made at full power, and heavy elevator forces seem to mean above 250 MPH:

    Quote , PJ_Godzilla: "I would add this, however. It's probably worse than you posit. Why? a prop works to produce thrust by creating a press decrease on the forward surface and that goes something like the square of the velocity of the prop foil relative to the ambient air. Given that the top half is moving relative to free stream SLOWER, should you not also see an attendant thrust increase - due to increased prop alpha (alpha being the angle determined by the resultant of the sum of the forward velocity vector plus the rotational velocity vector  - at that radius point on the prop foil  - right, it increases as we travel toward the tips) on that half of the disk, thus making it's "pitch" (in the ac frame of ref - not prop pitch) rotation harder? If so, you'd also see decreased thrust on the lower half, since it's forward motion relative velocity is greater -thus making it's prop alpha smaller."

   Well, you have my congratulations sir, you are the FIRST to clearly agree with the basic premises of my theory (You probably don't agree about the short nose leverage theory, which I can accept is yet not an obvious certainty, but you do agree with the DOWTHROTTLING element helping in increasing the sustained low-speed turn rate if I understood you correctly)...

   AND, though I did not go down that line here, I have also explained it once with a similar content to what you just did: The prop's center of thrust MOVES into the upper disc half, which means the BOTTOM disc half LOSES thrust while the thrust in the upper half INCREASES...

   Since we now both agree that overcoming the prop's passive resistance to longitudinal twisting is a heavy burden, then it is not much of a stretch from now on to accept that overcoming it requires taxing the wing's available lift with a leverage force coming from the tail?

   Which does mean that lowering power will reduce the depressing force on the wing all by itself, not just as an aerodynamic byproduct of lowering the speed (this is why in combat accounts the turn rate benefit seems INSTANTANEOUS rather than delayed by the time it would take a heavy airplane to slow down), which is what is being tirelessly argued against me...

    Well I am glad I finally did not type all this for nothing! That we don't agree on the FW-190A's relative turn performance is not important: pilot accounts of the day all agree on its superiority to at least the Me-109, barring a handful of test pilots running things at full power...

    I'll add a few links for your perusal about the FW-190A issue:   "inevitably offers turning combat at a minimum speed"   Note the "interaction" of FW-190As and Me-109s...

    Turn times, a bit criptic, but having the FW at 19-23(?) s. minimum, vs 20.5 s. for the Me-109F and 22 s. for the Me-109G-2:

    FW-190A being indeed better turning, relatively, at speeds BELOW 250 MPH, and much worse above:  
    Note same crummy FW-190A high speed handling here, with on top of that the same "tendency to black-out the pilot" as link above, DESPITE "elongated" loop (a pitch-up stall-"mushing" towards the inside of the turn then outside, decelerating violently tail-down):

    FW-190A beating in sustained low altitude flat turns a Spitfire Mk V that is running at "wide-open throttle", WITH post-war hindsight:

    The FW-190A's character in turns is so contrasted from below 250 MPH to above 250 MPH that I think this is why its turn performance has remained so clouded to this day... Both good and bad qualifications can apply to the FW-190A's turn ability...

    Anyway, I am glad someone finally sees the prop effect I was refering to... You apology is well accepted! From the description you made of prop blades and their relative speed in the airflow, I would think you might be an engineer of some sort?




    FW-190A beating a Spitfire V running at full power in sustained low-altitude flat turns, and with post-war hindsight mind you...  



Offline Gaston

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #207 on: April 09, 2010, 01:18:03 AM »

   Never mind the misplaced last sentence: If I edit it out some of the the links will break...


Offline Karnak

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #208 on: April 09, 2010, 01:41:40 AM »
The Fw190 vs Spit V article you just posted has been discredited as a source for your claims on this very board in the past.  You have a lot of gumption and intellectual dishonesty to try to foist it again.
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Offline jdbecks

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Re: 190A5 vs 190A8
« Reply #209 on: April 09, 2010, 02:14:32 AM »

I'm starting to smell a "typical AH board troll" with the usual reading comprehension issues ...

Please do not resort to making personnel attacks on me, when I have not even came close to writing something that could offend you! when people start to resort to personnel attacks during discussions it shows nothing but a lack of respect and immaturity who do not hold any communication skills. The links I posted held way more information and data on the 190 flight tests than your link to a documentry.

The reason why I did not post much on the subject; is because my lack of knowledge on the topic..I just thought I would do some reaserch on an intersteting subject and to share my results with the rest of the community..I was fully aware that one of the reports was for the dora, but posted it anyway for gerneral interest.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 02:17:59 AM by jdbecks »

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