I must admit, one can not truthfully depend on score here in Aces high......... not totally
for example: just last Friday Night then again Sunday Morning....... I was Private messaged (2) times, by 2 people I have never heard of calling a skilless noob, one time. the other time telling me I got lucky being a noob in a no skill needed flying plane
think I was in a P38, then an F4U1D then a P51 D then a F4U1? perhaps.... the Friday night fella, kept flaming away on open channel. you skilless this , skilless that... yet I had no score was just a big ol ZERO...
today ( Sunday Morning, I had an overall rank of like 1200+ and the Private Messanger calling me a noob......was ranked like 120 or 200 overall.... yet they see a very high rank numerically ( meaning poor flyer to them ). and think they can smack talk and thump their chest....
even had another low ranked ( as in low number rank ) tell me to let it go, ease off ..... I thought it was hilarious ....
one day people will learn that numbers do not mean anything except to maybe a person that is fooled by being ranked in the TOP 10
just have fun and fight. then if you get shot down , get another plane and ask the person that shot you down, what you did wrong..... it really is that simple.... and you might even will gain a new friend out of it, and maybe even learn why you got shot down and will learn to not get so upset as to have a dang excuse everytime you have to up a new plane again ..... ........
( just ranting a bit ) nothing serious........
still will say it again
Dud! one helluva a Good Post Opened/Started...... my apologys for messing it up and getting off track........ wished it was sticky'ed and locked right after you posted the first Post