auto angle level, then elevator trim to put the pipper in the centre of the target might be best. then you got the problem that you're in a slow descent so the target will be lower when the rounds hit it than when they leave the barrel.
basically this is going to be almost impossible to test accurately because the motion vector isnt the same as the sight line. the answers in the coad (hint hint
the first underlined part, I agree got to hold center of piper in the center of target before hitting Shift X ( Auto Angle ) but like I posted, that was a good handful of years ago, and I will not claim it to be better or worse tru or a myth, was just throwing it out there verse auto pilot ( X )
I love the 2nd underlined quoted part.....
as for testing all of these different guns & trajectory, convergence, etc.... Speed will play a part in every aspect...... is why I like when Baumer was posting the speeds he was at when firing at the Target...... to me this is very important, and the trajectory will ( should ) change through out the speed range example ( 125 IAS,, then 175 IAS, then 225 IAS, etc.up to 350 IAS ) but I have not seen anyone take testing that far into the matter in aces high though, but I trust HTC has coad'ed it to be in effect......