I'm mostly with you Kazaa.
+1 for SOME sort of glass canopy. Would prefer to have possibility of minor reflections and slight glass "tint". You can even tell you're looking out a car windshield due to dirt and stuff IRl.
+1 for improvement in clouds. Current clouds aren't bad looking at all until you get in close. Then it ain't so great. Would prefer volumetric clouds.
Also? Contrails, change in tracer glow and trails (they seem really big to me for some reason), improved fire and smoke. Shadowing and self-shadowing for objects (such as the Aircraft carrier, Hangars, Tower, etc).
And absolutely more difference between field type graphics. I'd love if small fields were little dirt runways, and large ones were the full paved ones we have now.
Oh, and USRanger's ports =)
Also, one last thing... bump mapping and environment mapping for aircraft and vehicles ;-). lol
This game actually has some very good graphics in it, but it seems like there's so many constricting decisions put on them, that it's really holding the game back from a visual standpoint. Some of the screens I've seen of terrains being made are amazing (the coral and "battleship alley" on one of Ranger's maps are GORGEOUS). I understand why some of those decisions have been made, but doesn't mean I can't wish for them to be relaxed one day.