As far as the E6B command goes, I use my cursor alot as my pipper and it is annoying as hell to set up perfectly. When I have to, in mid flight, press H click E6B, do quick math, close E6B, close map, reposition cursor, a dot command sounds mighty fine.
The rearm reload idea I also like. lets face it, in real life, you land and say to the mechanic "Yo, gimme half a tank, gotta go CAP this field for ______" or what ever the case may be. For us 109 dweebs this is crucial cuz we might have brought 100 and only want 50 now. I like the idea.
For LUTE: Not sure what score has to do with rearming. I score potato like a mad man and don't rearm because of score. If anything rearming hurts your Kills/Time after all it IS quicker to tower than rearm. $.02