I have been playing AH2 for about 2 1/2 years now and as far as I can make out BnZ is my least favourite tactic.
I would like to say that its because I am a knight of the air and like to do battle with dignity but such is not the case. It is because it is just too difficult.
WW2 Aircraft have such low tolerance to speed and G-Force that with combat you only have one chance to pull off a succesful attack.
Now the ratio changes with the aircraft your flying, the P-51 seems to be the worst choice and yet it is used by so many for this purpose. It is an unstable firing platform and compresses easily. And if that werent enough the 50's do little damage unless a decisive burst finds its mark.
The Typhoon and Tempest are the best at this role, the Hispano cannons have brilliant ballistics and do tonnes of damage with just one hit and both aircraft have high tolerence to speed and G.
So with all this in mind, why do so many follow this tactic, well my response would be that they do not know the performance of their aircraft and the little tricks assocsiated with it to fight in a turn or E battle.
So it seems that the most difficult tactic is by far the easiest.
Any thoughts?